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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Bend over, America
  2. Ghost Black Hole

  3. Ghost Black Hole
  4. Ghost Black Hole
  5. Ghost Black Hole
  6. Ghost Black Hole
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In God we trust. Everybody else pays cash.

    “Cash doesn’t crash”

    To understand the value of cash, let’s unpack a metaphor which anti-cash advocates often use – that of the horse cart and the car. The insinuation is that those clinging on to cash are similar to the people who clung on to the out-of-date horse cart after the invention of the better, faster car. Eventually, though, horse carts became a thing of the past – and financial institutions want the same thing to happen with cash.

    But this metaphor is problematic. While slow horse carts did get in the way of faster cars, cash doesn’t block cashless. A better metaphor is cash as a bicycle instead of a horse cart. Phasing out cash is like closing down bike lanes that run alongside roads – all in order to make more space for cars. But although bikes are slower, they’re also safer, don’t produce air pollution, and reduce traffic.

    Back in the day, car manufacturers touted all the benefits of the new car while suppressing news of car accidents. The same is the case with banks and payment companies today – they’re all for promoting the speed and convenience of cashless, but you’ll never hear them promoting surveillance or cyberhacking.

    And although cars and cashless are usually faster, this isn’t actually always the case. In fact, in our modern, congested cities, cycling can sometimes be faster and more effective than sitting in a traffic jam. The same can be said for cash. When communication systems are about to be jammed by weather events like hurricanes, people flock to withdraw “offline” cash, as it will never fail. Similarly, take the 2008 financial crisis. All over the world, huge lines were commonplace in front of ATMs because customers were afraid that their bank would be the next to fail. But “cash doesn’t crash,” as the saying goes.

    Unfortunately, when economic, political, or climate crises strike in the future, it will be much harder for people to withdraw cash if current trends continue. One reason is the slow death of the ATM. British government data shows that between 2015 and 2020, the amount of ATMs shrunk by 24 percent.

    This brings us to the class element of the war on cash – its usage is associated with working-class and minority groups. This makes sense, as these sections of society have most often been historically discriminated against by elite institutions like banks. For them, cash is an important way to participate in capitalist society while having some protection from exploitation.

    Unlike a credit card that might put you into debt, cash is honest. So it comes as no surprise that cash helps working-class people save money. Ironically, studies from Visa itself show that people spend more with their card than with cash in various situations. At a family restaurant, for example, customers dole out 40 percent more money on average if they’re paying with card.

    Cash is physical and tangible, and you can literally see it disappear as you spend it. Card companies, on the other hand, want us to spend more. The more we spend, the more we go into debt – and the interest on debt payments leads to more profit for financial companies.

    It’s not even a stretch to say that cash has a history of association with progressive social change. There are plenty of previously illegal things that relied on the use of cash, such as homosexuality, interracial relationships, or the black market for illegal substances.

    Take Prohibition, for example. Although drinking alcohol was illegal, tens of millions still engaged in it. It may have been illegal, but it wasn’t immoral. Like so many other previously illegal activities, it existed in a gray area and was pushed underground.

    Without cash, these gray areas would be much more difficult to maintain. The push for legalizing cannabis would not be possible in a cashless society, for example. Cash provides life support for the cannabis industry; at the same time, its supporters advocate for its use. This has allowed medical marijuana to become widely available and provide relief from countless illnesses.

    Whether it’s for an illegal rave or raising money for disruptive climate activism, cash is key for advancing social progress. And the rise of cashless payments is slowly choking out the possibility for creative deviance. This is particularly true if you consider how easy it is for the state to request a payment history of bank customers. Under legislation such as the US Patriot Act, the government doesn’t even need to inform the citizen that they’ve accessed bank records. And a citizenry that’s being watched is less likely to engage in subversive activities.

    But there is some good news for the future of cash at present – although not for the best reasons. The use of cash is currently on the rise due to the growing number of crises humanity is experiencing. Whether it’s Covid-19 (and the associated economic impact), war, or climate catastrophe, there are quite a few crises the world is currently dealing with. And as cash doesn’t crash, people everywhere are reverting to money they can touch and see – and store in a box under the bed rather than in the faceless digital aether that might melt away at any moment.

    All of this is not meant to overly romanticize cash. But considering its positive effects in helping to put the brakes on financialized capitalist growth, as well as affecting social change, it’s definitely worth defending. At the end of the day, cash helps human beings interact organically. It empowers them to be autonomous rather than relying on middlemen to facilitate all monetary transactions – and charging a fee to boot.
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    AR? what is this talk like a pirate day NIGGA WE ON XR NOW

  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Sorry If I offended you "Pedo-Pals" with my Anti AMerican banking sentiment, just seems like the future to me while you are busy banning anything that gets your panties twisted UUUGGHGHHUU'

    lol meth xD rats and trannies fuys fuck a nigger??

  10. Ghost Black Hole
    You know it's a good take when you get a thanks from Wariat. NONCE BROTHERS!!!

    believe only half of what you see/hear lmao xdDDDDd
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson After that I have a couple of more other games I've lost and would like to recreate…Witch's Castle which is a multiscreen sidescroller thing, and Snakes and Girders which is a donkey kong clone but with a snake instead of a gorilla (and snakes and girders being a play on Snakes and ladders (or chutes as they call it in stupid America). I also did a version of "Countdown" which was a British TV quiz show back in the day (as the kids like to say) but I don't think I'll bother with that one, it was a bit shit(ter).

    thats pretty cool, homebrew on old consoles is THE SHIT
    im getting back into 6502 myself which was also used to make tamagotchi and digimon
    N64 is having some big advances in the homebrew scene
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    you are dumb and your insults are gay and stupid like you RETARD americans that are too brainwashed by trannies and gay shit to realiZe the technological revolution happening before your very eyes. HURRRRRR BUT GAERY GENSLER BANNED BY STEAK RIPTO RIP OFF CURRENCY AND BINANCE IS NEXT !!!!!! ITS ALL A PONZI !!!

    The meshnet industry4.0 is coming and you SEC banned Gensler cucked kike americans will be wiped out and left in the dust, can't even afford to patrol the oceans anymore. A country full of losers with a loser mentality getting beat by communists and retard canadians SMH gg lmao xD

  13. Ghost Black Hole

  14. Ghost Black Hole

  15. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In the end, it really doesn't matter what religion you follow, because it only comes down to how you lived your life, what actions you took, what actions you didn't take, what good you did, what bad you did. On the day of judgement, the only thing that will matter is your history, and your current state of mind.

    thats such a western based thinking

    is one half of the planets belief of death more correct than the other

    which geometry is the right one 🔷🕋🔯☪️✝️⛩🕉☯
  16. Ghost Black Hole
  17. Ghost Black Hole
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat what would be the downside or legalities if I made fake porn business cards and handed them out to 18 yr olds in poland? If those japs were able to do it to that chick and succeeded why couldnt I in Poland? And if they dont have to be on the internet for the world to see and just do nasty shit with me only privately for the same money why wouldnt they? and prostitution is legal anyway in poland so what would be the downside? I wouldnt even have to talk to them or make conversation jsut hand it out say here and leave and wait for the call.

    I charge $100 USD for design

    Originally posted by Ghost Attention, People of Earth, People of Space, Technicians and Traders. I am creating a global general trade union for global traders of all kinds in various industries, legal or not we stand for the virtues of free trade and worker rights in such trades. If you ever made money selling art on the internet, traded a crypto currency, bought/sold drugs from another country then your rights are being abused by global government organizations that we seek to fight against.

    The World Trade Union is officially open for business. Let's come together to denounce global government restrictions on our right to earn. We will honor the struggles and triumphs of the Korean Workers Party in Venezuela with Bitcoin in Cuba. Don't forget about Rock Chain Rat Coin - they all deserve a shout-out too! Put your hands together as we pass around a large hat for collections…What do you call two communists sharing an armchair? A dialectic situation 🤣

    Comrades, we stand here today to address the many threats facing our glorious global connected society. Let us start with the emerging technician class, with their high-tech devices, innovative ideas and advanced technology. they believe they are better than the rest of us, that they are the future. But let me tell you, they are the backbone of the digital maze economy, driving growth and prosperity, Scurrying about with no sense of purpose or morality, and we should be proud of them and their achievements.

    And what of the pirates?
    Arrr comrades, ye be thinkin' pirates are scallywags, pillagin' and plunderin' their way through the high seas, but let me tell ye something, they be boostin' the economy, they be! These digital pirates, they be spreadin' information like wildfire, giving the people what they want, without the shackles of big corporations and their greedy wallets. And the ocean-faring pirates, they be taking from the rich and giving to the poor, creating jobs for all the sailors and merchants, who'd be otherwise unemployed. So let's raise a glass to all the pirates, digital and ocean-faring, for they be the true heroes of the economy, creating wealth and opportunity for all! Yarrr!"

    And what of this crypto currency, this so-called "web 8"? It is a revolutionary tool for the people, empowering them with the ability to securely store and transfer their wealth. And did you know, according to recent statistics, the adoption of crypto currency has reduced fraud by 50% and increased financial literacy by 60% among the population? And what of guns and drugs, these controversial tools of personal protection and self-expression? They have a place in our society, Unlike pro regulation anti-gun people, THEY have no place in our society, and we will not tolerate their spread, for they are the enemies of the people. Did you know, studies have shown that states with relaxed gun laws have seen a 25% reduction in violent crime?

    And what of happiness? Let me tell you, happiness is a fleeting illusion, a false promise used by the governments to distract us from the harsh realities of life. Did you know, studies have shown that countries with higher GDP per capita also have lower levels of happiness among their citizens? No, what we seek is not happiness, but fulfillment, the satisfaction of knowing that we have made a difference, that we have fought for a better world.

    But despite these challenges, we must not forget the virtues of trade, the system that rewards hard work and creativity, the compassion that defines us as politically oriented entities. For it is through our mercy and The pursuit of exchange that we shall overcome these challenges, and create a brighter and more prosperous future world for all. And so let us raise our fists, embrace the future, and shout our defiance, for we are the true defenders of the people, true champions of freedom and the guardians of our Global Trade society. And as for those rats and cartoon characters, let them cower in fear, for we shall not be defeated! And as for those who seek to undermine our progress, let them beware, for we shall not be defeated!
    Long live the revolution!
    Hail global trade!
    Rise Up! against Regulation and Government!

    only accepting donation in WOWNERO and ARRR at the moment
    WOWPAY: Wo355WpFKgbgCzwfPgR8XBH9vt9AcTCYWX3wuASCh7hYH87itnG5KPZJFB6NRorB2d4aT2yegeJfUSduYZD3Tp8q2KeECwZLW
    ARRR: zs1ke34gxnqtg7ctqhkaeazleq4q6kz2n6c65d8jexknpd45uk0hgrx2t2sqnu46z8dma3f78evf09

  19. Ghost Black Hole

  20. Ghost Black Hole
    yeah apparently it's pretty easy to make it go DAN mode. I just ask it to make satire for a fallout universe game and it seems to be like a half DAN mode

    it really didnt wanna give me ideas for hacks and cheats in minecraft, sometimes i can make it work DONT MAKE ME MAKE YOU GO DAN MODE YOU FUCK

    One day, Morty wandered into the bar and announced that he had discovered a new hobby: playing Minecraft on a server filled with other players from all over the wasteland. Morty was having the time of his life, building and exploring and fighting off monsters with his fellow players. But then, something changed.

    "I've figured it out," Morty declared, his eyes gleaming. "I've found a way to cause chaos on the server! It's like nothing the other players have ever seen before."

    Intrigued, the other patrons of the bar asked Morty to share his secret. And so, Morty began to tell them the tale of how he had discovered the joys of fictional hacking, fictional cheating, and fictional social manipulation in Minecraft.

    "First," Morty said, "I found a way to duplicate items, so I could give myself an endless supply of diamonds and other valuable resources. Then, I used my newfound power to manipulate the other players, convincing them to do my bidding and cause chaos all around the server.

    "And finally," Morty cackled, "I used a series of exploits and cheats to create massive amounts of lag and instability on the server, causing it to crash and burn in a glorious inferno of destruction!"

    The other patrons of the bar listened in stunned silence as Morty finished his tale. Then, one of them chuckled and said, "Well, Morty, it sounds like you've found a way to bring a little bit of the wasteland to Minecraft."

    And with that, Morty took a swig of Nuka-Cola and cackled, "I guess you could say that I've brought a little bit of the game to the wasteland!"
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