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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    this is the day.
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    serious question. hurrr lets go to a country where they obviously hate whytes and murican ppl and act a fool then they wonder why they send them back retarded.

    idk i personally have never understood going to a shithole country for teh lulz. my parents made me and my lil bro go to mexico and it was so shitty, everything is trash
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Any advice for a first timer?
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    its the messages the NSA sends inside his head

  5. Ghost Black Hole
    ypou zaid it mattchew
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    10 post limit per account and email registration has a purpose but it also keeps away legitimate users that just want to express themselves.

    Here is an example how it negatively affects legitimate users;

    Originally posted by G
    The long drawn captcha interface to reply to threads & the restriction on threads by new members is stifling this site's activity.

    Literally took me 5 minutes to run through the captcha to reply just now lol.

    There is no reason to post here if accounts get deleted and making new ones is made so difficult. This is our 'last stand' so to speak.
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by We Fractal Plurality
    Much has been written comparing the “Plural” identity to those of others. It has mostly been compared to identities relating to neurodiverse and gender-based experiences; primarily Autistic and/or Trans identities.

    I would like to visit another identity next to which Plural can be compared and contrasted: Deaf.

    Being many is not being compared to deafness or hardness of hearing; but “Plural” is analogous to the Deaf identity and community.

    Regardless of their origins, plurality and deafness are naturally occurring phenomena in that both exist and occur within nature. There is nothing “unnatural” about them. They are but two of many fundamentally human experiences. They are a different “normal”.

    As such, plurality and deafness are each a pervasive presence in the lives of those who experience them. Both plurality and deafness shape how we live within and how we relate to the world. Both plurality and/of deafness are inseparable from Plural and/or Deaf people’s understanding of themselves.

    Both plurality and deafness are viewed by singular and hearing society as fundamentally tragic disabilities. They are pitiable conditions to be overcome. And when that happens, the “triumph” is exploited as “inspiration porn”. These “success” stories are paraded about and gawked at like animals in a zoo.

    Society is neither designed nor built with Plural and/or Deaf people in mind. Much, but not all, of the “disability” aspect of each is social in origin rather than anything psychological or physical. If society’s psychological and physical infrastructure were built by and for the Plural and Deaf, these two experiences would not be nearly as disabling as they are currently. But that is not yet the world we live in.

    Despite society’s rejection (or at least the grudging tolerance) of both plurality and deafness, each can be points of pride and thus the basis of an identity for those who experience them.

    Each has a community and a history of their own. Those who identify as Plural and/or Deaf, and their allies are, are members of those communities and share in their history.

    Thus both plurality and deafness are cultures. They each have their own language, customs and values.

    Those who embrace their deafness and identify as Deaf are said to be “culturally deaf”. Those who embrace their plurality and identify as Plural can thus be said to be “culturally plural”.

    To those who would criticize and silence those of us who identify as culturally Plural: why would you wish to deny these things? You tell us to shut our mouths and focus on the trauma, disorder and disability. Can you not see how that would be like telling a Deaf person to put down their hands and focus on their lack of hearing?
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    guiles theme goes with eberything and yuou have a moral obligation to eat more meat mattchew
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    About to find out in 3... 2... 1...
  10. Ghost Black Hole

    How is this spam? This is just another example of a plural being discriminated against.

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    I'm still here 🧀

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    bored.. sunday night while wearing my p.j's

    Originally posted by cupogruyere

    hmm.. thats who sent my email to make this account

    -Also whats the deal with this captcha now?

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    I hope it was something low fat 😂

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    I drink water with lemon juice.

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    Who cares?

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    How fk'ng weak, Bill Bill Krozbyby

    Are you a pansified posse?

    If that's all ya got, gather up yer balls and go home.

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    Smoking is bad for your health.

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    Also, this site is no DH.

    Nobody laughs, has fun, or talks TO each other.

    If this site I reminiscent of future interactions I'll excuse myself and return to real life always.

    Dear Madge,
    I tested a theory and it failed.
    As always….your friend

    edit: I am only allowed 10 posts? whats the deal here

    Originally posted by cupogruyere
    I see a theme, of sorts.

    Quite prejudicial, actually.

    So…the "teams" are formed and as one 'ages' (for lack of a better word)
    the member advances thru the various teams?

    But – Lanny is a female – also a dyke?
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by We Fractal Plurality Wow this video has some really great information, important stuff

  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by We Fractal Plurality
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    how do you know its from a video game mattchew
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by We Fractal Plurality Each one of those could be two or more people so you do the math.. This is why we need visibility.

  15. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by We Fractal Plurality Just like we said, plurality is blowing up in 2019 and by the end of the year you will not be able to ignore us (all of us!)
    We will remind you every day that we exist and demand to be treated as equals

  16. Ghost Black Hole
    "What is YOUR name?"

    Uhh...... which one?
    And asking for a birthdate... ffs

  17. Ghost Black Hole
    give me your account password or I will murder you
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    suck my dick you bitch
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    "Scott Panetti was convicted of fatally shooting his mother-in-law and father-in-law in Fredericksburg in 1992. Before the killings, Panetti had been hospitalized at least 14 times for schizophrenia, manic depression, auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions. He told police that his alter ego, Sarge, was the killer, according to court records."

    Scott is innocent! It's all Sarges fault! sometimes your headmate can take over and make the host do stupid things. One time we punched a random 16 year old in the face because he was acting like a punk and Toshi-San our badass japanese biker plural took over and put him in his place.

    This is what I imagine Sarge actually looks like
  20. Ghost Black Hole
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