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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    keep muh rat bussy out ya mouth , faggotzzzz
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Y’all losers really sitting your asses up in here all summer ?

    What a bummer..I’ll post a video of me passing a shadow blunt by the blood pond..that’ll have to hold you stalkererz over until I get back

    Haxxoer/Kafka/Jiggabo you’re the biggest faggots in the world ..thinking your fruity azz matters ? Boy bye

    I told y’all niggas im in hell I rode the DH bus and bing chilling with the homies while yall haterz obsessez with me like a bunch of no life stalkerz

    summer vacation vibez yall sad assez
    the stalker fanclub persists while I bee chillen out chere

    Originally posted by Pete Green did he died?

    thought you were leaving

    Originally posted by Haxxor Not sure why you’re up his (scrons) ass but…

    You obviously missed the thousands of obsessed stalking crap his hundred alts have made directed jiggles way. We factor in his meth induced brain damage and laugh everything he says off.

    Consider the source 🙄

    nice how you log in only to stalk me KAFKA lol consider the source you literally make entire troves of alts beacause yourse in love with me, a retard, which is more pathetic than anything i could hope to accomplish, I never made alts about you faggots, nobody ever would cuz yall dont matter. HAPPY SUMMER, LOSERS

    Originally posted by Michael Myers Why are you so mean to Ghost? What did he do to you?

    wow look who shows up right when im on summer vacation and all the stalkers r out in full force and of course you have nothing to provide but more drama fuel. I'm here in HELL partying with kafka while your virgin incel ass gets to party with haxxor who is a Dh'er with 10 year oldje tattoos that are wrinkly af, NASASTY id rather kill myself than lose muh virhinity to dat

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Your brain has been scrambled, drop on hairy carpet, stepped on by the dog, swept out the door, kicked in the weeds, and eaten by a shithawk.

    sophies bar is way moe lit than you GAY NIGHTCLUB
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Xlite Klaus is a villain of the modern age, along with the likes of gates, soros, kissinger, rothschild etc.

    He's the man behind ESG and Netzero. He pretends to be under the impression that the world is ending due to manmade climate change, and so he will do his best to implement draconian measures. Such as the mass killing of cattle, burning of farms, limit import/export etc. Basically everything thats known to pollute is going to be removed. Refer to the netzero pic i posted earlier.

    Implementing these changes will result in mass starvation, riots, and civil war. This is a part of the plan. They will continue to depopulate with man made diseases, vaccines, mrna modified foods, starvation, wars. There's a few billion people too many, says klaus.

    WEF, WHO, DOJ, DOD, CIA, FBI, EMA, FDA, etc. All work in collaboration to promote the agenda.
    Next thing coming up in europe is WHO's vaccine passport which is the foundation for the implementation of a social credit score system. Look at china. Thats pretty much how the west will end up.

    If you want to picture the future..
    Imagine a boot.. stamping on a human face… Forever.

    why do you think I use bitcoin, don't pay taxes, do cocaine and want to burn society. It's all gay, you're all fags. HURRR DURR PAY YOUR FAIR SHARE BE A PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF SOCIETY

    like... no... NO I want to be the architect of your destruction, fuck all those agencies, and every law. Feel free to have your own vaccine economy and you are free to either deal with me or not, SEC is banning crypto very soon they are taking binance to court

    you are not allowed to control your own money, the fact that 100% of employers are unable to pay you or operate without cowing to this system of bank control is like the final nail that does your ead' in. There is no crawling out from under it, uynless of course you just tell society to fuck off

    literally 1984 people will call you a nigger and hate you for not being part of the machine, I don't care, ban me, kick me out, make me live in the woods, I'll build my own electricity from nukes, i'll save the planet and then wipe every last one of you fuckers out with a bioweaponm, fuck the UN, legalize sarin

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny at least tell us what kind of boot.

    safety boots ? cowboy boots ? combatt boots ?

    I prefer rubber boots to wade through the waste of society with

    rober boots
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    I need this account to have a post ending in an 8

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I used to chase the older women when I lived in crackshack ville I would develop these romantic crushes on single moms in their late 30s or 40s or even older sometimes and just the idea of being the "big dawg" for them and yeah it would be awkward for the kids maybe, I was a known drug person that worked at the gardening store but not like LOL STONER xD but more like that guy knows how to keep his mouth shut

    I had a little bit going for me. My boss at work (I also had a crush on her) would tell me that this womans husband left her because she changed her thing on facebook to say "interested in guys AND girls" and he was like "I AINT MARRYING A HOMO!!!" and literally divorced her and took her to court for the kids. she was depressed and hit up my manager on facebook asking to hang out and she was making fun of her.

    I saw her online dating profile a few months later and wanted to message her but wasn't sure I would get a reply. it was a small town and there was a big age difference but she was really cute and seemed sad. I have a thing for cute sad bisexual girls.

    ALso my boss I probably could have dated her if I stayed in that town a bit longer but I was young couldn't just huff paint thinner in the mountains all day had to go back to the city back to real reality and after I left I learned she got dumped and was asking about me. It's not impossible it's just difficult in my experience

    good luck! I have always gone for older girls when I was 18 the alcohol age was 20 where I lived but the girl I dated was 23 :)

    also dated a 27 year old when I was 17 oOOOOOO she called me daddy
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    having your girl spend time with another girl is sexy af wtf is butt doing . Guys that get jealous of their girlfriend lesbianing out are fucking cucks im sorry but for people that aren't disgusted by it GOOD LUCK TRYING TO EVER MAKE IT HAPPEN the stars never align for me

    my friend is like this he is like "oh my wife told me shes bi, time to break up with her now"

    like okay I get it gay people are wrong and evil but seriously? It's that much of an issue for some guys that they will divorce a woman over it, i've seen bicurious women get divorced and it's like damn dude you could fuck them both like a haram

    but I mean I guess there are girls that would probably stab me with a ballpoint pen without thinking twice so to each their own. It's like the "can't have male friends" thing like honestly who the fuck cares , wanting to police another persons social life sounds cringe

  6. Ghost Black Hole

    fuck dalle cant even make 8bit 1bit pixel art sprite graphics lol okay
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It was in answer to your incredulous claim you didn't know about Klaus Schwab's book.

    Originally posted by Obbe Who's that, someone else you're scared of?

    Klaus Schwab is right. No I don't care about the WEF or the conspiracy theory that he is a communist. He's actual as jedi as all get out and has a more advanced view of economy that you left/right simpletons can't even begin to grasp

    If you only heard of him through "The great reset own nothing" or WEF 15 minute city stuff, then you probably don't understand Klaus Schwabs message and idea, he is far from a globalist. He is a future thinker that can see past money, past societies broken answers to issues like trade and investing.

    Basically his mindset it in the future space post scarcity economy while the current left/right capitalist/communist that can't even agree if the earth is flat/round and warming or cooling

    meanwhile People like Klaus are building the future of tomorrow. No, not 15 minute cities and owning nothing, but systems and

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Klaus Schwab was right. Stock markets, fiat, crypto and gold are all going to become worthless.

    The only thing that will be worth anything is ENERGY and DATA and not OIL STOCKS or A BARREL OF OIL but HOW POWERFUL YOUR NETWORK IS and THE DATA INSIDE THAT NETWORK.

  8. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Yeah and niggas call themselves niggas…but you go in the hood and try calling them niggas…

  9. Ghost Black Hole
    why is chris chan on your money

    Originally posted by Lavender Squad

    your money is ugly and useless and can be used to snort cocaine. Mine cannot be used to snort cocaine but you can use it to buy cocaine

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    Token Name: ⱤATCOIN
    Symbol: ⱤAT
    Total Supply: 100,000,000
    Chain: Binance Smart Chain
    Token Smart Contract Address: 0x1eC9850899C0EcE2f8ac597a20e536Cb1b2B8dCe
    Supply Model: deflationary

    People are introducing new ideas in the world of ryptocurrencies. The popularity of digital currencies is increasing very rapidly. In the era of great competition, ⱤATCOIN has introduced a unique idea. ⱤATCOIN is presenting a platform to implement a ryptocurrency donation processor for many other cryptos, ryptos and the native currency of ⱤATCOIN will be able to be donated. ⱤATCOIN will strive to provide utility for the token in many ways such as the ⱤATCOIN donation platform/Nft Marketplace/ⱤATCOIN Crash Game and much more. An addition to the utility we will create for the token we have also implemented a Buyback feature on the smart contract which is able to automatically buyback the ⱤATCOIN token and burn it.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    Liquidity has been added to ⱤATCOIN and it is approved for exchange on

    for 0.001648 BNB you get 103 ⱤAT. This is the currency of the future folx get in now and the gains will be MASSIVE
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    you mean soccer?
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The stars that make palladium are relatively rare and very very MASSIVE. Know this Helium is 2 in Atomic Number . 4 in atomic weight while palladium is 46 om atomic number, 106.42.

    The stars that can Palladium is many orders of magnitude greater than our sun.

    The Noble Elements are chemically intert or inactive especially toward oxygen. Platinum is the most noble of the metals. That is only part of the story, of these rare metals, it takes massive transfers of energy to make such high numbered (Atomic Number and Atomic Weight) elements Energy transfers far beyond anything we know

    The Energy to create the elements of the Platinum metal Group is so far beyond our technology. Fusion and Fission all we can do in Fusion which creates Heavier Elements is Hydrogen to Helium - the Energies required for lets say Platinum is beyond our imagination.
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    That got shut down years ago
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka This looks do-able. Ig I could build things but it'd be stressful and a hassle, never intuitive and there would be accidents.

    the fuck are you gonna do with a windmill, charge your phone on a mechanical inverter?


  14. Ghost Black Hole
    I knew survivalists that build their own potatable water systems, heating, etc. Didn't sound very fun but I suppose survival isn't supposed to be, they were in their own world totally happy normal people though and not like BREAK THE BANK BIG TEK HIPPIES. I never meet anyone like that anymore.

    REAL survivalists not this fake buy a bunch of boner pills and a tub of whey protein from THISISYOURLASTCHANCEAMERICA.COM, hit up the costco and bury some RV's for a ez bunker

    even homesteading a wood shack and not being harassed by the goberment and wildlife would be a life investment. But let us take a stroll through to the untamed newly settled pre WW2 southern USA with wild kuzdu slowly taking over evertything. This actually makes building your own plumbing system seem kinda chill

    After two weeks we had a new porch and an adjoining
    bathroom. Then the two of us dug a trench to Vonray Keith's spring
    some 500 feet away. It went up and down hills, around trees and
    large boulders, through clay, limestone, and low thickets occupied by
    water moccasins and rattlesnakes. Fortunately, they were as afraid of
    us as we were of them. Stokes would curse softly when a blackberry
    vine raked his hide, or he tripped over a fallen limb, or stepped in a

    Neither Stokes nor I were good at cutting and threading pipe.
    By this time the plant had purchased Charlie Stork's old Sunshine
    Laundry truck, and I used it to bring equipment and supplies. It was
    sturdy enough to carry soil pipe and terra cotta for the drainage lines.
    The truck had a defective tail pipe, so I accumulated a fair amount of
    carbon monoxide each day on my way to the lake. There I cut and
    threaded pipe under the instruction of my mentor. Later I put in soil
    lines and filled the trenches with porous boiler ash, nested in the
    terra cotta and put on a top layer of ash, or cinders as Stokes called it.
    Then I topped the trench with the same dirt I had shoveled out and
    tamped everything down with my feet
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ok, hkw about assertive talks ?

    there are other lady here to talk to fucking simp
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    ropes of cum
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    I'm starting a software company, learn BASIC or SCRATCH i might have something for you
  18. Ghost Black Hole
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    what kind of software and languages are used by these framework diagrams;

    Use Case Diagram - show actors (people or other users of the system), use cases (the scenarios when they use the system), and their relationships
    • Class Diagram - show classes and the relationships between them
    Sequence Diagram - show objects and a sequence of method calls they make to other objects.
    Collaboration Diagram - show objects and their relationship, putting emphasis on the objects that participate in the message exchange
    State Diagram - show states, state changes and events in an object or a part of the system
    • Activity Diagram - show activities and the changes from one activity to another with the events occurring in some part of the system
    Component Diagram - show the high level programming components (such as KParts or Java Beans).
    • Deployment Diagram - show the instances of the components and their relationships.
    Entity Relationship Diagram - show data and the relationships and constraints between the data.

    The diagrams you mentioned are typically used in software design and development, and they can be created using various software tools and programming languages. Here are some commonly used tools and languages:

    Use Case Diagram: The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a popular tool used to create use case diagrams. UML tools such as Visual Paradigm, Lucidchart, and provide templates and stencils to create use case diagrams.

    Class Diagram: UML is also commonly used for creating class diagrams. Languages such as Java, C++, and Python are often used to implement the classes in the diagram.

    Sequence Diagram: UML tools like those mentioned above can also be used to create sequence diagrams. Languages such as Java, C++, and Python are used to implement the methods called by the objects.

    Collaboration Diagram: UML tools can also create collaboration diagrams. Programming languages like Java and C++ are used to implement the objects and their relationships.

    State Diagram: UML tools such as and Lucidchart can be used to create state diagrams. Programming languages like Java, C++, and Python are used to implement the object's states and state transitions.

    Activity Diagram: UML tools like Visual Paradigm can be used to create activity diagrams. Programming languages like Java, C++, and Python are used to implement the activities and events.

    Component Diagram: UML tools such as Visual Paradigm and can be used to create component diagrams. Programming languages such as Java and C++ are used to implement the components.

    Deployment Diagram: UML tools like Visual Paradigm can be used to create deployment diagrams. Programming languages such as Java and C++ are used to implement the components and their relationships.

    Entity Relationship Diagram: Software tools such as MySQL Workbench and Lucidchart can be used to create entity relationship diagrams. Programming languages such as SQL are used to implement the data and constraints.

    which of those should I start with?

    The diagram that you should start with depends on the specific needs and requirements of the project you are working on. Here is a brief overview of each diagram and some scenarios where it might be useful:

    Use Case Diagram: Use case diagrams are helpful when defining the requirements of a software system. You can start with a use case diagram to identify the actors, use cases, and relationships involved in the system.

    Class Diagram: Class diagrams are useful for designing the structure of a software system. You can start with a class diagram to identify the main classes of the system and their relationships.

    Sequence Diagram: Sequence diagrams are helpful for visualizing the interactions between objects in a software system. You can start with a sequence diagram to identify the methods called by objects and the order in which they are called.

    Collaboration Diagram: Collaboration diagrams are similar to sequence diagrams but emphasize the relationships between objects. You can start with a collaboration diagram to identify the objects involved in a system and their relationships.

    State Diagram: State diagrams are useful for modeling the behavior of objects or parts of a system. You can start with a state diagram to identify the different states that an object or part of the system can be in and the transitions between them.

    Activity Diagram: Activity diagrams are helpful for modeling the workflows and processes of a system. You can start with an activity diagram to identify the different activities involved in a process and the order in which they occur.

    Component Diagram: Component diagrams are useful for designing the high-level architecture of a software system. You can start with a component diagram to identify the main components of the system and their relationships.

    Deployment Diagram: Deployment diagrams are helpful for designing the physical deployment of a software system. You can start with a deployment diagram to identify the components and their relationships in a distributed system.

    Entity Relationship Diagram: Entity relationship diagrams are useful for designing the data model of a software system. You can start with an entity relationship diagram to identify the entities, attributes, and relationships involved in the data model.

    In summary, the diagram you should start with depends on the specific needs and requirements of your project. If you are unsure where to start, you can begin with a use case diagram to define the requirements of the system and then move on to other diagrams as needed.
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    Ask it how they knew the temperature 1000 years ago and how is it warming unless you have a complete full chart of temperature which didn't even exist in any form until late 1500's and if tracking "global temperature" after/during the industrial revolution would skew this data at all
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