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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina promotional material.

    "is confident, expects, hopes".

    the article serves to advertise and convimce potential stake holder that eth is not a security and therefore shall not be regulated and taxed as one.

    nothing about worth or value.

    the onlyfans of financial world.

    it's about an SEC ruling you fucking idiot
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    This stuff is very easy to make. I am studying all the precursors and this is almost scary how simple it is. Very little use of toxic , dangerous or restricted chemicals. The most difficult part would be the multi step production and nitration but a lot of it could be skipped if you can source certain things and skip steps

    It would be impossible to completely prevent someone from making their own precursor from common chemicals like ammonia, phenol, benzene.
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    there is a pretty clear difference but most of crypto is infected with marketing literature, it's impossible to avoid but that doesn't mean there isn't real cryptography science. What is the literature talking about.

    It's sad that the market is all sillycoon valley and banks and regulators but it is what it is. The technology will resist them all
  4. Ghost Black Hole

    Blockchain startup Ripple is confident U.S. banks and other financial institutions in the country will start showing interest in adopting XRP

    in cross-border payments after a landmark ruling determined the token was not, in itself, necessarily a security.

    The San Francisco-based firm expects to start talks with American financial firms about using its On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) product, which uses XRP for money transfers, in the third quarter, Stu Alderoty, Ripple’s general counsel, told CNBC in an interview last week.

    Last week, a New York judge delivered a watershed ruling for Ripple determining that XRP, a cryptocurrency Ripple is closely associated with, in itself was “not necessarily a security on its face,” contesting, in part, claims from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission against the company.

    Ripple has been fighting the SEC for the past three years over allegations from the agency that Ripple and two of its executives conducted an illegal offering of $1.3 billion worth via sales of XRP. Ripple disputed the claims, insisting XRP cannot be considered a security and is more akin to a commodity.

    Ripple’s business suffered as a result, with the company losing at least one customer and investor. MoneyGram, the U.S. money transfer giant, ditched its partnership with Ripple in March 2021.

    Meanwhile, Tetragon, a U.K.-based investor that previously backed Ripple, sold its stake back to Ripple after unsuccessfully trying to sue the company to redeem its cash.

    Asked whether the ruling meant that American banks would return to Ripple to use its ODL product, Alderoty said: “I think the answer to that is yes.”

    Ripple also uses blockchain in its business to send messages between banks, kind of like a blockchain-based alternative to Swift.

    “I think we’re hopeful that this decision would give financial institution customers or potential customers comfort to at least come in and start having the conversation about what problems they are experiencing in their business, real-world problems in terms of moving value across borders without incurring obscene fees,” Alderoty told CNBC Friday.

    “Hopefully this quarter will generate a lot of conversations in the United States with customers, and hopefully some of those conversations will actually turn into real business,” he added.
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina

    then why the crypto community still keep appraising the worth of their digital "currency" in fiat metrics.

    because the market values crypto as an asset, a security or investment. Crypto and fiat are completely incompatible so it makes sense that fiat would just slap a "price" on 1 BTC as if it were a pound of wheat or gold, that makes sense it's a market answer and as a bitcoin user myself since the very start I have sold thousands of dollars worth. I currently own $1000 USD "worth" of bitcoin and I need the money so I am willing to sell it for that price.

    But if I could just take that BTC to a store and pay them an amount which would be entirely independently determined by the bitcoin network and what a vendor is willing to trade a good for any amount of BTC and there would be no cashing out to an exchange for fiat.

    I would pay lets say 0.005 BTC and a small network fee to send the coin to the vendor instantly by scanning my phone and the trade would be done, no need for a bank or anything. It's a superior technology which is why fiat values it so highly

    Bitcoin is so advanced that people even use the network to mint NFT's.
    Impact of Bitcoin Ordinals

    The impact of Bitcoin Ordinals is best illustrated through the division it has created among Bitcoin users. This new functionality on Bitcoin has sparked a heated debate among users who have differing opinions on whether Ordinals are beneficial for the network.

    Some supporters argue that Ordinals are an innovative and elegant way to make Bitcoin more sustainable over the longer term by creating more demand for block space, because Bitcoin will eventually lose its block rewards and become completely reliant on transaction fees for miner revenue. They also say that Ordinals attract new developers and users who were previously more interested in other non-Bitcoin crypto projects.

    Advocates also claim that Ordinals are more secure, decentralized, and censorship-resistant than traditional NFTs, which rely on third-party platforms and intermediaries.

    However, some critics contend that Ordinals are a misuse of the Bitcoin network and a waste of its scarce resources. They point to the large amount of data associated with Ordinal inscriptions and the increased demand for block space, which could lead to higher fees and congestion on the network.78

    Additionally, they question the legality and ethics of Ordinals, which could be used to conduct scams on the blockchain by issuing fraudulent assets. It is also argued that Ordinals aren’t compatible with the original vision and design of Bitcoin, which is meant to be a P2P electronic cash system.
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    the fiat money supply is completely made up fake bullshit which is why crypto just ignores it
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    the 'worth' of BTC is arbitrary

    You are just a slave to the system

  8. Ghost Black Hole

    Deflation in Bitcoin

    The nature of deflation in Bitcoin contains two primary rules:

    Only a total of 21 million coins will be issued
    Every four years there is a 50% reduction of the bitcoin reward that the miners receive for the validation of the blocks. This reduction is called halving.

    In addition to this, it must be taken into account that both hoarding and adoption by users keep the value increasing.
    Limited money supply

    The first great factor that influences the fact that bitcoins increase in value is in the limitation of the issue of the money supply (total amount of bitcoins that will exist) and in the halving process. These two elements cause the amount of total digital coins that can be distributed to be finite and the coin release to be automatically adjusted every four years. This makes the process transparent and implies an increase in value because every 10 minutes there are fewer coins that will reach the market. This is a clear example of deflation in Bitcoin.
    Progressive emission reduction

    At bitcoin mining process there are some norms that establish the consensus that all miners and nodes. involved respect. The Bitcoin blockchain requires miners for the validation of the transactions and the generation of the blocks, and it also requires nodes to verify the transactions by grouping them into blocks. Block that are then stored and disseminated throughout the network. Mining is encouraged by two factors: transaction fees and reward for generating the blocks.

    When it's made a transaction with bitcoins (and with practically the majority of cryptocurrencies on the market) in addition to the amount that is sent to the recipient, an amount is marked that is the commission that the miner who validates the transaction in question will keep.

    Additionally, miners receive a reward for validating transactions and creating blocks. Each of these blocks includes a certain number of new bitcoins that are put into circulation to exchange or store.

    This form of issuance is programmed to gradually reduce the amount of bitcoins that are issued or discovered in each new block. In the Bitcoin code it is established that every 210.000 blocks, the amount of bitcoins emitted in each block will be reduced by 50% in a process that, as we have already mentioned, is called halving.

    So every ten minutes a certain amount of bitcoins are injected into the network, which is adjusted every four years. This is until 2140, which will be when this bitcoin release process is finished. It will be at that time when the miners will be supported solely by the commissions of the transactions.
    Energy consumption

    Another important factor is in the energy consumption necessary to keep the blockchain and security in the Bitcoin network. Miners and nodes have the incentive to maintain the network for the reward that they receive fixed every 10 blocks that varies every four years. So they are compensated by the energy, computational and temporal cost for these operations.

    When there is no compensation for this work, or rather it is no longer profitable, miners and nodes could stop working on transaction validation and network stability.

    This is best understood with an example. We have a bricklayer who goes to a house to reform a room. The bricklayer has material costs, physical labor costs and it will take him a while to complete this work. When the work is done, you will present us with an invoice that will consider these factors and logically will report a certain economic benefit.

    Miners do the same, but digitally. And the moment they do not receive a financial consideration that meets their needs and gives a return, they will stop working to maintain the network.

    Thus the value of the bitcoins can only increase if the value of these increases. For example, a box of cookies that costs € 1, will cost less in bitcoins if the price of these increases. Although its price in fiat money does not suffer any variation.
    Bitcoins acquisition

    The value of bitcoins is also influenced by adoption and its hoarding or saving. Miners typically sell the amount of bitcoins needed to cover the fundamental costs: electricity, maintenance, and new equipment. The rest can be stored with the intention of selling it in the future, when the value of the bitcoins grows.

    Let's take as an example the first time it was paid with bitcoins that was when Laszlo Hayneck he paid two pizzas at an American pizza chain and it cost him 10.000 BTC, which at the time was roughly $ 30. Those same pizzas in December 2017, when bitcoin was at $ 18.000 would have only amounted to 0.0016666 BTC.
    Adoption as a payment method

    The fourth and final factor for Bitcoin deflation is adoption as payment method. The more people choose to buy and sell with bitcoins, the more value they will have. Since the amount is finite, not only because there is a maximum amount of bitcoins that can be in circulation. But because people keep a part of these bitcoins and the rest that is available in the market is not the same as the one in circulation.

    So that it is better understood. At the beginning of October, we found about 17.3 million bitcoins in circulation. But in reality they are not all in the market through sales offers. In fact, there is a smaller quantity that is impossible to quantify than is actually available on the market.
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina if you camt see from the chart here how much btc have deflated since 2010 then you have no bussimess talking about it.

    or the economy surrounding it.

    your just not equipped to see it.

    Bitcoin is the ultimate example of a deflationary cryptocurrency. It's by design you FUCKING RETARD

  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley ratface reports them, cries and whines until they remove it.

    I never had anything removed, I don't give a shit about you gay retards jacking off to pictures of people from the forum

    the reason it's not removed from OPs link is because that site allows pretty much anything not illegal to be hosted. I suspected they have a similar structure to imgur where you could get stuff taken down like wariat did, but i wouldn't do that because I don't care

    the reason it got removed from OPs youtube channel is because he's a sperg that got his channel deleted for being a retard no life faggot. If you killed yourself you would have such troubles in life.

    Originally posted by MY Body, MY Choice Sounds like someone is upset that they can't remove this video by complaining to the jediS like, "I AM IN THIS VIDEO AND I DON'T LIKE IT".

    Look in the mirror, sad man. You spend your entire life on this website. You have no job. You have no friends. You literally sit here and shitpost all day long as your source of entertainment. If this website vanished (which it might, if Lala has anything to say about it), you will be completely broken and have no idea what to do with your time.

    You are a government leech, a cuck, queer in denial, drug addict, ugly, broken-home derived blue-ribbon loser. You will never be or do anything meaningful or impactful in life. You will only leech off the hard work of others. You have no dreams, no goals to achieve, and no purpose. You wake up everyday to the same litter-filled apartment paid for by your tranny partner's parents and watch yourself and your partner get older, fatter, and uglier while your living conditions remain the same. You will never escape beyond the confines of being a welfare nigger and you are destined to be an old man, with your old man partner, pretending to be someone you're not on the internet because it gives you a laughable sense of purpose. A reason to wake up. A reason to keep on living. A thing to occupy your mind from the simple fact that you're a loser. You are a loser begotten by a family of losers. You will die a servant to the welfare of the taxpayers of Canada, without making any mark on society at all other than the drain you put upon it.

    You are, deep down, a very sad, lonely man who is borderline suicidal and I wouldn't be surprised or upset if you suddenly realize that one day and hang yourself off of the bridge that your fat, loser boyfriend failed at years ago.

    get a life you psychotic faggots
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina

    point being, scrawnny, that no matter how much money, energy and material you put into making something they will have no bearing on its worth.

    okay? so you're entire point is that nothing is worth anything, wow that's real ground breaking. I don't even care about the energy cost of bitcoin as mining it with solar panels or geothermal would essentially be free

    PoW crypto is simply a tokenized unit of work, which can be exchanged. Weather you pay 1 million BTC for a pizza or 1 BTC to an exchange for $100k is up to the market but 1 btc will always be worth 1 btc

  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry i have to make a new acount again first and lets team up on her and her startup team defenidng her lol who will get so butthurt its crazy like the truth how it hurts.

    I am #proAnnaSpysz she is a personal hero of mine. I have been following her for years

    Hi! My name is Scronald Spysz and I used to just shitpost, troll, and meme things for free but now I also charge money for them (✨ feature upgrade ✨). Sometimes I also take pictures of myself naked, and other times I make SICK RAP BEATS FOR YA DAWG Mostly, though, I love to read, learn, and travel.

    I was born in Poland 🇵🇱 but spent most of my childhood in Texas 🤠. After begin deported to Poland for losing a fight in the SeaBreeze bar in downtown Santa Cruz against an elderly gentleman named Raphael Luciano, I came back to the U.S. in 2017 and now live in Portland, Oregon 🌲, where I started making building serverless AI bots to troll NIS more delightful (and visual) at AIpal. I'm really into Minecraft, Smoking Crack, Whoring, and trolling, but above all, I'm obsessed with providing good documentation and making high quality art to harass users at all stages of their careers.

    When I'm not banging my head against my keyboard to draw pictures, I can be found emoji-spamming, sampling local meth strains and snatch and grabbing food carts, or kung fu fighting Raphael Lucianos bastard hawaii children and hunt them across the USA. In the past I wrote a book called "Lannyism - Ideological Fork in the Utensil Drawer of Communist Theory" and used to write a lot of fucked up fetish porn and NFT crypto startups, and I still do.

    Want to learn more? Find my social media links below, or download my resume
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost that's what you get for posting on reddit you fucking retard
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    wats house
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Don't you ever talk to me like that again! I belong here as much as you do

    are you admitting OP is your alternatiuve
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    follow me
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    its king of drfrogs xdD
  18. Ghost Black Hole
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry how the fuck was reddit abel to give me athree day suspension just based on what one of those hypocrytes and retards said to reddit? I never sexualized “minors” in that thread. I simply said i want what i could not in the usa and not mentioned pure sex or anything of the sort plus it is legal - how can something on reddit be illegal thats fucking legal in real life where im at?

    that's what you get for posting on reddit you fucking retard
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    it's pretty funny you are trying to make the banks argument for them but they don't even agree with you. Everything will be replaced with CBDC just as easy as everyone went from analog to digital

    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina you can spend 2 million canadian dollar to dig up a giant hole and another 2 million US dollar to fill it back up but that doesnt make that filled up hole worth 4 million in any currency.

    what?? sounds like a fiat problem to me, I have no idea what your point is here but all I know is that 1 BTC will always be worth 1 BTC and if you understand the true meaning of work and value than you will never worry what "price" bitcoin is at. Buying bitcoin right now is like buying stocks in a technology company it's like buying Amazon or Microsoft stocks in the early 2000s

    The Bitcoin network has the potential to be bigger than all global government central bank SWIFT systems combined because it wasn't designed with hebrew central banks in mind, just simple math. You can read the numbers yourself unlike the FED
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