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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    You know when you burp and instead of gas coming out your entire insides feel like they start filling up with fluid and you have to stop the burp reflex to prevent liquid bile from coming out of your mouth

    That's how I feel right now trying to burp past the liquid without spraying my stomach all over the place

    Why am I hungover . Why does my head hurt, why does everything 🤕🤢🤮
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Oh god not the spicy super EVERYTHING IS SHITTIN NDNNSAM

    Not now please 😭

    Why do I do this to myself
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    And I didb a bunch of nicotine 🤢🤮 🤢 vnfnsnnamakqlqln kijjjjjjjjkkkkmm

    We murked ourselves with our own drug abuse choices

    Wor when
    Woe is us
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung IM SORRY. HOPE U FEEL BETTER SOON.

    I feel worse. I think i'm having caffeiene withdrawls right now I feel like puking and I can barely move

    my head is pounding. I mkigiht throw up
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung US MAIL WONT BE DELIVERED IN CANADA, WILL IT?

    welcome to the furture
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    i ran out of weed and my head hurts
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    i'll find a drop address

    just don't stick them in an eveloppe raw like sploo did trying to mail his lactimals, the pills burst and were leaking white powder and it STILL GOT DELIVERED
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    Weed is medicine maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan

  9. Ghost Black Hole
    it would only be risk for the person receiving pills in the mail, not the sender
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    lets order an extra large bbq chicken pete from lous and smoke this ounce dawg

  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Vinny has a lot of explaining to do.

    he's a self admitted (and proud) white cuck

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny Non-Whites for White Supremacy.

    Hi there, if you just walked in, WELCOME !

    My name is Dr. Jimms Dobson and today on this warm and lovely summer day I would like to talk to you all a something about the tabboo subject of WHITE SUPREMACY !

    Have you ever look at pictures in the news or MAGAzines or even hollywood movies of WHITE SUPREMACISTS and say to yourself "wow, they're so cool and I wish I was WHITE so that I can be just like them!" ?

    Well, the truth is a resounding YES.

    YES, YOU CAN !!!

    This is because according to the omnipotent God of Information, the Wikipedia, WHITE SUPREMACY is the belief that WHITE people and their cultures are SUPERIOR to everyone else's and therefore they should rule over everybody, which is already a something that you all have been doing !

    If you are a NON-WHITE and are listening to this speech in English, which is a WHITE LANGUAGE, or are reading the text version of this speech in its unadultered ENGLISH form, then you are already a practitioner of WHITE SUPREMACY. Obviously you, or your parents have decided that this WHITE LANGUAGE known as English is superior to your own native language (if any) and is a something that's indespensible and that you can't live without and therefore it is paramount for you to acquire, grasp and master it.

    And congratulations, for you have succedded in doing just that. You have mastered ENGLISH, your WHITE MASTER'S LANGUAGE.

    And if you are a functional individual living in any part of the civilized world whether it's in the East or the West or the North or South, then you are already definitely, positively a practitioner of WHITE SUPREMACY. This is because everynight when you goes to sleep and every morning when you wakes up you do so according to WHITE MEN'S definition of time, in their WHITE HOURS, WHITE MINUTES AND WHITE SECONDS. In short, you have already subjugated yourself to the supremacy of WHITE TIME.

    You also probably woke up this morning with the assitance of an Alarm Clock, which as we all know is a WHITE INVENTION, instead of the cocks of a cock. And the first thing you did after that was probably brushing your tooths, with a tooths brush, and tooths pastes, which are all WHITE INVENTIONS. For the rest of your day you probably spent it doing what the WHITE MEN have decided that you should be doing according to their WHITE MEN'S laws, WHITE MEN'S customs and WHITE MEN'S cultures, all in their WHITE MEN'S economies.

    In many ways, you, a NON-WHITE, have already acknoledged the SUPREMACY of WHITE MEN'S way of life over your own, hands down, unquestionably, and indisputedly,

    and the only thing left for you to do that you have hitherto have not yet done is to be honest with yourself, embrace your WHITE SUPREMACIST weltanschauung, bend your knee with pride, then brazenly proclaim;


    And arise a WHITE SUPREMACIST.

    Until we meet again,

  12. Ghost Black Hole
    just smoke the weed and mail me all your pills
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    nah you got it all wrong
  14. Ghost Black Hole
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    And british are cucks too for banning slavery when they people are clearly asking to be enslaved, they are begging for it. The british don't even have the gaul to do that and instead send them to fight useless wars for the globalist machine instead of putting them to economic use on a farm or plantation

    this is why they will never ever be #1 ever again
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Imagine being proud to be a GHURKA oh yeah didn't they colonize half your continent 100 years ago
    what a bunch of cucks imagine joining the british army to be a designated ching chong cannon fodder with all the oldje british cucks patting them on the back OH YEAH GOOD LUCK LADS GOD SPEED GO KILL THOSE FUCKING MUSLIMS FOR THE BRITISH TAXPAYER lololol if they had any self respect for their race they would join the real winners and go set off some explosives in the london metro, but instead they are globalist world police slaves like the combine because all Asian people have small heads and need the big daddy white men to tell them who their real enemy is

    get fucked
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Spectral has hacked over 1000 turnip trucks and is a pro right to repair activist

  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Orcs are always an allegory for violent barbaric niggers
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    I put the clothespins on the beef curtains to hold them open so the smell wofts better
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    When I hug the homies I always crack a rib
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