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Posts That Were Thanked by POLECAT

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    oh and she has gotten into debt so many times with falling for the jedi (((credit card))) trick
    she has filed bankruptcy like ... three times?
    That is something I will absolutely never do, use a goddamn credit card.

    The only major thigns I need to spend money on are health related. I need to spend money on atm are my teeth (need some removed, need some braces) and every few years I have to get my ears cleaned out.

    I just want to go back to being a hikikomori so that's why I think I might save up all my shekels then a decade or so later return to the hikikomori lifestyle indefinitely (I'll buy a gun as a backup plan for if I get too depressed or run out of money)
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    i for one, really dont.

    his posts are weird and unsettling, but it was also kind of entertaining.

    like infomercials that were forced unto you that you didnt asked for, that you watched anyway.

    like that.
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  4. I'm not on it pole, I thought he was a twat on DH from day why would I sign up to his site...only an idiot would do that...
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  5. HTS highlight reel
    If I can get a guy to shoot baby gravy into my anus hole, I don't think a woman like lala is going to have any trouble. Even if she were enormous and her sweat smelled like spoiled tacos, there'd be a guy to put a baby in her if she wanted.

    Guys are pathetic. They'll fuck anything.

    And lala is beautiful, so it's doubly a non-issue. 😡
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  6. If you want people to let you cuss them out then you’ve got to be willing to take the abuse in return. In a friendly manner. Quit being a fag.

    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery OP is an autistic bitchboy bathtub loser.

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  7. jedi_darryl African Astronaut
    "Try to ignore"? Ha! I almost fell outta my seat with that bs lie.

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    see i'm not that into the bigger titties tho. the blonde got perfect tits afaic.

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  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by 🐿 Trying to pass out

    do it lying on your stomach...and make sure all the doors are unlocked.
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  10. 🐿 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hellnahandbasket I can smell your cunt from here

    Hey Joe. Knowing you're a woman stalker and a murderer it all makes sense to me.
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  11. Originally posted by Hellnahandbasket You seem to care so add yourself to the list cunt

    Originally posted by Hellnahandbasket You need to stop this shit this is why people don’t like you no one cares about this shit except you
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  12. Originally posted by Technologist This is why Jake came barreling into this website calling me disgusting names and making up some real doozies about me

    Originally posted by EllariaSand As recently as last year she was filling my inbox on DH daily with crap she wanted me to post about Mullett and her “good friend” Heather

    Originally posted by joerell Before DH closed down permanently I was gone from the site for 14 months with no account, posting or sharing profiles with anyone…even though sociopaths like Technologist

    Literally nobody, and I mean absolutely fucking NOBODY, gives a flying fuck about any of this shit except the three of you.

    So I propose you all meet up in person and kill each other so that the rest of us don’t have to read this fucking juvenile horseshit garbage for the next five years.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Originally posted by POLECAT so aint pussy if its been activated properly but that just makes it better

    This made me laugh too hard
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  14. ~L J~ African Astronaut [this acceleratory nonflavored troubadour]
    The continuous posting of old crap from DH is so played out already.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by joerell Just realized how intelligent El is…very rare.

    are you an alt or is your nose just that brown?
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  16. Also, Skylar can eat a dick as worst TV wife in the history of television. Ugh I get pissed just thinking about her bullshit.
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  17. Originally posted by joerell Still pole makes a good point…there is no great love affair between Larry and Jill.

    Originally posted by joerell Why would I be excited…I always knew Larry is a player and that you're not all there. You're the one who messaged me…not the other way around. Both of you want drama…not me. Think about it. LMAO.

    Log off. You and OP sound like 13 year old girls who are overly invested in the relationships of people you’ve never met, most likely because you don’t have one of your own.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Except elaria 'fat girl' Sand.
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  19. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    She was good in your book and you couldn't wait to offer your expert advice in her inbox until she simply pointed out that you ramble the fuck all over the forum, now she's a lunatic. Mkay.
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Also lol, Jorell, you're posting on the same board as thieves, drug dealers, junkies, and at least one self admitted rapist and domestic abuser. Meanwhile Sophie has hurt no one and has been perfectly cordial to you but this is what you feel the need to go on a crusade over?

    I'm not saying you were diddled as a kid, but you were probably diddled as a kid.
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