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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by Something Squirrel Pull the trigger

  2. Here's my fat pussy

    And here she is about to rock out, she's a vinyl purist.

  3. She looks 12yrs old..
  4. A white nigger is a wigger.
  5. Originally posted by Da Leg Itches have you ever been raped?

    I was a choirboy for 7yrs.
  6. Nothing wrong with a bit of salad tossing.
  7. Originally posted by Da Leg Itches my friend is better looking than at least 80% of women even with their makeup caked on

    all the new members from datehookup, who wants some dick?

    Swirly incoming...
  8. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING You spend all day sitting in your office, paying yourself a huge salary for posting on a dating site, then call the black guy you exploit lazy.

    Yup, Again I busted my ass when I was 22 and worked up...the 22yr old nigger hasn't done that yet, and based on missing 4 days out of 28..never will.

    Work hard when you are young so you can take it easy in later life.
  9. 500 million wasn't it
  10. thoughts and prayers.
  11. A jump can be in any direction. Have you idiots never played Mario Bros 3?
  12. Originally posted by Sancho Who da jiggaboo with the thick ass legz?đŸ˜±

    It's me, RXbaby
  13. FYI I hired a 22yr old negro 4 weeks ago who in that time has so far missed 4 days for various reasons.

    THAT's why kids can't get/hold down a job...Jesus I've gone years without taking a day off. Lazy fucking MOON PERSONs.
  14. Originally posted by Red_Woman DA BOSS! LOL

    Well earned. Start at the bottom and work to the top...exactly the opposite of how I'd work with you /devil emote goes here.
  15. Originally posted by tee hee hee Me too. Pastels look good with my skin tone.

    Is jizz a pastel?
  16. ..and 5th?
  17. That's the Canadian version of starbucks isn't it
  18. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING Back in the day retards like that would get good jobs in industry and be able to buy a house and car. Being a cashier was regarded as a skilled job since tills were so hard to operate and required manual keying in of prices. Women could choose to stay at home, and it was socially acceptable.

    Now every family needs two incomes, and we're constantly pushing ourselves to become smarter, remember more, work longer hours, and deal with more complexity. It's insane how hard the world has become. It's no wonder so many people, especially young men, are dropping out and claiming autism bux.

    Um the world/workplace gets easier not harder..lolz. When I was young I busted my ass for peanuts, now I sit in an office and do maybe 15 mins of actual work a day.
  19. Originally posted by ohfralala That’s not herpes Mike lol. That’s older Mikey.

    You sure, he didn't say skanks once.
  20. Originally posted by tee hee hee You guys need tonxo e to a consus

    Sorry I don't speak balls, can you translate to English
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