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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. call the toast croutons, put them on the salad, have salad as the starter and pasta as then entree. There!
  2. ^ Her lips don't match the words...
  3. Well I don't eat bread or pasta I can only dream of such luxuriant oral delights.
  4. Did someone say Cheese on toast /insert 6 heart eyed emoticon faces here
  5. I find him delightful
  6. Originally posted by CandyRein Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    Permanent solutions are the best type.
  7. Ignore them son and come back to bed.
  8. Um what does changing your footwear have to do with anything??
  9. Godzooki dick

    Originally posted by jedi_darryl Godzilla nuts.

    With a Godzooky dick.
  10. Nude?
  11. Originally posted by jedi_darryl Yep, and I was at the royal wedding 2 days ago too. 😊

    Jeez, you're like a black James bond...Jamaal Bond licensed to chill, nah wot a mean
  12. Originally posted by BeigeWarlock We need to end that. also Gay Pride. I get it.. You're Gay!

    Maybe organize a Gay Shame march in your town.
  13. Originally posted by jedi_darryl Cool beans op! I'm West Indian/french/honduran. Nice to meet to you brother! Heyhowareya Heyhowareya👍

    You hold all those passports?
  14. Great your nationality is Indian but that doesn't mean shit, you could be a white/black/yellow/brown Indian. What color are you...curry?
  15. Random homeless guy

  16. Originally posted by aldra why not just ban gatherings of more than 3 people

    problem solved

    or have the FBI increase their definition from 3 to 1 million.
  17. Cozy Powell

  18. Originally posted by cartof When I was younger, my best friend went out with the love of my life. I was 11.

    Sounds legit
  19. Oh and they always have video of teenage girls crying and holding each other too for the cameras, that's pretty common.
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