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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Had a dream about bunnies...I'm good.
  2. I'm glad everyone has settled down.
  3. Originally posted by cupocheer Aren't England's royals German?

  4. Originally posted by Tony Hawk Adding cupocheer to the list for trying to FPF

    I dont find him to be sexy but if I was gonna name the gif it would be sexydaffyduck.gif

    That's kind of telling though isn't it...
  5. Originally posted by Tony Hawk ….what?

    That thread is about using 6 alts in one night hence 'blowing' or 'using up' the 'faggot list' which is what I call my list of 1000 alts.

    How fucked are your athletic abilities skills if you got "hurr durr gay people" from a post about using 6 accounts. Was it the word faggot?.

    Here's some history on why its called the faggot list.


    I made this post high on meth where I made a fake troll about how I thought everyone was the same person

    Then I got more meth and proceeded to generate thousands of alts which I lost all control of and it became its own entity which i called the REAL faggot list

  6. Nothing gayer than a bunch of dudes driving around together late at night when there are bars filled with pussy waiting to be hit.
  7. Originally posted by NARCassist lol i bet you get your techniques from porn movies too.


    bet or imagine? lololol
  8. Originally posted by NARCassist only somebody under 35 still think that.


    Then you keep thinkin about it sonny...lololol
  9. Originally posted by Tony Hawk I know right, I have lived and visited many cities in Canada. People tell me vancouver has a lot of asians but walk around northeast calgary for an hour you will only see 'brown people' (What we call anyone from asia that isn't Chinese)

    Well the Asians are probably at work...brown people don't do that so you see them out and about.
  10. Originally posted by NARCassist jig do you even understand that good sex requires good imagination?

    I understand for you it probably does...good technique is what sexually active people use though...lololol
  11. Originally posted by Tony Hawk They're fresh out of bullets because they just shot them all at you.

    ...completely missed me and hit a 6yr old child...and now hurry away all 6 of them crammed in a Fiat Pinto...loolololol
  12. I am though.
  13. Can we move on to Analingus now.
  14. Originally posted by joerell You'd have to be very crazy to perform that task on Cup…maybe Jer after he finishes his weight reduction plan as he'll be starved.

    On cup you'd never be sure if you were sucking a clit or a cock...
  15. Originally posted by NARCassist ok, i guess you need sucking clit for dummies coz you clearly have no imagination or posses the ability to adapt.


    That we can agree on, I've never imagined sucking a cock

  16. Originally posted by NARCassist only somebody who had never had a blowjob would argue such a point.


    And how would you know that?

    ...or is it just a 'best guess'


    Someone give this guy a spade so he can dig his hole quicker...
  17. Originally posted by NARCassist but if you ever had a blowjob you would easily understand the dynamics of it, its not rocket science lad.


    Well it would only be a best'd have to do both to actually be sure...lololol

    Oh and if you think sucking a clit is like sucking a've either had a really tiny cock sucked...sucked a really tiny cock...or sucked a huge clit that really wasn't a clit but you were tricked into thinking it was a clit.

    Either way...

  18. Originally posted by NARCassist i take it you've never had your cock sucked then?


    eating a cake and baking a cake are quite different

  19. Philosophy..lololol
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