2024-05-10 at 1:33 PM UTC
Do you talk to yourself?
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Nigger I did nearly 6 years in a single cell and nearly 5 years of alcoholism/drug induced self isolation before that, so yes, yes i fucking do.
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Jesus christ.I've had one of these in the past but when you've been drinking cheap nescafe for a couple of months it's like having some Adderal
If I hadn't of masturbated first thing this morning I could probably clean my while house today.
2024-05-10 at 7:29 AM UTC
Which is the best snack bar?
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Ones halul and the other kosher
Fuck knows it sounded great when I was typing it...not so much anymore
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Could dropkick on the floor and she wouldn't break
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Loads of lost jedis out in the wilderness trying to come back and re-enter the gates of valhalla
Well fuck you I say.
You're all banished.
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Prove its really you
tell me what an a German shepherd tastes like.