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Posts by xy0

  1. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Originally posted by The loud obnoxious puking guy in a restaraunt I heard there is an old German recipe for making lamp shades out of it.

    Brilliant, you're right. We could use human flesh in place of leather. I'm sure all that fat bloat has stretched the skin out nicely.
  2. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    or else
  3. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Originally posted by The loud obnoxious puking guy in a restaraunt Yes that would be a good way to serve your cooked flesh, thanks for the recommendation.

    M E T A

    I redact this reddit comment. I so sorry.
  4. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Are there actually good recipes for human flesh out there? I should check my archive. I bet fat people taste terrible though. Maybe we can reclaim oil from them.
  5. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Originally posted by BeigeWarlock maybe or maybe not at first. he's doing really well know.. and with interesting friends I might add.

    Thats good. Last I knew things were strange.
  6. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man What did you google search.

    You can also set up Google to email you when a specific search term gets more results. I do this for my various names across the web so, just like what appeared to happen above, I get notified when a matched string gets indexed.
  7. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    You are a hero Tony.
  8. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    I see now, thank you.
  9. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    clickbait worthless video for normies to justify why they don't do drugs, or to completely misrepresent them to 12 year olds.
  10. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    What is this bundy? I can't quite figure this slang out yet.
  11. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Originally posted by joerell You brought up Chomski and his view on sports is a joke. All his political beliefs are irrational also and he ends up supporting a hypocrite like Sanders. I don't need to watch YT to determine he's a moron and saw him speak at MIT. I don't need a 6 pack…maybe you do.

    You haven't brought a counter-argument to the table yet.
  12. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Stop derailing with your petty attempt to get into some fat chick's pants krobs, this thread is about exposing fat people as toxic worthless members of society.
  13. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Yes, there are exceptions. I still bet he gets way more tired than a normal nonfat person who is trained to do the same thing. Like joerell said, there are no bennifits to being fat.

    Unless you are a sumo wrestler. They have my partial respect.
  14. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Originally posted by WellHung Op u seem like a real douchebag.

    Why? because he questions the sanitation and usefulness of the calorically challenged? Fats should be ground up and processed into animal feed. The fat acceptance movement has turned nations of physically attractive and healthy people into balls of stinky useless putty. I'd love to see a fat climb a rock face, bike 100 miles, do a back flip or even a damn cartwheel. Even more sickening, is that they get tax money for being lazy worthless sacks.

    Just stop eating until you hit your goal weight you ignorant blobs.
  15. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    I dont care about the politics of it. Being a brainwashed zealot is bipartisan. Stop it with your attacking the character fallacy. In fact, there are a few other fallacies in there too.. Go turn the tube back on and grab a six pack.
  16. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    fuck fats.

    I'm so tired of 98% of everyone being obesse
  17. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    As Chomski says, the purpose of (((sports))) is to reduce the mainstream's capacity to think -- then divert their attention away from important issues and onto mindless entertainment that is no different than tabloids, astrology, fart jokes, or nationalist political propaganda. This turns 80% of our society into drones more interested in the outcome of the massivly profitable sports media rings, than our own ability to survive as a species.
  18. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Wow, very smart thread i bet you guys watch rick and moldy see what a meme lololz1!!!one!!
  19. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    I have about a dozen, but they all are retarded. Why are regs closed?
  20. xy0 Houston [scull my yellowish-beige sinhalese]
    Where I live it's 350K minimum for a 900 square foot shitty house. I get paid more than many in this thread aparently -- and that isnt even that much ~60K.

    I need to get back on the darkweb and go shopping.
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