This is a compilation of thoughts i've had over the last few months or so, listed in no particular order.
Since there doesn't seem to be any regulation on technology whatsoever it seems as if there's seemingly no limit as to what we can create and implement into society. Basically, everything we can imagine, we will eventually be able to create. The problem though, is that we often fail to realize the consequences of such technological wonders.
For example. Nobody realized that television would be used as a drug, or that it would be weaponized and that if you were without prejudice, you soon wouldn't be. Its also worth mentioning that since the creation of television we now have several sources of media which can and is exploiting the fact that we're gullible as hell.
And now we got sex robots...
Lots of unknown consequences about these kinda robots, and even more so once they become more desirable than actual humans. Lets face it, if your robot looks real, acts real, if it can cook, wash clothes, pick up groceries, fix the car, suck and fuck you, emulate love to the extent that you're convinced its real, manage your economy etc, you're gonna prefer that over a human being and this is where it gets dangerous and might end up in reducing the human population dramatically over several generations.
Not to mention, there will almost be no female / male interaction eventually since its simply no longer necessary, except for maybe a small group of anti robot people. I speculate that when these bots become affordable and mainstream, more or less 65% of males and 40% females will purchase one, if not for relationship then "slavery" but with the same outcome. And these numbers will continue to rise as these bots becomes more sophisticated.
To add a little extra spice to the sausage mix, our beloved DARPA has developed a chip that can control emotions in people. They claim they will use it to help, but we all know how big a fucking lie that is. If they can make you feel good, then you can be sure they will also be able to make your feel horrible. Don't fucking do it, its a trap and you will become enslaved by it.
Not only that, but they are also developing technology that will allow chosen ones to become superior in almost every way. They are working on things that will enhance memory, sight, learning etc. But obviously only people who work for the right people or have the right sized wallet will be included in this. Imagine that, a shitload of super soldiers and 100% of them will be controlled by their masters or their ego.
Thankfully they have yet to understand the energy systems that exist outside of this reality but i would imagine its just a matter of time before they do. You as an individual might not be aware or even understand what i'm talking about here but lets just say if they figure that shit out they will become masters of the universe and no-one wants that, trust me.
Bonus stuff:
Quantum teleportation is real and being worked on.
AI is getting closer and closer to resembling the behavior of human beings every day.
Bullets that can change direction mid air.
Apparatus which can read minds and control what you do or feel like doing is also in development. ( imagine that )
VR is becoming more and more real, and will most likely end up in people living in a VR rather than real life.
So basically we're all pretty fucked.
Now, something else.
If you think you're smart because you know stuff, then you're not really smart at all. This has to do with how knowledge is communicated and recieved. For example, more or less 90% of our knowledge doesn't come from us actually knowing. It comes from us believing in what other people tells us. We can't prove more than 10% of what we actually know and this is a huge issue that is overlooked far too often.
Arthur Koestler made an interesting statement once, that i find to be more and more true as the future gets closer to us.
He said, human beings are hardwired for homicide and he speculated that we need some sort of pharmacological intervention on anti social behavior in order to deal with it. So here we are, we're all drugged some extent. Your drug might be caffeine, nicotine, weed, heroin, acid, alcohol, or big pharma anti-depressants. If we take away all of this things, the theory is that people will start to commit homicide and i totally understand why. Its because society is fucked up.
You think that your most private thoughts and emotions is a construct of you, but it is not. You did not invent language, or images. Society did. Yet society is trying more and more to treat you as an individual even though it is not you who is the problem, you are just a symptom of the true disease which is society.
Whats even more concerning is that people have been desensitized and is simply no longer giving a fuck about any of these things before its too late. I'm pretty sure we're heading towards a grim future for mankind.
Convenience is our burden, we like to do things the easy way and this will probably be the end of us.
Do yourself a favor. Move out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself with learning/doing new shit.