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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    Seems to be a normal thing these days.

    Daddy bails while mom takes care of everything, including tampering with the kids current/future behavior.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    Zanick be posting in a lanny thread.
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    ^That would be funny. If they ever manged to get in, they would just stand there and look on the dickbutt eventually realizing they've just been trolled by a dead guy. I wonder if they would know, or if they would just keep trying to make sense of it.
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    I have it to. It must be a feature for VIP's.
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Zanick being a troll again.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    The pyramids, moai, and stonehenge has been puzzling us for decades.
    If you were to make a puzzling giant thing for future civilizations and aliens to ponder, what would it be and would it have any function or just be a random big thing?

    7+ miles tall, go!

    Inb4: Giant penis statue.
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    Your mouth sucks.
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stare rape I think the spelling with the a is the original word

    Except I think it's paedo, not peado but I could be wrong

    I don't know man, i'm not a fucking mentor on the subject. I just prefer to type it the way i do.
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist i don't care how much you sympathize with a pedo's plight. you're still not gonna advocate him harming children.

    I agree. We're not meant to advocate it, but the least we can do is understand it and do our research on it so that we are better equipped to deal with it. Calling them psycho's who needs to be castrated, beat the shit out of them, kill them, or put em in prison and let that be that doesn't solve anything long term. It discourages them from ever talking to someone about their issues, which might result in abuse. You don't want to go out and tell people that you are attracted to children because odds are it will get you killed. If we accepted that these people are sick, then we can also accept that they need help. And as a society we should give it to them. What the help is though is for another debate imo.

    Besides, peado's are more than their sexual preferences, just like faggots, goat fuckers, carpet lickers etc.
    Every human being has something to offer, and their sexual preferences shouldn't be what brings them down. Society made em this way, we shouldn't judge them for being what they've been turned into. Believe it or not. Peado's are just like the rest of us. Some of them are good hearted, large, intelligent and have a functional life, others are nasty fucks without empathy who couldn't care less about anyone but themselves and they have a horrible life.

    Originally posted by NARCassist and i noticed you spell pedo the english way with an A in it. are you british by any chance?

    No, i just find the original word distasteful for some reason.
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cupocheer Lite – you began your discussion quite well and then you trapped yourself in your own dissertation.

    I'd be interested in reading your opinion again after you re-evaluate and re-post a corrected narrative.

    Thank you for a partial thought inducing theory, however.

    Your welcome.

    Originally posted by ohfralala Nobody needs an above average IQ to understand that you’re basically grappling with the concept of nature vs nurture.

    I'm not grappling with anything. I made some observations and decided to bring em up.
    Then i got tired.

    Originally posted by ohfralala horrible sentence structure.

    You're really hurting my feels, like really. I'm sitting here crying now cuz u dun did it.
    Bue hue, bue hue hue. Its a good day when self proclaimed intellects like yourself fails to actually provide anything constructive. It makes you realize you're not that smart.

    Originally posted by ohfralala You need a higher IQ to more clearly make your point, which is a point that’s been debated since the beginning of civilization.

    Which of my points?
    Since when exactly?
    How much higher iq?
    Who's been debating it?
    Which part of what i'm talking about has been debated, and what is the general consensus?
    Whats wrong with ain't?

    Originally posted by Bologna Nacho This OP is exactly why I quit smoking weed.

    It feels good though, man.

    Originally posted by aldra None of your suggestions are really possible in current western society though; it'd require a complete re-evaluation.

    1. personal responsibility (to a degree) is actively discouraged because insurance is big business
    2. you're essentially replacing variable (chance of good to bad) parents with a state-enforced constant quality… that's determined by those same variable people that could be good or bad parents.
    3. many psychological issues are endemic to the way we live - to treat them at the source rather than symptomatically would likely mean the end of large cities and many 'modern lifestyles'.

    With my points i'm assuming we have enough research, knowledge and wisdom at our disposal if we were ever to begin such a process. Obviously i'm not expecting anything i say here to give any results. However, if i can by writing give someone an idea or inspiration then i've dun my part.

    The alternative is to just leave things the way they are, which is what we're gonna anyway. I'm interested in solutions, implementing them though? I couldn't give a fuck about that entire process.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS This entire post provided zero evidence for how "the jedis" are making it easier to obtain consent. You basically just insisted that must be their goal because they're trying to make people more tolerant of pedos. Honestly… you people are just doomsayers.

    If you wanna talk about evidence on the internet, then feel free to bring some to the table to suggest otherwise.

    Originally posted by HTS You don't like what society has become and you've so embraced the slippery slope mentality that you're absolutely certain any negative thing you can imagine will happen.

    No. Where did you get that idea?
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    My eyes hurt so bad now because of bad acting and horrible directing.
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS For "the jedis" to get people to tolerate pedophilic acts, they'd have to massively rework the public perception of the concept of consent. They aren't trying to do that yet

    But that's exactly what they are doing already, you just don't understand how it works.

    It will start out small.
    Minor cases where pedo's gets off the hook and gets treatment instead.
    TED talks about understanding and tolerance.
    More debates going into detail about the topic, more podcasts and liveshows. People would begin to relate to and understand peado's.

    It all happens slowly, because if it happened over night people would rebel. This is how the state keeps the people heading in the directions they want btw. If you push 200 new laws tomorrow, people would give a fuck. If you instead push the laws out over the next year or so, none would give a fuck if even know. This is how they've gotten away with pushing laws for several decades. Slowly more and more control.

    You see, as soon as you truly understand them you don't judge them because you understand them.

    If you want to truly challenge yourself and your character then you will read up on some peado. Read his/hers life story if possible. Once you've read it, now you must try to understand why things happened. When you're done with that, you have to relate to the peado in the best way possible. You do this by imagining you being him/her, imagine being through what they have, the secrecy, the judgemental views of society, the fear of ever being caught, imagine the struggle of having such thoughts on a daily basis. Now you imagine fiddling with little kids, imagine it gets you so fucking horny, imagine the extreme orgasm you would get. Imagine yourself enjoying it so much that its almost unbearable.

    And there you have it. If you can fully understand, and more important relate to the peado then you will no longer be as judgemental if any, because you understand. And you don't judge what you understand and if you do then you don't understand.

    They are slowly pushing the peado thing to make people understand, and that is key to force something unto us.

    Now i can see several ups and downs by increasing tolerance to certain things, as it makes for more understanding and acceptance.
    But i'm sure there's a hidden agenda that seems to be alluding me.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    Responsibility is being able to accept involvement and outcome of such.

    If you fiddle with children, you should accept whatever comes from it as something that you are responsible for. If you get raped in prison, its not just because of the rapists, its also because of you. All parties involved are responsible.
    If you get hit by a car its not only the drivers fault, its also yours for being there in the first place.
    Being unaware of future events should not exclude you from taking responsibility for it <-- This is where society is at fault btw.

    I was a doorman once and this chick came up to me telling me to find her purse because it had been stolen. She can tell me this, i'd like to know if there's pickpockets inside. However she didn't seem to understand that if she'd been more careful herself "not leaving the purse on her chair in the middle of a lights out club" it wouldn't have happened. Instead she stood there trying to wipe her responsibility off onto me by yelling at and provoking me, telling me i ain't doing my job even though standing there talking to her and treating her nicely was a part of my job: (service aspect)

    This is where things gets interesting.
    Your thoughts are not your own. Your brain takes information from the world around it, and then mixes it together into thought.
    We think in terms and languages we didn't invent, but which were given to us by our society.
    We copy emotional response from our parents. The dread of death also comes from their fear of disease and attitude towards funerals and corpses.
    We send our kids to be educated by other children.
    As kids and adults we mirror ourselves in the people we hang with, we mimic their behavior, their speech, their opinions, and often even their judgemental views.

    So, it turns out there's much more to it. It would seem as if society is at fault. Not the people themselves as they are merely a product of society.

    Now the issue:
    We can't actually sue society because you became a drunk, horsefucking wife beater. Even though you are a product of society, society will not take responsibility for you. It will place you in the chair. Judge you and punish you accordingly for being what it turned you into.

    So what the fuck do we do? And that ain't an easy question.
    Even if we presume to have solutions the world would still have to be in fire before people will actually get up and do something.

    1: People needs to be properly educated on responsibility
    2: Society needs to prioritize research on child behavior and how the world around influences them, strive to prevent debilitating events "not all struggle". But assuming we figure out what makes a bad kid, we shouldn't have a hard time figuring out how to make the opposite. Future parents also needs proper education and graduation before being allowed to breed, with checkups throughout the child's life.
    3:Society needs to get rid of symptom treatment. If people are brought up under the right circumstances we can safely assume they will be a functioning member of society and so we won't have a shitloads of adults to treat for some made up illness or other psychological issues
    4: I don't fucking know, i'm out.

    tl;dr: You will need an average of 100-150 iq to read and understand what i'm talking about.
    Additionally you will need some fucks to give.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    You should totally go putin. While he is a dangerous man, he's certainly also the smartest of all the world leaders and he would kick all their asses in a 1v1. He was KGB intelligence officer for over a decade, you shouldn't fuck with this man.

    He is known to assassinate people who treathenes his position but really, who wouldn't do that if you in were his position.
    He's been trying to influence europe to make them realize how fucked up murica is. He's had some success, not sure if enough.
    He's been talking truth on russian television about the world, and how murica is trying to take over the world (nwo)
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    ^That or something like that is actually more plausible than people would think.
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    Its only gay if balls touch.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    No, i don't think aliens haven't visited earth, its simply to impractical. We have visited aliens though, it happens all the time.
    Eat some shrooms, smoke sum dmt, whatever rocks your boat.
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    Actually i'm inclined to think that you're that kinda guy who's all talk, but can't walk the walk.
    Many people are like this these days, especially those who dwell in this part of the www.

    Its a modern curse i'm afraid. Imagine the awesomeness of people living what their preach instead of just telling others how to live and then live their own lives in a completely different way.

    You didn't answer the question though. You said what you think you were not which btw i disagree with, but we can have that debate another time.
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    I haven't seen that dewb eyed nigga in ages.
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