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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    It all comes down to the strain and whether or not they were dried.

    Usually 5g is enough for ego death and blastoff, but you always want to do at least 5.6g.

    If you don't, you may well end up getting stuck at the ego death stage and that is easily one of the most horrible experiences on this side of the grave. It would be manageable to some extend if you didn't have to deal with this all encompassing catastrophic feeling of dread, damnation, and death. Eventually though, you wish for death. And if you haven't taken enough, you won't get it. You'll just stay there, wishing for death, for the next 2-4 hours.

    I tried it once and i had serious thoughts of jumping out the window just to end the misery. I ended up taking a sleeping pill instead, which turned out to be the right move.

    Ever since that day, i've always made sure to dose 6g at minimum.
    Ego death is a necessary evil that one must endure in order to have transpersonal experiences.

    Also, OP. You need to do it again i'm afraid. The experience was incomplete by the sounds of it, and if you're not quite feeling well after it then its most likely because you were traumatized to some extent. You were close to the edge by the sound of it, the feeling of death and melting away into everything are both signs. Do it again, and do it right.

    Also, for dmt. You want a meth pipe/glass pipe, 80mg pure dmt and a normal lighter.
    There's no need to burn that shit, just wave a flame gently beneath until the chimney is good to go. Clearly you never smoked crack.

    3 lungs, go.

    Also, anything above a heroic dose is not recreational. If u want fun, stick to lower doses.
    Heroric+ is for spiritual journeys, or journeys into yourself.
    It has huge therapeutic value at these doses if you know how to interpret the experience, which most people doesn't.. sadly.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    This is hilarious. Pedo's attacking pedo's.
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    Lawl, another dog fucker thread.
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    What's up with all these homo threads?
    So many things to talk about but all u got is penis and other gay stuff.

  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Vinny is right to some extent i'm afraid. Its natural for kids to be attracted to their parents during a stage in development.
    However, once the child is introduced to a broader social network, this attraction will fall on something else, still with similar features though.

    If you interfere during this particular stage you can fuck the kid up beyond imagination.
    This is why things like oedipus and cleopatra complexes are a thing.

    But yeah, fathers really shouldn't fuck their offspring.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Blinkered thinking. IF we are part of a simulation, a programmed simulation then the only thing that "exists" is the program code, not you as an individual or a sentient being. You're AI is just programmed so "you" "think" you are a free thinking sentient being and that you have a physical presence.

    Clearly your programmer was a novice if that simple deduction isn't computing.

    Clearly you're confusing existence with realism, and you skipping my argument only proves that you're unqualified to discuss these matters.

    I bid you farewell, sir.
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson /snip…no we are no link in the chain as we don't really exist (in the simulation scenario)…just as your SIM doesn't really exist when you play The Sims.

    I disagree. There can be existence without authenticity. Claiming we don't exist is stupid because clearly something exist.
    You can't deny the existence of subjective experience and once thats established, what follows is the existence of consciousness, which you cannot deny either.

    It doesn't matter if we're simulated or not though, we exist, your sim exists, this text exists, thoughts exist.
    You can go ahead and disagree but fact of the matter is, the opposite of existence is most likely the lack of it and so if you were actually to experience non-existence, you wouldn't be reading this right now.
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Programmed thinking…the ones running the simulation might not even be what we consider "human"…we might be nothing more than an ant farm to them…the ant farm goes about their business like they are number #1 in the terrarium and no clue it's a setup and they are being observed.

    And how does that change what i said?
    In the best case it makes us the second link in the chain, and by default also the last. So far anyway.
    It doesn't matter who's running the simulation, that's a secondary question. You wanna know if there is a simulation first of all.

    People are all hyped out because some guy made an argument about how likely it was that we're stuck in a simulation.
    I'm telling you, its not that likely. 50% at best, but no where near 95% as the author claimed.
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    It makes me wonder what the fuck happened.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Yeah don't worry i got it. All u gotta do is turn up the speed to 2, that makes it manageable to some extent.
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    Sorry cig, but he's right. The myth about men leaving their dna in the female brain was debunked quite a while back, and unless something changed then its still false.
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Most people would fail just on that.

    That may be his point. Less weapons around.
    However i do not believe we can blame low iq for shootings. Smart people also do it.

    The obvious solution is to stop and ask ourselves, why do we keep on inventing more and more humane ways to kill people?
    Ideally the only weapon you should need is your body, unless you're up against something non-human but thats beside the point. There will always be exceptions to the rule and particularly if the government is also armed, which is sadly the case most places these days.

    Its kinda of a shit situation really. No-one is gone lay down arms permanently.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    I can't even watch 10 seconds of that.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    Women don't care about men's struggle.
    They'll wait at the finish line and fuck the winner.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    That's probably just as retarded as throwing money out the window.
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    I think that if you want to own a weapon, you need to know how it feels to be on the receiving end of it.

    In addition to mental checks and perhaps also iq test although i don't think the latter matters much, there would also be 2 weeks of weapons training for the weapon in question. After that, people would also need to pass a few test designed to challenge their morale.

    Before any of that though. You would need to be hooked up to a pain simulator. This simulator will give you roughly the same amount of pain as getting shot would. And in case of a knife, you'd feel pain equal to getting stabbed, the pain would be constant and needs to be tolerated for 10-15 minutes.

    If u wanna buy a taser, you need to git tased.
    If u wanna buy pepper spray, you need to git dat shit into your own eyes first.

    Yup, that sounds fine.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ETA: Again assuming the human brains exists and isn't just part of a simulation of course

    We could be in a simulation but we currently don't have the technology to create a life-like simulation ourselves, which means that we're either the original or the latest link in the chain.
    Its about 50/50, but i'm inclined to believe we're the original, at least in this 3d space we call the universe. So if there will ever been any simulations, it will be because we or other inhabitants in this universe created it, not because we currently live in one.
    There are things that are way more probable than the simulation theory.

    Maybe the big bang was just an elder passing gas, and we're actually existing in the middle of a cosmic fart.
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost I thought I outsmarted the game by being really good at micro managing but i'm surprised at the amount of shit they throw at you.

    There are so many systems in place that constantly work against each other and when you do anything it fucks something up so you try to fix something it costs resources, try to get more resources and it costs discontent, lowering discontent costs food, food needs lots of heating which costs more resources.

    I'm really tempted because i've always been a fan of these kinda games ever since settlers. But having the weather as your enemy, and being unable to expand outside of your crater seems.. i duno, dull.
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Yeah there's really not much to discuss tbh. We all know what to think of it, but we can't quite put it in words.
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