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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    What a fucking waste of time that was.
    Lots of murican soldiers died thinking they were giving "freedom" to the afghan people, when fact of the matter is, they now died for nothing.

    I must laugh out loud, not because pointless death is funny. But because its absurd and that's my kind of humor.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny to be able to make quality threads you must first be able to make quality posts.

    That^ for example, would be a decent quality post for retards, but not for the wise.
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    Hmm. That won't actually work.

    Thanks doesn't quality make.
    Quality is present before its thanked. The thanks are only a way to show the obvious.

    Our only way to detect quality here is by looking for certain categories in the individual post.
    It will still be subjective most of the time, but it does happen that many people thank the same post.

    Is the post entertaining?
    Is it educational?
    Is it funny?
    Is it creative?
    etc etc..

    I dare to suggest that if you got at least two of those in the bag, then you're good.
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    I was talking about threads, but yeah. Posts seems to be the main concern.

    NIS is a place where the only way to approve posts is to either reply or thank.
    If we apply those 2 tools to the subject of quality then we have a pretty decent way of measuring.

    Now, assuming all posters share certain personality traits and reads all posts, a post with 10 thanks will always be of higher quality than one with 5 or less. The perfect post would be thanked by all members, but this is impossible because even tho we're all similar, we're definitely not all alike. Some might get a joke that others won't.

    I don't think i can present you with a post of mine that was thanked 10 times, which on this particular scale would suggest high quality. I do however have a way better post made / thanked ratio than you.

    But i get it, you're a quantity over quality guy.
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Try, it might work.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    They are offering 100$ if you git the vaccine.
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    Wb buddy and enjoy your stay. It will be short.

    The quality of threads these days are sub standard at best.
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    Its choreographed, but that fact is only temporarily. It won't be long before these things will be able to navigate most terrain.
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Who are you?

    I am you.
    I have always been here.
    I have always looked out from behind these eyes.
    Is this the way that its always been?
    Could it ever have been different?

    Who are you, and how are you doing in there?

    Shit man, i sound like ate when i get too stoned.

    I think we should replace who we are with what we are because the self is an illusion. There's no point clinging to that which does not last.
  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmG Shut up idiot.

    You don't wanna go down that road, son.
    Just tell me who u are.
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmG Random insult.

    And who's alt are you?
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S u shud poast moar fagit

    Greyfox is dead man.
    This thread is old.

    Originally posted by mmQ I want to have sex with a tape worm

    Explain the procedure here.
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    I've yet to see a single clip with a politician getting the jab.
    So either they don't get it or they refuse to be recorded while doing so, which would speak even more to the sinister nature of this agenda. If the vaccine is no big deal, our leaders shouldn't have a problem leading by example and getting the jab in public.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    Its a j3w hoax.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    After further thought ​i changed my mind.

    As a concept weekends exist on a subjective level, but the weekend itself is actually imaginary. Its not some object that we can point at and say that's a banana.

    We measured time.
    Our understanding of time appears to be somewhat accurate.
    We decided that a certain amount days off was a good idea.
    We named these days weekend.

    We used something that exist here(time) and created something abstract with it(weekends)
    A weekend is a concept, and as all other concepts, it will cease to exist if we stop using/teaching it.
    Therefore, the conclusion must be:
    No, weekends doesn't exist objectively.

    Unless of course concepts and thoughts are stored somewhere else.
    But then we must delve deeper into the meaning of the word existence.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    Yes they do, even objectively.
    Things don't need a label from us in order to exist.
    Labeling something doesn't imbue that something with magical properties.
    Its an interesting thought though.
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    We fucked up and like always our children will suffer for it.
    The thing to do now is plan for failure, its pretty much the only thing we still have time to.

    It will be like waterworld.
    We should build boats.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev hes a convicted sex offender, i dont think he cares about whether or not he could control his perversions. some alone time with his daughters in an apocalypse where the law cant tell him what to do is probably a paradise for him.

    Keep your fucked up fantasies to yourself, pedo.
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    I got a small cabin in the mountains in norway. I usually rent it out during the summer but i might have to consider it being a future home for myself and my family since the water levels are way too high where i currently reside and in a few years you probably can't live here anymore.

    Its relatively easy to expand on the cabin and perhaps also add a storm cellar of sorts if i don't encounter too much rock.
    If there's enough time i will get around to building a bunker, not because i'm a doomsday fanatic but it would seem like a reasonable thing to do when society is collapsing due to floods, storms and the following electrical failures, shortage of food, mass hysteria, billions dead etc.
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    And nothing new happened that day.
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