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Thanked Posts by A College Professor

  1. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    chew up a lemon in your mouth and tell her you have a speshul set of skills and disabilities that you have acquired over a long and arduous ( not that you know how to use the word in a sentence ) career full of trauma and false outrage which has prepared you for what is about to happen ,and then squeeze her on the ace and make a kissy face and quickly enter her personal space
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    why you flexing brah
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  3. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Sudo This sounds so legit you should have shut the fuck up instead of saying anything at all you stupid piece of shit. Whenever you try to use a "source" you just say "someone I know said something extremely vague" but what you really mean to say is nothing at all

    You just ripped his ace
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  4. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    "Daddys here.. Daddys here, bitchboys"
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  5. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer..................................................................................... (banned) i would have completely encouraged the cops to taze that gibbering wetback…then cheered them on

    Shut the fuck up boot-licker bitch
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  6. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy How'd you get that gif of tort as your avatar?

    i took a purple honda exctacy pill and the vtec kicked in
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  7. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    the price has gone up now
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  8. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    He was a good kid growing up but he ent up running with the wrong crowd and got into a little trouble, still though he was a good boy at heart. He grew up in Beefa TX to a family of humble means they didn't have a whole lot. His dad lost his leg at the factory , and for what? , just so the Bronson family could be a nickle richer and get the load on out the door on schedule like clockwork no matter what it takes. Of course back then everyone wasn't sue happy like they are today so his pops would just rock back and fro in his birch rocker smoking his pipe glaring out the window. But he had a lot of love in his heart, he had just been through so much trauma that things were never really the same after the accident.

    That's about the time Speedy J began experimenting with piss jugs and other underworld activities but thats neither here or there. He swore he would never let that happen to him so he literally pulled himself on the bootstraps so hard and with such energy that the stitching ripped out and he hit himself in the face and broke his nose. This was the one and only time since the accident that his father wasn't glaring, he burst into a mad laughter and said STOP HITTING YOU'RESELF STOP HITTING YOUR'ESELF!!! and he flung the screen door open and ran away from home and they never saw him again.

    But in his formative years and westpoint a lot of the older gonts took him under they're wing and groomed him for leader ship , its possible he even trained alongside Aquino and some of the other top talent. This is where he learned to excel in water hockey and lacrosse. Then was his boring years he went to tokyo working for AMD and various other jobs just being a paperwork form guy.

    Now he paid his dues and hes just trying to pass his wisdom onto these kids ruining they're lifes , and for what? For nothing and it makes him sick because he knows how it is. So tell me, do you feel lucky punk? Do ya?!
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  9. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    or maciej a pedo
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  10. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    I remember we went on this field-trip. First spot we hit was the graveyard, we watched the gravedigger build a hole in the ground with his backhoe. When he was finished he put a trench ladder down into the hole and asked if anyone wanted to go down in the grave, there were no volunteers so Mrs. Reynolds volunteered several students to go down the ladder and she made them lay down in the hole and said is this where you want to go when you die? Then the diggerman told us some of the finer points of digging a hole and how when he died he wants to become one with the earth in a hole in the ground.

    We stopped for lunch at Torchy's Tacos and I had a Democrat for lunch. We had to say on the permission slip if we would be getting food there and we could pick either a Democrat or a Republican, I remember there was the fat kid in class was pissed that he couldn't have both he owns a video game store now.

    Then we loaded up in the bus and went to the crematorium where the furnace man showed us how a crematation is performed he just put in a little human-replica made of paper machet and burlap for the demonstration and showed us how it reduced it to basically nothing. Mrs. Reynolds was starting to select some of us to have to lay down in the oven but the furnace man said it would be too hot which disappointed her. Then he told us to consider a career in something like he does when we grow up because he gets to work independent and not be hassled all the time.

    Then we went back to class and started on are essays about how we want our vessel to be put to rest when we die. I rejected being incinerated and I said I want to be put in an ice chest so that possibly I could be revived long in the future or atleast studied on. Thinking back I don't think that would even work so I'd be cool with getting sent out to sea. But also some of my proudest achievements in life have been my hard work and promotions working at the county landfill so I wouldn't mind being burried in one of the piles of refuse that I helped to build, helping keep this county clean. A king of my own mound.
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  11. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by netstat The only thinker on 'the right' who I respect as not being a moron or disingenuous charlatan is Curtis Yarvin, and he gave this book a positive review, so maybe I'll attempt to read it. Another review I saw compared it to Jordan Peterson's work and JP is a cringey idiot so that's not a good sign.

    clean you're room then weel talk
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  12. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by ORACLE
    Originally posted by ORACLE
    Originally posted by ORACLE
    The utter state of this dominated assclown. xD xD xD


    Originally posted by frala Luigi has that good hair and could definitely pull off a septum piercing and a cowpoke hat/vest.

    I say go for it and then do your stache like this…

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  13. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Little cousin Arny gave up drinking many many months ago because he made his choice to go on a crusade of becoming a straight-edge nitwit. Honestly more power to him because every time he "makes himself into a better person", just a short time later you see him leveling-up in the flesh net. He wasn't a bad kid growing up, though he got into a little trouble as a young man - running with the wrong crowd. At one point he sniffed a shot of Jager and ent up sucking a few cocks and got himself hurt. Fast forward to today and hes still the Mercurial Man but he has found a way to harness his outbursts of false outrage and uses them to spark something, rather than letting them slowly smolder into nothing.

    How many people do you know who reliably spend most of their waking hours doing only productive and positive things? I know a couple people like that, I look up to them but I still haven't found out how to live like that. I've pulled it off for short periods of time, say spurts of a few weeks or months. Those are the times that I have accomplished the most, or made the most progress, or completed the most rewarding tasks. I'll reach a milestone ( or not ) ,maybe I feel like the mission is complete and I can go back to what I really am the most comfortable with: leisure and relaxation. I don't know how I got to be this way, maybe from going to school where they were pushing harder and harder every year to learn more and more things that were often less and less interesting, by the end of it I could barely put up with their shit but at least when I got to go home I could do whatever the hell I wanted. Now I don't have to do anything so it's very easy to go on indefinite summer-vacation.

    I've tried to toe the line and play punch-the-clock ( normy life ) and it's usually not too bad once settled in, but it must tap out my little pea-brain of all it's Chakra, because it isn't that fulfilling and I still have that urge to relax and cut-loose ( now i've earned it ). It could be with anything; playing video games obsessively, tarding out watching documentaries and movies, but most-likely: drinking copious amounts of budweiser. All that shit is kind of stupid, and I think that's why I like it, because it's low effort and high-reward in the moment.

    I want to learn Spanish, I have a textbook on it and a subscription to one of those language-learning sites, I've spent maybe 15 or 20hrs on it but it's becoming more difficult and at the end of the day I usually just want to chill-down, not work on difficult things. I just want to shoot the shit with my bomos and chase that chatroom pussy ( due to the virus I am not getting laid, OTHERWISE ID BE SLAYING THAT FUCKING TANG ) but if I don't fuel up on Bud the conversation can be pretty stale and uninteresting. I'm an introvert, but on The Sauce my creative juices get flowing ( there's definitely a sweet-spot half way through the session where creativity is high and retardation is low, but towards the end I usually ent up going full retard ) and I activate my powerbottom energy. All too often when I activate my creative juices, I also wake up with my stomach juices wanting to flow in reverse. It's give and take.

    GOVERNMENT WARNING: ACCORDING TO THE SMURGEON GENERAL,… CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES … MAY CAUSE HEALTH PROBLEMS I don't want to pickle my brain and liver but I'm tired of watching re-runs of Andy Griffith and I know I'm not gonna study my Spanish anyway. What are people supposed to do for fun that is good? Arny gave up all this shit and he's doing well but also in his video he sounds so fucking bored and unsatisfied. Arny's grandfather quit smoking cigarettes at age 31, when the surgeon general went on record and said smoking was hazardous to human life. He listened to the warning and he lived to be like 80 or 90 years old. I've chilled down and stopped drinking before and I still feel groggy when I wake up, some people claim they feel way better after they stopped but I'm just not a "morning person" I guess.

    When I wake up and see my beeramid sometimes I'm a bit disgusted with myself because I know it is punishing to my body, I can decide that I wont do it again tonight but once that bell rings and I go home there isn't shit else going on and the headache was already gone by lunchtime. The body is an electric vessel that we get to occupy, and it's not right to abuse it.

    User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "stomach"!
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  14. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Bro, I am thinking about trying this but if it tastes like shit Imma throw my coffee on you.

    i actually like having coffee thrown on me.
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  15. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Or just have a cup of coffee with a normal breakfast of eggs, bacon, and potatoes.

    Thats what the glow-in-the-darks want you to do

    Originally posted by AngryOnion That is probably the best thing you can drink in the morning.
    Eggs are superfood,coffee is full of good shit and coco powder is fucking awesome.
    Plus the caffeine kicks you in the butt to start the day!!

    Wow you sold me on the idea, at first I was like "hmmmm... nah" but you're a good salesman im gonna ask my mom if i can have this for breakfast tomorrow if i remember
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  16. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Fonaplats

    I burnt the burgers a bit.
    And yes I know my bread is a bit old.

    Those are really good lappys
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  17. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    lol Peety still hasnt got his tank weighed , downright amazing. ever since his marvelous inheritance hes kind of gone off the deep end but honestly more power to him
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  18. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    maybe if i drink just half as much ill only be half as buzzed for half of the time

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  19. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    lol smell is smoking a cig in the car, yet you have to quit weed i find it hilarious
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  20. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Yeah opie I know what you mean. Last night ( I dint git any sleep at allllll. nah jk foo ) I went to the steak house with mi familia ( that means my family for you yanks ) and we got those rattlesnake bites and onion ring for appetizer i was like damn what in the hell!? thats a really good invention they come up with. anyway needless to say there was mixed drinks and steaks going everywhere. and yes we did have desert but i guess its true what they say, everythings better with an egg on top.

    in north korea if theyre talking about some well off/rich person they say that "that nig eats rice every damn day" . pretty sure id rather be a (skinny)fatass than a nork anyday. pick you're poison which side will YOU choose?!
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