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Thanked Posts by A College Professor

  1. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    yeah i dunno i think im gonna get the double-johnson shot since its so unpopular. i was gonna just not get the jab, but i think it will be even more rare to be someone that gets the doubleJ jab i dont even care about it i just think its funey another feather in my cap
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  2. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    as usual, the comments are as interesting as the story

    im seeing a lot of recurring stances in da comments and i think we might have some space jedis posting over there at
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  3. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    There has been some new theories come to light.

    There are some highly concerning theories circulating that TEEJ may have been hired-muscle that the kr0zler retained to keep gangstalkers from trying to get too close and kissing him. ( it is unknown what the kissing fear is from but keep in mind how Kim Jong had his brother assisnated by using strippers to forcibly kiss his brother with poison ) Also some speculate that the freemasons killed him which is neither here nor there. Keep in mind that he wore out the carpet in his old apartment and wanted new flooring so the management put him in a different unit - was this unit more preferential for a killer to get in and out without TEEJs detectron?

    Dug wasn't a huge fan of taxation, there are a few people who knew this.

    Follow the money. The building he died in is owned by MICHAEL LUIS ERIVES , and REGINALD GRANT ANDERSON of PALM SPRINGS CALI. Dug had pointed out a suspicious vehicle parked in the carport there, the shitty BMW topless convertible that young people had sex in and others would use as a garbage receptacle. Some person believes the car may have belonged to a gay couple that frequented Californias Gay-Sex-DenCity of Palm Springs

    Dug had taken an interest in adult modeling and was planning to do some shoots, he ended up pissing off a lot of bigwig fags in the industry because he wouldn't do a gay porn with them and only wanted to do slampig scenes.

    Now flashback to Beefa, nigh on 30 years ago I reckon. When the parrots burned up in the fire. That was a lot of trauma and a whole lot of dead birds
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  4. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    a pack of indian women smear burning hot spinach paste on me causing burns but NOT 3rd degree burns those are not sexy - very uncool

    and then they roll me up in the worlds largest piece of bread and roll me down a hill
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  5. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Holy shit! First front page post! Now that you're here, remember to be kind to one another, trans rights are human rights, black lives matter and nazi lives don't!
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  6. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]

    id as soon have a hotseat .. in sing sing prison, than to be down by her on that stool
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  7. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    good job arny were all rooting for you
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  8. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    punch her in the stomach a lot and scream at her that shes a very very bad woman and you will have to punch her stomach again tell her shes the worst woman in the whole entire world and no one else would even waste there time punching her worthless stomach
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  9. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    hey you need to calm down
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  10. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    you told me something that you want to do. what if you write it down and work on it? i dare you to read THE SLIGHT EDGE by jeff olson

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  11. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    do you write down goals, and identify the steps you need to take to accomplish them? i started reading about happiness and doing a few things they suggested. i would say it helped me improve my mood quite a bit in just a few weeks
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  12. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Word to the brutha, 'Lil Alfa. It might be time to start laying on the NEG hits fire hte neg cannon someone get this man some penicilin for all the venereal diseases hes about to catch sampling all those slices of ace
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  13. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    thats whatsup, I'm glad it didn't stick with you.

    I just finished EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Why it can matter more than IQ and the author is Daniel Goleman thats him. He shared some interesting insight about what types of personalities are drawn to certain types of drugs. I've never really been into e-books, I like reading a real piece of paper better than having something up in a PDF viewer, but it would be pretty useful to be able to use the search feature to lookup things like this without flipping pieces of paper.

    I found what I was looking for, its in chapter 15;
    Certain emotional patterns seem to make people more likely to find emotional relief in one substance rather than another. For example, there are two emotional pathways to alcoholism. One starts with someone who was high-strung and anxious in childhood, who typically discovers as a teenager that alcohol will calm the anxiety. Very often they are children -usually sons- of alcoholics who themselves have turned to alcohol to soothe their nerves. One biological marker for this pattern is undersecretion of GABA, a neurotransmitter that regulates anxiety -too little GABA is experienced as a high level of tension. … These sons of alcoholics drink to ease their tension, finding in alcohol a relaxation that they could not seem to get otherwise Such people may be vulnerable to abusing sedatives as well as alcohol for the same anxiety-reduction effect.

    A neurophsychological study of sons of alcoholics who at age twelve showed signs of anxiety such as a heightened heart rate in response to stress, as well as impulsivity, found the boys also had poor frontal lobe functioning. Thus the brain areas that might have helped ease their anxiety or control their impulsiveness brought them less help than in other boys. And since the pre-frontal lobes also handle working memory -which holds in mind the consequences of various routes of action while making a decision- their deficit could support a slide into alcoholism by helping them ignore the long-term drawbacks of drinking, even as they found an immediate sedation from anxiety through alcohol.

    A second emotional pathway to alcoholism comes from a high level of agitation, impulsivity, and boredom. This pattern shows up in infancy as being restless, cranky, and hard to handle, in grade school as having the "fidgets," hyperactivity, and getting into trouble, a propensity that as we have seen, can push children to seek out friends on the fringe … As adults, people with this pattern ( which may be tied to deficiencies in two other neurotransmitters, serotonin and MAO) find that alcohol can soothe their agitation. And the fact that they can't stand monotony makes them ready to try anything; coupled with their general impulsivity, it makes them prone to abusing an almost random list of drugs besides alcohol.

    By the time students leave high school, over 90 percent have tried alcohol, yet only about 14 percent eventually become alcoholics; of the millions of Americans who experimented with cocaine, fewer than 5 percent became addicted.

    While depression can drive some to drink, the metabolic effects of alcohol often simply worsen the depression after a short lift. People who turn to alcohol as an emotional palliative do so much more often to calm anxiety than for depression; an entirely different class of drugs soothes the feelings of people who are depressed -at least temporarily. Feeling chronically unhappy puts people at greater risk for addiction to stimulants such as cocaine, which provide a direct antidote to feeling depressed. One study found that more than half the patients being treated at a clinic for cocaine addiction would have been diagnosed with severe depression before they started their habit, and the deeper the preceding depression, the stronger the habit.

    Chronic anger may lead to still another kind of susceptability. In a study of the most striking emotional pattern was a lifelong difficulty handling anger and a quickness to rage. Some of the patients themselves said that with opiates they finally felt normal and relaxed.
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  14. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    opey is the kind of gunt who shoots the arrow and then paints a target around it and calls it a bullseye. he doesn't fool me, not even for a second.
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  15. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    WHAT A FRICKING NI🅱️🅱️ER FAGGOT! just imagine if luciano would have fricked up warios fingers so he could never type again, never make another gay porn or be a rat bast*&d again just think
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    yeah opey i know what you mean, smelldung looks so fat in that outfit too. and his makeup is terrible

    hes a woman which is one reason i could easily beat his ass
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  18. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    im going to exert my dominance next time i have to do ( what I consider a womanly task) grocery shopping and slam the shit out of offending carts, and tell them to WATCH OUT STUPID. i dont give an eff if i have to crumple that cart up like a little sodey can out in traffic if the whole damn shelf falls over i dont even care if i have to pick it up and slam it on the ground like a wrestling exhibition ive had enough of these pussy ass carts
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  19. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    can you amagine jimmy
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  20. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by aldra imagine the drama

    and the smeels
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