Originally posted by Sudo
Not really that I know of. Was kinda on some kinda obscure cam thing, jumpinchat or something idfk. I'm tryna make a clubhouse house where we can yell at each other. I'll literally snapchat anyone my cock idc it's just getting enough cox/boobs together to make it a collective experience that's the tricky part
ill always support youre in anything you do. i think the hard part is getting the gonts together for holly-jollies, without the "finger smellers".
what are the finger smellers, i ask? thats the people who just click the link to the vijeo chat and lurk without participating, presumably they are recording the video. and that weirds out the gonts
Literary in many areas there are no appointments available for new passport applications. APPARANTLY a lot of us have semen retention syndrome and are ready to get it out of our system and trying to do are passports now causing a big backflux logjam in the chute.
Literary the best option for swim is there is only one place in 50miles here that accept walk-ins but people literary camp out in lawn chairs starting 5-8hours before they open to get in line so I guess I'm gonna buckle my belt up and try that, honestly I don't know how youre supposed to go to the bathroom when your in line for 8 hours in the early morning but I guess weel see.
Literary this is a public announcement for you guys if you need to do a new application where you have to go in person you better get preppt .
PS Im going to canada with my mom. my dad might go but im not sure because hes old as shit and doesnt get around so good - so thats what you guys have to look forward to when you live a life of pain.
Literary fonaplats isnt allowed in theyre country which is kind of theyre loss but more power to them for setting theyre own standards and doing things the way that they like to.
LIterary getting my passport hAS BEEN on my todo list for .. A WHILE, now. I want to go to baja mexico and eat tacos and drink beer on the beach and literaly chill down because all the stress especially from my brother who is a accountant at hole foods hes a bean count
any way we have friday off for martin luther king day #2 so i might go camping at the post office thursday night that would be kind of funny actually to pitch a tent in front of theyre door and put one of those RING THIS BELL FOR SERVICE bells outside my tent and say HEY GUYS WAKE ME UP WHEN SEPTENBER COMES
*opens a sierra beer made in chico and purses his lips, and then wanes philosophy*
Richard Brandon did nothing wrong im honestly taken aback about his space shuttle program its a sad day for humanity but at the same time i believe he will revolutionize on the hyper pipe steel train hoses
and thats how i feel he will stand and deliver on his promises but what do i know i just support the guy in all of his endavour because thats what i believe you should do is support someone and not tear them down but thats just the way i do it HAHA but some people on this site obviously dont live by that motto, HAHA