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Posts That Were Thanked by stare rape

  1. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'm a triple agent.

    becos you take it in your hands, mouth and ass ???
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  2. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by NARCassist yeah they're both whores. that's why its gonna cost 800 a night for each of them.

    for that amount they better be able to teach you astrophysics and make you a full course french meal after your sex session which they moan and praises you in latin.

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  3. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
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  4. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by DietPiano If those estimates are to be believed, (they have been saying we are at "peak oil" year since the 70's) then yes.

    Although with new shale oil extraction techniques and more natural gas implementation, I'm not sure how much more life the fossil fuel actually has left. It could be quite a bit more than previously expected.


    Obviously this is a giantic problem, but until there are proven energy solutions that are economically self sufficient, new oil extraction technology will continue to dominate the energy sector.

    My dad's a farmer and he agreed to be paid to let this windmill company survey his land. If they decide to actually build one on his land, he gets quite a bit of money, I forgot how much.

    The problem is, windmills aren't sustainable without government subsidies. They're expensive to build and maintain, they're very inefficient, and they lose money. They aren't viable large scale.

    Most of the corn my dad grows goes to an ethanol plant where it's then sent out to be mixed with gasoline up to 85% (E-85 goves you poor mileage though). This is techinally self-sufficient because it turns a profit just above break even, although in reality it's subsidized pretty heavily as well because the profit margin would be so low otherwise.

    Every politician that comes to Iowa has to brag about how much money they want to give to ethanol subsidies, because they know they aren't gonna set a good tone for their campaign if they lose the first electoral state because the farmers turned on them. Ted Cruz miraculously got away with it by a few votes, but that just doesn't happen.

    At the current price for electricity wind is uneconomic. But if it doubles it is.

    We missed out on some wind turbines on our land in Ireland, even though we own a few hills. Big massive shame. We will have the wind stolen from over us.

    We even missed out on getting paid for the overhead power lines, as our paranoid schizophrenic neighbour wouldn't let them put a pole on his land. Fucker.

    Corn ethanol, from what I hear, is only a sleazy con that serves to raise the price of Mexicans' tortillas.

    Biodiesel is slightly better, but even then I don't know if it even breaks even, when calorie of mineral oil is compared to calorie of plant oil.
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  5. Yes
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  6. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    I believe people are electric beings
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  7. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Captain [snipped]

    Love, Cap

    still not a millionaire.

    *heeds captains advice*

    *go outside*

    fuck you.
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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    'hate' is a strong word, I just get sick of playing Republican Buzzwords Bingo all the time
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  9. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Enterita I wish. One of the reasons it pissed me off was the assumption I was left-wing JUST BECAUSE. Kind of like, implying that me not being left wing was craaaazy in today's society.

    Most left wing whites sort of assume that if you don't agree with their preferences 100% you must either be uneducated and not understand the situation, or actually have evil intent.

    They can't understand that someone would disagree with them or be coming from a different perspective.

    A lot of right wingers, especially far right sorts, are like that too.

    Did you stop going to the gym? Lefties tend to be out of shape.
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  10. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I see you're taking moves out of Jill the car's playbook.

    U have turned pitiful
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    In an offensive dubbed Operation HeebHUSH, ##HAMRADIO operators crowdfunded the purchase of over one hundred Baofeng two-way radios. Channel members attached the radios to external batteries and then concealed them in the Hassidic neighborhoods of New York City. The radios were modified to continuously broadcast recordings of speeches by Adolf Hitler on the frequency used by the Hatzalah Volunteer Ambulance Service. As a result, EMT operations were significantly impacted. The NY State Attorney General is currently investigating allegations that increased response times may have caused the deaths of as many four Hassidic jedis who died en-route to the hospital during the attack. While I personally find this commendable, it does go against Freenode policy.

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  12. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Trump is trying to get America closer with Russia to prevent Russia from allying with China or with Germany.

    Which is 100% sensible and sane.

    Also Russia Trump is a lame and played out meme, and I'm fed up of hearing about it.
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Ahmadinejad was hilarious

    in response to the 'muhammad cartoon competition' he ran a 'holocaust cartoon competition'
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  14. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Every single large company supports mass immigration, neoliberalism, pozz, and Israel.

    Morals my ass.
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  15. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine All of eartly history up to this point has played out for one final outcome, the birth of the Universal Eurasian Nationalist movement headed by yours truly.

    White nationalism is nothing more than a slave revolt.

    You need to understand this. Whites are tax slaves. The jedis leach from us. We are their slaves.

    White pride is verboten, and regarded as hatred, a capital offense, the same way underclass revolts in all jedi run empires are.

    The jedis were the tax collectors and the middle men in the Achemenid Empire, the Egyptian Empire (Moses was the Pharohs Finance Minister), the Ottoman Empire (the multazim, or tax farmers, were really jediey). They were 90%+ of the Commissars in the early Soviet Union.

    Same thing in the American Empire.

    Until you realise that white pride is a proletarian revolt as opposed to a racial thing, you will get no where.
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  16. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by S6x Who's Friar (Father?) Jack then.

    The character from the TV show Fr. Ted.

    The prisons in Romania were noted for inflicting special punishments on Christians. A jedi called Avram Bunaciu was in charge of the prisons there.

    Of course Wurmbrand was born jedi himself, so fuck him.
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  17. Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    I wish it was OK to run idiots off the road.
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  18. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Captain Okay, awesome. Then me and 25 other guys will come to the conclusion that if we pool together our guns and kill you and steal your shit, we will be better off. Then perhaps another group of 15 will realize it's not a good idea to fight us and maybe we should band up and start taking other people's shit. Over the course of time, we'll have some thousand people and will form a small municipality, where those of us who are tired of fighting can contribute economically in different ways, and certainly there are other functions that can be served to support our troops, and we will have rules against looting and murdering amongst our own group because it destroys our social order and unity, and we will still be reasonably free, but also free from violence this way. And certainly other people will have recognized the wisdom of banding up in other places. Perhaps we can form a pact where our surplus non-fighting productivity can be exchanged, and maybe once our relationships improve, we can see the wisdom in banding together with our neighbours who might share our ideals and cultures, and maybe this fusion process happens a couple of times more, and we start seeing the wisdom of banding together at a larger scale so our armed guys can focus on exterior threats and bolster themselves with the improved economic output from our union, as we will now have unimpeded trade within our union and a diversity of goods and services that we can focus on now that we are not in immediate military danger, and there is relative law and order.

    Oh right.

    too lengthily, did not read.
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  19. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    All government should be banned and we should go back to the old ways. You stake your property, and if anyone comes onto it you blow their fucking heads off, then you bury them and go back to doing what you were doing. Keeps it simple and neat.
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  20. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Putin is actually a great leader fighting against globalists and the illegal migrants who are nothing more than radicals and terrorists invading the EU. Just like Mexican criminals and BLM and ANTIFA in the US who Obama, Clinton, Waters, Pelosi, etc ., support even being legal immigration and the Constitution...traitors and their supporters are just as corrupt. Pedos in Hollywood and rapists like Bill Clinton. Socialists are against freedom and everything patriotic,
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