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Posts That Were Thanked by stare rape

  1. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Technologist Noooooo. A charge I found out about when I worked in a prison hospital. Before I would xray an inmate, I’d look up their record. Quite a few were charged with GSI, so I had to find out what it meant.

    Although I don’t mind some imposition😁

    It's hard for guys. When I started having GFs for a long time I waited for the girl to say things like "you can kiss me", "you can pull down my pants", "you can start foreplay", etc.

    Never happened. Turns out the guy just has to take charge. Yet, listening to the mass media, like I used to do, you'd think that just going to town on a girl was the worst thing in the world, and you should get an informed consent contract signed by the girl before you try anything, just like they're trying to do in California.

    It's evil, and ultimately deliberately anti-male. The whole thing is also jediey as fuck.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    Originally posted by cupocheer Commercially sold AGENT ORANGE

    Pay the American veterans and/or their surviving relatives whom MONSANTO murdered with their cancer-causing weed killer.

    Spray the damn politicians who got us into that fucking useless war.
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  3. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by cupocheer Commercially sold AGENT ORANGE

    Pay the American veterans and/or their surviving relatives whom MONSANTO murdered with their cancer-causing weed killer.

    Almost all people want that to happen, and almost all of those people hate people like you.

    By suggesting that the people who want compensation to be paid are like you, the powers that be have been able to manipulate and tame popular outrage, and so avoided paying compensation for 40 or so years by now.

    I dunno how Bayer made a business case to buy Monsanto, the world's most skeleton-y in the closet company. It's just so nuts. The executives at Bayer must have gotten huge payoffs. It's criminal. I wouldn't have accepted Monsanto if I had got it as a present.
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  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by infinityshock totally realistic

    there have been several times posted facebook pictures of kids have saved me from getting excessively involved with a chick with chocolate cunt-ejectiles.

    same here, on dating websites i jokingly ask them if their kid is half black and they get really defensive and ask me "what difference does it make?!"

    like i don't get offended when girls ask me what my ethnicity is. lol
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  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Technologist Narc,
    Even though I feel heroin is a nasty drug for MOST, you seek to be somewhat of a functioning user. I can’t say for sure, I don’t really know you, but you seem to be an intelligent man. If it rules your every waking moment, that’s a problem.

    Now you can talk about your use in a positive light, but for the majority, heroin ruins people’s lives. I don’t know about England, but the US is suffering a major crisis. The rural areas in Ohio are getting eaten with heroin users. So many sad deaths.

    its prohibition that makes it such a problem. its because of prohibition that nobody knows the purity of their supply from one bag to the next. you can't judge your dose properly when you don't know the purity and this is why people accidentally overdose. because of prohibition people hide away to use where nobody will find them if they overdose. and prohibition pushes up the prices so users have to resort to theft and often violence in order to fund the habit. prohibition means suppliers cannot sort their disputes through the usual legal processes and so end up resorting to violence as the only solution open to them. without prohibition all those problems would go away. there would be much less risk of you being violently robbed by a desperate addict and everybodies insurance premiums would go right down. why anybody is in favor of prohibition which is so damaging to society is beyond me.

    also just think of all the money saved by the authorities trying to fight the drug problem, less tax dollars spent on law enforcement, prisons, courts and legal costs. all that money could be put to much better use making your community a much nicer richer place to live.

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  6. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    Originally posted by infinityshock fun fact: back in the 90's i played with the actual computer simulators F-18 pilots used and they were literally the same as what was available on the commercial market with a few minor upgrades containing 'classified' information and computer power virtually on par with what is available on the commercial market. (not counting the hydraulics on the full-sized version)

    I have a friend who got to do that as a "make-a-wish" type thing for local news he said it was radder than hell. think it was an f22 sim tho.

    Originally posted by stare rape I'm probably gonna end up doing something like this with a zx-10 and a cellphone one day

    I'll see how long/how many times I can evade police before I fuck up and hit something

    If it's just one cop they have no chance lol you have to bait a couple of them in for it to even be fun. I know this isn;t the same bike but it's comparable.

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  7. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    I think that the idea of crime needs to be reformed - if someone is convicted of a crime against you there needs to be automatic compensation built right in. Steal my car? Jail time + you owe me compensation. Give me herpes? Punishment + compensation.

    The idea that you can hurt me, get sentenced, and yet not necessarily have to compensate me, is fucked up.
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  8. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    "better living through chemistry"

    What's so better about it?
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  9. EllariaSand African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra if it's important to you, you should try to stabilise your living situation a bit and talk to the mother about seeing her on weekends or something to start with

    In addition to the suggestions above you should familiarize yourself with basic child safety

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  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    She actually looks really cute, Doug. Though, you should probably not post her pics here.

    I'm glad you care about her and worry. It shows that you still got a bit of human inside you.

    Who you wanna buy a car for?
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  11. Originally posted by Enterita There is only one way to stop these DH'ers. They thrive on one thing… attention.

    Yeah most humans do...

    Some even start attention seeking threads such as "Leaving niggers in space forever"
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  12. Originally posted by Enterita No, I just don't know who my dad is because my mother was a whore. Apparently it could be like 20 different people (probably minimum), not even kidding. She used the excuse, "I just wanted a child". Sure, cunt.

    Everything makes so much sense now.
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  13. apt Tuskegee Airman
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by esbity Update: I set up the program to use proxies and it works but I think there may be a 24 hour timeout after 5 requests. I also set up the program to test the proxies.

    What's the best place to buy preium proxies in bulk?

    I need 1000's.

    people like you belong in a chamber.

    of gases.

    its you and your kind that ruined proxies and made verification and captchas and cloudflare everywhere.

    you should be dragged out, shot, and drag into a gas chamber to be shot again.
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  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Some of you are confused. No company is required to promote anything. No company is silencing a damn thing. Alex Jones is still able to send his garbage style out to anyone who wants to hear it. Tighten your assholes and dry your tears.

    yes we get this idiot.. cram more tampons up your shit pussy..
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  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine if the next president is a leftist then there will be a civil war

    regardless of whos president...there will be a civil war

    years ago on another totse-successor i made a thread about the hows and whys of there being a very, very good chance for a civil war II based on events and trends...and how it could be prevented. as of now...nothing has been done to extinguish the smoldering embers. as a matter of fact...more wood is being tossed in and lighter fluid being sprayed about. based on everything going on right now, there is no chance there wont be a full shooting war with the 'right' aligned with russia and venezuela at least and the left aligned with europistan and judenkikeland. chinkland will play both sides.
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  17. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    At least if there's a civil war the no guns left will be easy to stomp
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  18. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    i for one, really dont.

    his posts are weird and unsettling, but it was also kind of entertaining.

    like infomercials that were forced unto you that you didnt asked for, that you watched anyway.

    like that.
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  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    This is what happens will you let jedis and women run things
    Youtube was so much better before google bought them out and even well into 2009 it was a decent site
    It's disgusting how the kikes and normies are trying to sanitize the internet, something that was always a free and open space for any form of thought and expression is now becoming just another empty totalitarian environment
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  20. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    Originally posted by aldra

    maybe, I dunno. considering MKUltra was a thing, I would not be surprised.

    It probably still is a thing just under a different name.

    Question everything.

    You can thank that piece of shit Dubya Bush and his illegal Patriot Act
    for your loss of freedom for supposed security.
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