It does bother me, but I still tip anyway, because for some fucked up reason, US law allows restaurants to pay servers far less than minimum wage because "tips make up the difference."
It's one of the reasons I rarely go out to eat, you're fucked either way. If you don't tip, your server is getting paid $3 an hour. But if you do tip, you're enabling corporate greed.
And what the hell flavor is black 4 loko supposed to be? Shits fucking horrid
Well, I'm officially reconsidering my recent life choices.
That last bag of crystal caused instant and extreme amnesia, and tasted like straight lighter fluid. Now what if I would've shot that?
Looks like I ought to stick to benzedrex and T-PAIN. Nothing good can come out of this.
Lol, how did I not realize I was in the mongolvoid
2018-08-12 at 7:59 AM UTC
attention stop eating pussy
You either need your nose checked or you need to slow WAAAY down
After all the millions of years of evolution the human brain has had you'd think people would find a better solution than the corner cut out of a sandwich baggie.
The kind of profit margins these cretins make and they still can't muster up the funds or brainpower for a fifteen minute trip to the hobby store.
FFS people
2018-08-12 at 7:48 AM UTC
attention stop eating pussy
Anything dangerous will be smelled long before tasted
2018-08-12 at 6:08 AM UTC
It seems §m£ÂgØL hasn't learned his lesson about dating women from this community
Mong/Mongoloid is the only one I can think of
I almost got in trouble at work because I called the engineering department "a bunch of mongs" and people thought I was using their race (Hmong) as an insult
I'm probably gonna end up doing something like this with a zx-10 and a cellphone one day
I'll see how long/how many times I can evade police before I fuck up and hit something
2018-08-11 at 7:22 PM UTC
The internet's boring now.
Same here OP. I can't tell whether i'm growing up or getting old
2018-08-11 at 10:41 AM UTC
Buy or pirate
I buy almost all of my music and games, but that's mostly just because I'm a case whore and I like to have a physical copy of everything. And I like album art
If I only like a song or two off of an album, I'll buy it if it's an obscure artist nobody's ever heard of, but if it's a band everyone knows I'll usually just download from youtube and convert to mp3