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Posts by D4NG0

  1. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Sudo You literally elected the rapey guy from the dominos pizza ad as your president and became the laughing stock of the world. All your children are left behind and none of them can see their toes

    Yeah, orange man bad.
  2. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Sudo It's not a "practice" for individuals to wage war in the name of their religious ideology the same way it's not a "military practice" for vets to come home with PTSD, get hooked on drugs and kill their immediate family members.

    also, 'I need a place to be left alone as a white person' is so fucking victimy I'm demoting you to Cambodian

    When whites colonized Africa (and did some admittedly awful things) everyone flipped out. Now blacks and Arabs are colonizing Europe, doing terrible things, and we can't protest that fact?
  3. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Ghost Me too, it's called Canada. Nobody ever fucks with me because i'm white and I don't fuck with them. Literal Utopian society while we all laugh at stupid racist Americans for getting triggered by leftists, mexicans and MUH TERRORISM.

    You welcomed back a Muslim who committed war crimes against an ally and bestowed upon him an award true Canadain patriots could never even dream of. What a utopia.
  4. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Nah, I wouldn't say I'm actually racist. I simply want there to be a place for white people to be left alone. I don't begrudge other races the same, and am happy to interact with them from time to time. Islam is a religion, not a race, so I think it's fair game to hate on Muslims for their depraved practices.
  5. D4NG0 motherfucker
    "Canadian born."

    Pfft. As if that makes him Canadian. Can we stop pretending please? Blacks born in Berlin are not German, Indians born in London are not British, and Arabs born in Montreal are not Canadian.

    And quite fankly, I'm happy leveling "Muslims defending their homeland." Let's cripple the religion of peace.
  6. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by CandyRein Aldra you used to be cool with me before recently.. now you stay thanking insults like a butthurt bitch

    You should only be allowed to submit 3 out of every 5 of your posts.
  7. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Sudo well you obviously did because obviously have no idea what you're talking about, obviously. When pointed out how wrong you were you literally posted the first line from his Wikipedia entry.

    Whether or not you agree with the result you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

    I used quotation marks and listed the source. He was indeed convicted of murdering a US citizen, and what I'm saying is, I don't care if it was in a kangaroo court and he had a rough life for the following ten years.

    "But he was a child soldier. He was brainwashed! The process was unfair"

    Too bad. Execute.
  8. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by CandyRein So predictable

    Reported under the runaway slave act.
  9. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Sudo Omar Khadr was 15 and defined by the UN as a child soldier, was taken to Gitmo and tortured for years without trial, lost an eye and was completely stripped of any human rights. He met with Canadian gov reps numerous times at Gitmo and his "trial" was by all accounts a kangaroo court. He was a Canadian child soldier held in legal limbo for most of a decade and basically nothing about the chain of custody that followed him being shot in the back after possibly throwing a grenade in a war zone as a 15 year old indoctrinated child soldier was anywhere close to legal. As a Canadian citizen he's afforded some rights and anyone who has an issue with that is literally a Harper cuck who would bend over and voluntarily sacrifice their own freedoms.

    What kind of narrative is the Canadian right pushing "hurrdurr Trudeau hates Canada so much he gave a billion canuckbux to the terrorist who blew up a Tim Hortons with my gramma inside." Sorry it just pisses me off seeing people dumb enough to fall for such a false narrative, especially in another country. Anyways enough of that

    Not falling for a false narrative, I simply disagree. I'm glad he suffered through Gitmo, and am thoroughly disappointed he wasn't executed. Why did they even bother with a court hearing? Just string the fucker up.
  10. D4NG0 motherfucker
    A nigger charged with trying to corrupt the white race by seducing a German. The highest crime one can commit, really.
  11. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by aldra first I've heard about this

    he got convicted of war crimes for throwing a grenade at an invading army lul

    "[Omar Kahdr] pleaded guilty to the murder of U.S. Army Sergeant 1st Class Christopher Speer and other charges."

  12. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Sudo You're an idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Is he not Canadian? Admittedly I didn't read the whole thread, so maybe not.

    If he's talking about going after the police in a civil / criminal suit, or simply trying to extract some sort of accountability, I was just pointing out that he's the wrong race. They're willing to get butt fucked by Arabs, but such generosity is exclusively reserved for non-whites.
  13. D4NG0 motherfucker
  14. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by gadzooks If my officially lodged complain through the The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP (CRCC) doesn't work out, I will definitely proceed through different channels.

    Bookmarked that site for one.

    You're Canadian, right? Your country recently awarded ~$10,000,000 to a certified terrorist who complained about being detained after murdering people. Trudeau had a ceremony and everything for the guy.

    So, in your case, I think it's safe to say...

    You're fucked you disgusting white male.
  15. D4NG0 motherfucker
    much wow. such edge. wow.
  16. D4NG0 motherfucker
    "I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong."
  17. D4NG0 motherfucker
    From mmQ:

    Should she cut the veins first, or the arteries?

    "I guess I'll start from the beginning. She needs to calm THE FUCK down so we can get this over with. I know for a fact nobody has heard anything because there's no civilization for at least 10 miles each way. Been here about 2 hours and the 3 kids are bleeding out so slowly that they probably don't even notice how close they are to the end, or maybe they do, doesn't really matter I guess.

    Its the whole one thing leads to another that got us here and i could easily blame her but i have a shred of dignity and so admit that it's a mutual fault and likely more so mine than hers. Regardless, we're here now but it's fucked up and when a surprise home invasion leads to 5 close-to-deceased family members when you had guessed no more than 2, it brings a new level of anxiety and exhilaration to the equation.

    The place was random but there was only one car in the driveway and that's where the assumption of a small family first entered our minds. To be cautious, we didn't get out of the vehicle at first and just left 'er running with the lights on sort of into the living room window. Just waited for them to check what was going on and we'd explain our flat tire. Sure enough the father comes out and yells from a little distance wondering whats going on and i tell him. i shut the car off and he says to hang on and he heads back in and so me and the lady get out and lean on the back of our car that doesn't have a flat tire and wait.

    So guy comes back out a few minutes later with a flashlight and offers to take a look. I see his wife step out by the porch door and watch as her husband comes up to talk to us so I had to change the initial plan right off the get-go. Not a problem for a fan of the improvisational arts. I gave my woman a pinch of the cheek and she made haste to the man's wife to explain how she knew nothing about cars or some shit. When the man came around to check it out (because of course, as I told him, it was the rear passenger side tire that was flat) I didn't waste time. One thing I've learned is as soon as opportunity knocks, you hesitate for 1 second and everything changes. I knew it was early and I couldn't even be sure the women were inside the house yet but i bent down behind him and brought my knife across his neck so hard and fast that I knew the job was done and any threat he posed was over. I was relieved and thinking only the wife was left to deal with I was actually a bit disappointed. I went inside only to be pleasantly refreshed.

    They are all sitting around in the living room drinking tea or water. my woman, the other woman, and the 3 children all in their mid-teens. Polite and cordial and all that shit, talking about how long they'd lived there and other bs and I just got the biggest grin and started laughing from my core like I had never laughed. I imagine how awkward it was for them when they started laughing with me at first because it was indeed funny, and then when I just kept laughing, and laughing, and laughing….. the looks on their faces. Ha!

    So I'm totally 'in the zone' from this laughter and the high from deceasing the husband so efficiently, that I again went with my impulse and told the others that it really was like losing the lottery for them, and i don't think it made sense but it didn't matter because my next move drove the point across. i told em i was gonna go help their dad and went outside for a minute. i turned around glanced at my lady; gave her the eye of permission, then i left.

    There were a few barns in the lot, a grain silo, propane tank and miscellaneous farming equipment and I did a quick assessment to figure out our next move. It didn't take me long and I jump-stepped my way back to the house.

    I got back to the living room and there wasn't that much blood somehow, really i don't fucking get it at all but there wasn't and it was just a bonus to an otherwise smooth going visit. the mom laying there with a gunshot to the stomach; the three kids with their hands and feet all severed, respectively, and lots of twisted and really awful facial expressions from people who really really really wish that anything was happening to them other than that exact thing at that exact moment. And yet, such little blood, and she did this all by herself in the time it took me to have a smoke and survey the area. I did pick a winner…

    SO. Here we are now and this will bring you up to breast on the situation. The children are all 3 on the couch and we've given them just a few oxys because we have a little bit of compassion for ourselves and don't think we should have to watch them suffer so hard, for our own sake. They are 'content' for lack of a much better term because they certainly have not gave any indication that they are pleased with the events up to that point.

    The mom has literally got to only have like 5 or 10 minutes left, she's gasping so fucking hard and the hole in her stomach is just like this reverse muddled sinkdrain. the puddle of blood as collected in the basin of her stomach is so rich and so full… it's weird to watch a woman die like this. And so to my question!

    After she's dead, (again, because of our compassion), we are going to do a practice open heart surgery of sorts and just forgot if what things from the heart we should cut first. We'll probably try to make her heart work in one of the kids so maybe if it's the daughter it would work better or have a more likely chance I should say? Will post results but would like advice from anyone who can relate to this particular experience, or at least a similar one. Thankssomuch."
  18. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Please only die if you livestream your death.
  19. D4NG0 motherfucker
    The overwhelming majority of people become amoral animals the moment you take away their food and sense of security.
  20. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by y36mg Yeah I repeatedly leave home for days to avoid conflicts. Was in like three fist fights with my dad.

    Good. I hope next time he bludgeons you to death with the nearest blunt object. You skip school and take drugs but are still graduating? ffs

    Do us all a favor and an hero before you wind up on the welfare rolls leeching off the rest of society.
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