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Posts by D4NG0

  1. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by HTS Man I wasn't even in this thread and I'm still being emotionally savaged by you niggas.

    Bro. Have you officially mutilated yourself, or can you still turn back?
  2. D4NG0 motherfucker
    I'd call NARCassist 'working class minded' rather than stupid, though I'm not quite sure he's ever held a real job.
  3. D4NG0 motherfucker
    You'll be ugly and unloved either way, so what's it matter?
  4. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania So that's just a baby gorilla to you?

    Uh, yes?
  5. D4NG0 motherfucker

    This thread made me laugh.
  6. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 A lot of blue collar workers have progressed beyond entry level position and pay by retirement age lol

    That's sort of what I figured. Most advance so that they're no longer performing hard labor. What about the ones who don't though?

    Originally posted by Octavian Yeah stuck in one position. I had worked before as a laborer for a few weeks in the Summer holidays after school. Fucking-hated it.

    Both seem awful tbh. I'm happy to have an office-type job and work out on my own accord. Spending the day moving bricks, baling hay or some other shit is not only unsustainable, but also sounds boring as hell.
  7. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Ghost Why? Because I don't want to work for a company?

    I've always made more money on my own but to do that I need money in the first place. How is that short sighted? Working is generally a waste of time that you could better spend on education, learning a skill or doing some kind of hussle to make money on your own time which is a lot more stable in the long term.

    I'm not doubting the method, just your ability.
  8. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Ghost - You sound like a short-sighted idiot.

    Oct - Was your factory job labor intensive, or were you basically standing in one spot all day? When I said manual labor, I was thinking more along the line of movers, miners, construction workers, etc.
  9. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by gadzooks Where does this rage come from?

    The transitional hormones.
  10. D4NG0 motherfucker
    What do those of you with jobs that rely on manual labor plan to do when you get older? Do you view your job as temporary, or a stepping stone to a better position?

    I've always wondered about this. Manual labor jobs tend not to pay well, so it seems to me you're doubly screwed when forced into early retirement.
  11. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Octavian We should be allowed to beat women if they attack us. I'm sick of the whole urbane chivalrous attitude, it stinks I tell you! A man shouldn't be judged for putting a whore in her place should she start attacking.

    Damn bitches.

    I'm kinda for this. It would actually benefit women in the long run by teaching them to behave and keeping the whole 'girl power' shit in check. They don't seem to grasp how dangerous picking a fight with a man is for them. All it takes is one fed up psycho and suddenly they're out cold stuffed in the trunk of a car. Occasionally hitting back might help women realize this - for their own benefit.
  12. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Kidding aside, hope you stay sober. Good luck.
  13. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by aldra no, you're just facilitating them.

    Ehhh. True. I don't accept responsibility for choices I neither made nor agreed with though.
  14. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Meeting someone at the door armed literally makes you ignorant of the Christian faith and as corrupt religiously as the Muslims you hate.

    Christians aren't pacifist dogs who happily roll over for their adversaries. Care for your neighbors, sure, but mind your own family as well.
  15. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Doesn't mean I'm complicit in every one of my country's screw ups.
  16. D4NG0 motherfucker
  17. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Ghost You want to murder people you don't agree with (Muslims), how is that freedom of expression? Instead of debate them you would rather silence them through force which is just an extreme form of censorship.

    What? The US has freedom of expression on the books regardless of what I think of a particular ideology. And, fortunately for Muslims, I respect that and don't go around massacring people. If only they would do the same.
  18. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by GGG If you actually believe that, that's sad as fuck. You probably haven't met a nice muslim person because you're so much on the offensive towards them. Muslim people are hospitable as fuck and will take care of you. I trust a muslim person more than I do your average American. Your average american is cold and does not give a fuck about stranger's suffering. Muslims are taught by religion to give a fuck.

    So much for all those Christian's ey? American Christians are some of the biggest hypocrites in the world. Real religious folk are so ridiculously nice, doesn't matter which branch. Any true Christian would accept a Muslim into the fold.

    Christians don't accept wolves into the fold. We meet them at the door, armed.

    Of the amicable Muslims I have met they were either 1. Muslim in name only (completely ignorant of their faith) or 2. Deceptive (see: Taqiya).
  19. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Ghost I meant USA is Canada's ally. I don't give a shit about Muslims but in Canada we allow freedom of religous expression and belief so they can believe whatever they want, it has no effect on me.

    iN CaNaDa wE hAvE frEedOm oF eXprEssIoN

    As if the US doesn't? It's litterally the first fucking amendment you arrogant prick.
  20. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Ghost They are our allies

    No Muslim is an ally of mine. Regardless of citizenship.
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