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Thanked Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. I've taken almost every substance that exists. You haven't even come close. If you knew anything you would realize taking a hard drug like heroin MDMA or amphetamine once a year is completely harmless.

    You don't take precautions you are afraid of drugs because you're a normie without any real life experiences of ordering drugs from the internet
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. MUH VR



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  3. Whats the point. It's the loli revolution i'm telling you, ignore me all you want but I can see the direction society is heading and this is our fate, it's what we deserve for failing as a society that sexualizes children, erodes the traditional family and let feminism and leftist ideals run amok.

    All people talk about is love and accept, hate is wrong, let all the immigrants in, send your money to africa and israel but ALL PEDOPHILES ARE EVIL!!!! how long did you really expect that to hold up? when everything else in our world forces you to love and respect OR ELSE.

    Did you really expect pedophiles to just sit on the sidelines while every other minority group got special snowflake treatment? You created this environment so don't act so surprised that this is becoming accepted and mainstream now.

    Someone is gonna get sick of all this shit and go to a halfway house with convicted molesters and murder them all and people will think it's wrong because murder is evil and talk about how we need to stop the hate. Just you wait and see.

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  4. i made warioat leave xd
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  5. youre all nigger lovers
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  6. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Even if Trump and Biden died and they just found from random yokel off the street to run the country it would be exactly the same because no matter who you vote for the country will always be controlled by the jedis
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  8. im gonna dress up as an african american ooOOoOOooOOoo despite only being 13% of the population we commit over 50% of the crime! OOOOOoooooOOOO!!!!!
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  9. Originally posted by Technologist Didn’t she get that job only because she was a friend of Ivanka’s?

    thats pretty sexist. Yeah she sucked some dicks too and didn't wear a bra that one day. Because thats the ONLY way a woman could get as far as she could right? Just like anna spysys???
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  10. He can't be worse than jessie and amanda

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man One time I lived with a bunch of retarded people and got them all hooked on weed.

    They were all retarded and because of my weed they started eating like crazy and the girls would get horny and not know what being aroused is so they would freak out and be like "IT TINGLES! MY FLOWERS TINGLES!" and some retarded guy would take them into a room and they would have retard sex (which lasts like 10 hours and makes a huge mess btw)

    They would fuck in the bathroom for hours. They would use entire boxes of condoms in one session and destroy any bedroom is was fucked up animalistic drug fueled retard hedonism.

    One time after a long afternoon sex session that started around 11am and ended in the late afternoon in the bedroom of a friend of mine, he went in and there was shit all over the bed. He put a bunch of newspaper and garbage bags over it and we dragged it into the alley and left it there.

    The tard girls also would get violent and pretty much only existed to get high and fuck. I was the one who supplied all the weed and made my living off trying to get as much of the tards disability money as possible. None of them ever bought weed before so I sold eighths for $30, grams were solid $10, quarters were $60 an ounces $200. I paid like 400 a QP for indoor and mostly sold them outdoor because they would flip out and act crazy on the good stuff.

    I gave a girl dabs once and she kept trying to dial an ambulance or police, she didn't know what one and she was fine just freaking out and really wanted to dial 911.

    One of the girls, Amanda (see above pic) would wake up, walk into the living room and yell "I WANT WEED NOW!" and punch her boyfriend Jessie (See above pic, 40 year old jedi guy that didn't know she was retarded) as hard as she can in the arm and he would not even be mad or upset even though it was a really good punch and look like it hurt he just goes "OW! AMANDA!" in his nasally jedi voice, then he gets some money from his wallet, gives it to me and I give him some weed.

    One time she punched him so hard she broke his glasses and cut his face, another time knocked a plate of food out of his hand and he just smiled and cleaned it up.

    He also got her pregnant when I was there (they had been together a few months, i was there less than a month)

    They have a retard baby together now.

    My best friend (spacepantz) and I both endured this for 3-4 weeks one Spring while we were selling weed and working, made LOTS of money but at the cost of our sanity. Spacepantz is now in a mental hospital, and I'm a recovering meth addict.

    I like to think we were good kids and that the evils of society and lack of eugenics is why our lives are so fucked.

    That is the story of the Retard Rodeo.
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  11. He can come stay with me, does he like trannies?
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  12. Make her a smoothie :) it's the best thing when you're too fucked up to eat food
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  13. Russian election hackers from the future. They invented time travel in Chernobyl and covered it up with a nuclear accident
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  14. Like my dad always says just close one eye and you will be fine
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  15. Originally posted by aldra he's furiously crywanking to a prison documentary

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  16. when I was a little kid I used to draw saddam hiding in his bunker on the back of all my homework assignments and I spent months incorportating him into all my drawings and art because I thought the idea of some dude with a beard hiding in a bunker from the soldiers for months while the world looks for him was funny. Like 'where in the world' is he and they got trucks and helicopters all over but he's literally under them just chilling watching them look for him on his TV.

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  17. So are y'all gonna bitch out and not vote libertarian? It literally doesn't matter if you vote for Biden or Trump but a vote for LIBERTY and FREEDOM is the only real vote you can make, you are taking away that 1 vote away and paving the way for a future without a 2 party system.

    If you want it to be that way forever go ahead and throw your vote away on whoever spends the most money and has the most screen time.
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  18. Originally posted by stl1 I don't remember anyone asking you.

    Every STL thread:


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  19. >Technologist
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  20. Warioat

    I'm gonna make you famous and get you on afterprisonshow. I already submitted all your info so let me know if they contact you. I also gave them my info and said I'm your agent

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