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Thanked Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. this video kept me from killing myself once

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Hey warioat it's almost the middle of the week and I still haven't heard from law enforcement. Whats the deal dood? I was looking forward to seeing your name in a criminal complaint document to finally prove once and for all that you are MACIEJ WIESLAW LATA, convicted child fucker, violent meat head polack retard that cries to the police when he loses an argument.

    I was gonna frame that shit on my wall and even if I did go to prison I will tell everyone exactly what I did to get there and make a lot of friends because in my country we don't like child fuckers.

    Why did you stop posting warioat? did I upset you that much? Or is it because you realized posting more threats after threatening to dox me has made your entire claims of "reporting me for harassment" impossible because you keep coming back here to post stupid shit because you're a retard that doesn't understand basic law.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. plural animals

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  5. yeah he really bamboozled me. First he makes up this crazy story about living in USA and getting deported for hitting a man with a pint glass in the seabright bar and molesting a 12 year old girl and then when you call this fictional character a child fucking pedophile loser piece of shit he contacts the authorities for cyber bullying and harassment of his "fictional character" that is definitely totally 100% not him.
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  6. Oh no guys warioat is currently in the process of reporting me to Canadian law enforcement for cyber bullying and harassment because he lost an argument and I called him a child fucker.

    I'm sure a judge will throw the book at me when they see the thread title THE AGE OF CONSENT SHOULD BE 11

    Minor attracted persons are not okay to harass and call child fuckers or rapists. That is not PC. The correct term is an underage attracted individual and if you call them a pedophile you can go to jail for harassment and bullying

    Da loli revolution
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  7. so a while back the creeper gunpowder farm got blown up and someone yoinked all the fishing stuff and enchanted books from the adjacent mob grinding room and I think I just stumbled on the base of whoever took all the stuff because this stuff looks familiar and they have a dub full of pufferfish I think from the same stash

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  8. It makes your brain feel really happy

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  9. Clearly a rigged monopoly because if someone tried to make a nuclear powered car today they would go to prison for life

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  10. Whenever I read your retarded posts
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  11. Raping stray cats doesn't count douglass
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  12. Here is what the manhunt is gonna look like

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  13. I just realized no free candy for da kids. That sucks, you really only get to enjoy it truly for a limited time in your life maybe 5-6 years and now thats -1 year because of covid.

    It's a lot of fun when you're a kid it's like an adventure and you get a giant bowl of shitty candy to hold you over until christmas. I have a lot of cozy memories of playing animal crossing eating snickers bars and rockets.

    I think that's it for Halloween. This is gonna kill the holiday for good and I am already envisioning a future where people just buy candy and watch scary movies at home instead of going out

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  14. The George Floyd burger would just be a really large patty that makes you choke #ICANTBREATH

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  15. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal You don't have anxiety you're just brainfried from all the crack and meth.

    Maybe the reason I abuse drugs is because it's the only thing that makes me feel happy and not want to kill myself
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  16. Originally posted by CandyRein Fatchew, do you know what this is ?
    Have you ever seen one ?

    is that the machine they use to xray peoples assholes for dead rodents
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  17. i'm too lazy to leave the house to purchase alcohol. I blame the weed delivery
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  18. What about the rosetta stone
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  19. Originally posted by CandyRein I’m off in 9 min y’all…

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. She looks part engine
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