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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. I have tripped on benadryl many times. I enjoy getting completely fucked by the symptoms and unable to speak or type coherently.

    It's a dark and evil grotesque scare you like a young child high, it's like watching a slasher film except your brain cells and sanity are dying instead
  2. Yeah that was probably why it kept lagging randomly
    Besides that it was fine
  3. okay so that was real, i knew it
  4. I can eat I just don't want to because I also can't shit because i've been having caffeine and nicotine withdrawls from being too high to use other stimulants

    I don't even notice the sleep deprivation anymore though so thats nice
  5. getting molested is fun you don't even know

    pretendind you dont like it is also part of the fun uwu dont touch me down there older girl
  6. i just wanna use a gun as a rogue with poisons like a fucking poison musket asssassin
  7. Dont do drugs kids jk i wasnt doing enough
  8. Lololol
  9. Originally posted by Solstice You just havent found the right porn yet.

    Yes I have

    Anything with lesbians
  10. Yeah twitching and sweating takes a lot of energy, you burn fat and run out quickly

    I can barely force myself to eat at the moment
  11. Let's make CBD oil and isomerize it with hydrochloric acid to make delta 9 THC and sell it to highschool kids and the darknet
  12. Don't drink milk before the come up man
  13. Get Tek
  14. Damn he should have uploaded the picture, taken a screenshot, paste to MSpaint, crop, rotate, throw a Random swastika somewhere and then posted it

    Although I heard they can tell what program was used to edit it based on pixel analysis
  15. Puking on mescaline is what I imagine enjoying rape is like
  16. Also when he was looking around the tower he walked up to the "JEFF HUNTER DID 9/11" sign and stared at it for a long time and then he asked me what kind of a forum was NIS

    every time he asked me a question I would ask him one and neither of us would answer it
  17. Originally posted by Charmeleon531 ayy i was playing on that mfker >:d

    Originally posted by Charmeleon531 what a boomer lol
  18. I'm telling you it was that FBI agent guy I'm not even tripping he posted in this thread

    Who is that guy he kept asking me personal questions and I avoided them because I was making my walls and I was paranoid he was gonna Griff me so I ran I a house and make an iron sword and kept my eye on him and then it crashed after he ran away like he was doing some shady shit
  19. Smoke that grass and eat your ass
  20. ooh the plureals are coming out tongiht baby!!!
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