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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. Those legs need to be spread more if she wants to go any deeper
  2. I'll send you $50 for tits
  3. I haven't seen much in my travels, I did find fonaplats house by accident though
  4. Where at
  6. Everyones building bridges and skyways, all our bases are separated by water mostly and nobody has built a single dock.

    This dock is located on the east side of spawn island. There are boats there to get you started if you don't have one and chests to store your stuff if you are coming back from a voyage with your pockets full

    Also I found where all the animals went, turns out they are fine but all ended up in a corner for some reason, so I turned it into a zoo

  7. you're just saying that cuz you live in a small town and cant get shit PUSSY
  8. muh tolerance
  9. i posted about a trip report and you are talking about DARPA and HAARP on a subforum about drugs
  10. Proof you are mentally ill you cant read a simple trip report thread without freaking the fuck out thinking it's some kind of personal attack
  11. Because people are stupid and nobody respects drugs or understands them
  12. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and get a zip
  13. I am down to kief
  14. I think it was 60x
  15. Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I'm the one with issues?
    You gorge yourself on substances that are ripping apart your brain's ability to properly perceive reality.
    At this point you are considered legally insane and nothing you say holds any merit.

    You don't know what my habits are like

    I'm a lot more stable and coherent than you and I do drugs so that says a lot. That should be a wake up call,

    You literally hallucinated the FBI or government watching you through the clouds and through the internet and stuff. I would be considered a conspiracy theorist and i abuse meth and hard drugs and sometimes think there are government agents on my roof but you are completely delusional fantasy world
  16. I'm just describing what it was like ,you have issues pal, negativity is stupidity
  17. Everything turned into massive pillars about 1000x the scale of this and they went on forever and i was looking at myself through a 3rd person view

    The pillars were the only thing that had geometry, everything else was just static In multicolor

  18. I'll tell you what's not safe, not paying attention to your job and fucking around on the internet.

    Just because you wage cucks like to waste time at work now all the mainstream websites have to be NSFW friendly and remove tits because tits aren't work safe because it makes people horny and do #metoo

    Fuck this society. The capitalist workforce promotes censorship, you're all a bunch of sell outs.
  19. Originally posted by Fonaplats imagine a rambling fona-thread that doesn't really go anywhere but sounds like a complaint.

    I have no idea

    Every time I close my eyes i see plantessi
  20. I don't believe Autism exists, they function perfectly fine they just need a slap and parents that aren't retarded

    Every autism person I ever met had retarded parents that force fed them drugs. I don't think they have a disease, some people are just different its what makes us human maaaan

    We should like embrace our differences not look at them as disabilities
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