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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. He no longer has a place

    It's like putting an abandoned sign on a Detroit home you better mean that shit cuz some trap niggas already moving in before you drive away
  2. I just dug out all §m£ÂgØLs floors and walls didn't find any Diamond

    Jeez he's really gonna make me rip this entire place up to find it
  3. No I'm pointing out that the pants are designed for girls showing off their ass so they started making them in kids size because they became a trend

    Maybe they don't explicitly state that's the purpose of those pants but there's no denying that's why they exist. To make your butt look cute or to do yoga

    Most kids don't do yoga so you do the math it's clearly a plot by the jedi money makers In control of the fashion industry to turn All the little white girls into sluts that listen to rap music and rebel against daddy so they can marry Tyrone the nigger and become a single mom with a black baby that no respectable white man would ever want to touch and the jedis in their reptile space ship high five queen Elizabeth and Putin and they all stick out their liserd fork tongues and hiss "yessss yessss another white goyim corrupted" and then praise their satanic jedi gods and rape/sacrifice a baby
  4. I disagree

    Black people didn't make it this far by starving they kept their bellies full in them slave times that's why they raid mastas melon patch and eat all the giblets and feet and neck and cook it up southern fried soul food style with grits and gravy
  5. I was pretending to be a Moslem
  6. Bitch I can't eat money grow some more fucking watermelon 🍉
  7. ?? Could they really be mad

    "ILL KILL HER" too late lol
  8. I wouldn't mind a bowl of that right now
  9. Even little girls wear yoga pants even though they are designed to excentuate the ass why is our society accepting that it's okay to look at little girls asses but then we treat people like Harvey Weinstein like they are worse than Hitler

    Proof this world is just backwards contradictory nothing makes sense we should all just go on a mass shooting right now and kill as many people as possible
  10. Fair enough
  11. Oh man looks like I just inherited a tower and bridge!
  12. It's the town with all those sandstone towers called fonaplats land and you have a pet rabbit

    You lied fucker you told me you didn't have a base
  13. Mailmvaa
  14. I would also like to know her latitude and longitude

    If she makes 80 a day and a flight only costs me a few hundred I would only have to rob her a few times before I started making profit
  15. I want to roll hydro for all her cash I bet she's too sick and weak to fight back

    Gimme all your cash and dope or i send you to plantessi bitch
  16. More melon farms near spawn
  17. Originally posted by DietPiano But i have school i need to do well in..

    i almost caused myself to get arrested for a felony and lose my place by being psycho because i called the owner lady due to me thinking we were having a showdown where she was outside my window and her husband was going to knock on my door with a weapon in hand, so after pretending to sleep for a few minutes I decided to call her and end things civil like instead of pretending to sleep all night. The call was really really awkward, but it went OK.

    Hah I did the exact same thing once. Except I boarded up both doors from the inside the previous night so they couldn't get inside and had to call a locksmith and eventually a crowd formed outside my door trying to solve the mystery of why it won't open while i was on the other side cutting lines of meth totally naked laughing at how stupid they all are for not realizing the door is boarded!!!

    But it was all a hallucination.
  18. If I could make $100 a day doing nothing I would be homeless too lmao
  19. Yeah must be hard having tits

    I can't imagine what it's like to spread my legs and have a place to sleep, that must be horrible!
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I'll send you $50 for tits
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