User Controls

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  5. 1987
  6. 1988
  7. 1989
  8. 1990
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  12. 2371
  13. 2372
  14. 2373
  15. 2374

Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. It's all money to me!
  2. They returned the precursors to home depot and used the money to buy meth. Returned 100 boxes of sudafed
  3. killyourself
  4. OT means off topic
  5. I did but when you chug a pot its better to make ice coffee and thats how I drank it normally but I would drink it black in the morning with my mum before she went to work and then I would skip school, eat a box of benadryl and watch JERRY SPRINGER and STEVE!!!!

  6. Oh, we don't take pennies as currency in Canada anymore they phased those out.
  7. I was spraying roundup once and the gaskets on my sprayer fucked up and sprayed a bunch of soap,roundup and water into my mouth and it went down my throat.

    I like the smell of the concentrate it's like gasoline mmmm mmmm mmm
  8. I started drinking it when I was 16 years old. I would brew a pot of coffee, dump in some cream until it's not so dark and brown, add some ice and chug that shit.
  9. It was a bunch of lithium but used too much water
  10. Originally posted by CandyRein I love her :)

  11. Weed infused

  12. yall niggas don't even know shit about ABSOLUTE ZERO
  13. I will ship it to you in a humidor
  14. stop stalking meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *this post has been thanksed by donttellthem*
  15. Stalking women on the internet is a good time. That's how I ended up with HTS :)
  16. cooking meth in the backseat of your car in the middle gridlock traffic is the best meme

  17. Where on the tax return form for businesses does it ask you to specify your breakdown of payment methods? Also it wouldn't be doing nothing. Just buy a food truck and make fake orders all day mixed wih real ones, and push cash app, venmo, apple pay and bitcoin.
  19. Why not both
  20. You stole a cat?
  1. 1
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  5. 1987
  6. 1988
  7. 1989
  8. 1990
  9. 1991
  10. 1992
  11. ...
  12. 2371
  13. 2372
  14. 2373
  15. 2374
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