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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. How do you brush a hair with a painkiller I assume in pill form wut

    Maybe if you taped a bunch together
  2. How do I find his PI

    I will pay $100 USD if someone gets me his home address
  3. You people just can't appreciate the game
  4. Because you're a tool
  5. Ii mmmmmmmm
  6. Hah
  7. I would have returned them to Mexico for a reward
  8. Thought this was a mommy shell thread get fucked you nobody
  9. Big ol' days ago
  10. Tek lolis
  11. I wish you left your door unlocked at night
  12. You can make his server unplayable and encase spawn in obsidian, kill everyone and make it so nobody wants to join

    Griefing is always fun. Wait until he fixes the tower and blow it up again
  13. Stimulants make me want to do fetish stuff that I have no desire to follow through or up with

    Like rape
  14. So grief his base then you pussies
  15. Last time I did Tek I played Minecraft for 72 hours until I had sores on both my arms and hands and then it was 3am and hts was sleeping and I was lonely so I watched tranny porn even though I don't even like tranny porn I was just really high and didn't want to "betray" the trap empire and get force feminized
    I couldn't even cum because the girls kept turning into guys and suddenly bending the dude over and fucking them and I was just really tired, confused, horny, lonely, high, hungry

    It was not a good feeling. Once I ate yogurt and smoked weed I felt better though

    I think I'll just stick to lesbian porn next time
  16. She has legs that go on for miles

    And that penis!
  17. It sucked lol fuck Chris Hansen I will have a seat on your wife's face btw how old is your daughter if the answer is the legal age or above I don't need to know byw
  18. I found my old server, it had every biome that existed at the time

    Swamp, dessert, snow, forest, grasslands and mushroom
  19. I am not some fresh virgin schoolyard bitch like §m£ÂgØL i have had my own server and spent Months building stuff on it.

    My spawn was like a city, and I had a pretty active server with lots of hardcore children on it. Sometimes I would give them creative or admin but of course someone abused it and my entire spawn area that all of us spent a month working on got blown up and turned into a crater

    That's just how Minecraft goes one day you are giving out 64 stacks of diamond block making all the Minecraft lolis squirm and the next you are the king of a bedrock swastika giant flaming lava crater and a DDOS attack from literal children
  20. Oa
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