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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. Cock nose
  2. I'm just laying here trying to fucking breathe. I never even wanted to go outside
  3. Originally posted by Fonaplats Wanna play minecraft?

    Ya I'm just sick ever since I went to visit hts parents I can't breathe idk what happened to me. Fucking old people
  4. You're gonna start hallucinating if you keep taking that shit yours just replacing one drug for another drug
  5. So whats your excuse
  6. Here's the story about when I went crazy from prescription medications

    I was on mood stabilizers and benzos having a normal day at work

    Then the drugs came in and it destroyed my ability to differentiate write from wrong. In my head the receptors were all firing backwards thanks to the "medicine" and my response to actions was very abnormal.

    That's the thing with these drugs is you are supposed to take them to stop being anxious and depressed but when your anxiety and depression is caused by simple being too aware and too honest it doesn't do much and in some cases has the reverse effect where you can justify hurting yourself or others.

    Because off drugs you have to learn to live with that brain every day and deal with the cards your dealt. Most people don't hurt themselves or others every day. They deal with those emotions and feel like shit.

    But with drugs they become the reason you don't go crazy instead of the reason being yourself and when something goes wrong with the drugs that's when shit can get wild.

    Anyways I got the forklift stuck at work which sucked but was nothing too new. Normally I just throw off my hat in Anger and stomp on it like OH MAN THIS WOMPS but this time I grabbed a knife and started cutting myself because FUCK ITS STUCK YOU GOT IT STUCK THDRE IS NO POINT IN BEING ALIVE NOW so I was ready to end it and my co workers had to tackle me and force the knife out of my hands and I got all violent and aggressive with them for trying to stop me from hurting myself.

    I feel more bad for them than me like god damn can you imagine going to grab your afternoon coffee and there's fucking scrawny using the kitchen knife to rip up his arms like a death metal show. Not cool.

    It was an awkward morning around the water cooler when I got back from the mental hospital I tell ya that much. Thanks for the meds doc I'll just listen to my dad and stick to smoking weed next time
  7. Originally posted by Archer513 We need more young men out their killing commies and pedos 👍🏻

    And yet when some harmless anarchists say murder should be legal you all start crying about MUH PUBLIC SAFETY IF WE HAVE NO POLICE WHAT WILL THE GOVERNMENT SPEND ALL MY HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS ON?!
  8. Fig.
  9. Fig
  10. I remember when my dad put me on his lap and made me drive the car except he made me do it in the middle of rush hour traffic in the city and I learned how to constantly tap the break lights and get unreasonably angry at everyone around me and how to stealthily drink a Road Pop (that's a beer for you yanks) and keep it in a coffee cup so the constabulary doesn't see it
  11. Originally posted by Kev You have a moral obligation to starve the toxic harpies of your attention in this gynocentric world. if you have to nut, i encourage you to get a prostitute. they are way cheaper than a wife and you wont lose all your shit and go to jail for decades if she happens to withdraw consent 10 years after you two fucked.

    the real question is what kind of woman is more honest and virtuous, a wife or a hooker? definitely the latter.

    Consent goes both ways it's not like you can. Just give and receive it like a gift on Halloween unless you're a nonce that makes the kids come inside the house to get the free candy
  12. If you think Trump is gonna win the erection that you have no idea the latest fox polls or a CNN discussion because they are all saying Biden has this in the Trump
  13. Originally posted by Kev yeah im not fucking around any exchange asking for sensitive info, especially not to immediately buy pills afterwards which they can and do track down despite the idiot fanboys harping on how secure bitcoin is, it isnt, not if you officially identified yourself with every fucking bit penny you exchanged.

    You're credit card can't be traced if you just use a vpn so I don't get what all these bitcon dovecorners are always harpooning on about
  14. Here's the condenser version.

    I got roller coaster tycoon from a box of cereal and then when I was a adult I laugh at virtual llama
  15. I wrote my entire life story but as soon as I hit submit the internet went out and it didn't save it for some reason

    Thanks Lanny good work on that cache
  16. Fig
  17. What about Kevin Markley tho
  18. How do you know they are left handed
  19. I'm not clicking that sketchy link
  20. So much for Austin being COVID FREE
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