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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. just use discord lmao i dont even have it downloaded on the computer i just run it in the browser. It's like skype that you don't have to download. I join random discords all the time it's kinda like old school internet chat rooms
  2. you aren't gonna get anywhere in life being a cum looking faggot. Your idea of a 'relationship' is dating someone a thousand miles away and looking at pictures of other mens cum on the internet.

    What a heart throb, watch out for grills ladies he will get butterflies when he reads the card you send him and he's okay with watching you have sex with another man because it makes him happy knowing you are being pleased. what a true gentle man
  3. Originally posted by Wariat the totse tapes are releaaed. luigi is also ral so thy say.

    link to da tapes?
  4. nobody cares about your gay homo blogs you hoosier hapa faggot
  5. who the fuck is larry
  6. good morning fona thanks for your message it was nice to read as I was going to bed :)
  7. Sorry that we can't all be hoosiers living in bumfuck indiana with all the hicks and rednecks that live 500 miles apart in their trailer parks

  8. Because they are?

    Hey lets bomb 5 countries for a decade guys!!
  9. Originally posted by Bugz Was that sarcasm? that you now claim not to do psychoactive drugs but answered it in a snarky way with a Monkey seeing another monkey eating and processing it almost like a 5 year old human? because they can't learn past a 5 year old humans thunk machine.

    I don't know how to better describe the experience than that. it's like neuron activation x2000. I think MDMA is more of a hard drug than meth because you can do meth every day, most people do and while yes it does cause brain damage , MDMA used every day is a lot worse for you because it messes with serotonin.

    All dopamine and fried neurons cause is anhedonia. Serotonin syndrome can kill you
  10. Originally posted by Wariat the cool kids want more blm wnd fireart studios. thats what they want and eat up not you.

    No, the kids that are into activism, lgbtqqiapp, leftism, trump bad hurr durr are NOT the cool kids. They are weirdo outsiders that find like minded people when they get into college.

    The majority of modern youth don't give a shit about social issues, it's a vocal minority that reflects bad on those of us under the age of 30 because stupid boomers lump us all in together even though someone born in 2000 has had a completely different experience from someone born in the 80's or 90's because they missed 10+ years of the start of the internet age.

    Also the only reason those kids did the mass walk out of schools saying GUNS BAD TRUMP BAD was because FUCK SCHOOL LMAO they don't give a shit about gun control, most of them think guns are cool and its a popular hobby for the youth of america to go shooting and hunting. They just pretended to care so they could get out of school.

    Sure there were a few kids that took it seriously but they are not the cool kids and everyone else was making fun of them while they were crying and giving their speech about MUH GUNS ARE BAD MUH SCHOOLS
  11. Originally posted by Wariat lol, youre no judge of art and the only reason youre not in the same fate i eould be eithout help because you ruck a tranny or your boyfirnd who gets mad you spend all his money on drugs. Hiki confirmed rhis lol. secondly, you hate fireart stufios and their wok just as much ws me and you csnt edplain their euccess either except they are liberwl and always have blacks ora sians in their work to appewr inclusive wnd diverse. esplwin their such awesome amstery or whatever it is thwt makes thm so goof then because ive never hewrd you breaking their work down or explain why it sells like hotcakes even once. so basiclaly youre jsut w shitt alker a disposabale garbage bag thwt foesnt even understand the grewt graafik design industry scron. you need jsut as much help as me we all do. many of us do. look wt women thwt go to those meetups they need it too jut ask jig.

    We don't even do drugs anymore and the only boyfriend is me squeezing her tranny titties and ass. Cock nose is a retard no wonder you think he's cool.

    Everything else you said doesn't even make sense lol low iq retard
  12. Originally posted by Grylls Are you on meds?

    Shut up clf nobody likes you DH scum this a TOTSE VETEREN you're talking to here pal so show some respect
  13. Who is dat
  14. rabbit gang gang

  16. the only better than a biter is a bitcoinminer am I right ladies

  17. Originally posted by Octavian OP's voice sounds so effeminate and Juden.

    Must be the cock nose.

    no no its your cock chin its this its that his voice is fine and totally normal sounding
  18. It makes your brain feel really happy

  19. truly based

  20. Originally posted by Bugz What will you bring?

    I don't know what to bring to a gathering of humans besides mind altering substances and food
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