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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Daily So OP…what were you doing hanging out with these low quality, low status, underage girls

    Did you end up tapping the 1/10

    You look awfully enthusiastic about cosying up to her

    of all four of those pieces of ass that 1/10 (glasses) would be the best fuck.
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  2. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]
    Originally posted by mmQ Jesus fuck. I haven't even watched the kid part yet, just watching him have to watch his dad get beheaded was almost too much. Got DAMN that would suck ass to the highest order. Ugh.

    They also told the kid they'd send their heads to his mom.

    This group call themselves "Viagras" and apparently they killed these people because the cop was an informant for both them and a rival cartel group. These videos are intimidation and propaganda and it obviously works, since who would want to mess with these people. Also they're obviouly not in their right mind when they do this type of stuff. You can hear them gleefully talking about "cigarrito bañado" which usually means cigarettes laced with cocaine. Last month some youtuber kid got shot 15 times just because he said a certain drug lord "sucked his dick" in a video while drunk.

    Getting rid of this scourge is not something easy. Firstly, USA would need to stop consuming so much drugs since they're the prime market, and they'd need to stop selling weapons to criminals here. Secondly, this place needs to step up their shit dealing with corruption because holy fuck it's impressive. Third, it all stems from better education, which a lot of people severely lack here. Not just academic education, but manners, respect and etiquette as well.

    War on Drugs 10/10 plan amirite
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  3. drinking listerine
    drinking rubbing alcohol
    huffing starting fluid
    beating up my parents
    sexually harassing my classmates
    jacking off to disgust porn (scat/puke/blood etc)

    you have to have guilt to have guilty pleasures right?
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  4. DocFoster Tuskegee Airman [concentrate my unpalatable boomer]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i think you should kill yourself

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i think you should kill yourself

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i think you should kill yourself

    I've tried, and boy do I wish I were dead, but my business isn't finished yet. There are some things I must see through yet
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  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    There was also a good gay sex scene in there, so it may qualify for this thread as well. He was really pounding away like a devil.
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  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    I'm a proud man i'm afraid. So humiliation.

    I had a nightmare that i was bouncer at this bar and then this huge nigger started attacking people so i went for him, but he got a hold of me, forced me to the ground and raped me while people stood there, laughing their asses off.

    Fucking horrible man.

    I'm also afraid of becoming insane and to some extent also misinformation.
    Misinformation is dangerous as fuck.
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  7. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by Plonko! mental illness isn't a brain disorder, and no you're pretty much the only autistic person here, you like to say everyone is because it makes you feel better about being a nigger

    by retarded i mean "defective, dysfunctional, less than human, incapable of basic human interactions and behaviors, living on disability for a mental deficiency" not IQ under 70 in this case

    So what, your diagnostic criteria for retardation is social incompatibility - inability to behave and interact in basically acceptable ways. Defective and dysfunctional.

    I hate to inform you of this, but by your own criteria... you're probably fucking retarded.
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  8. DocFoster Tuskegee Airman [concentrate my unpalatable boomer]
    What scares you boys? Let's get specific. What spooks you, gives you the jibblies, does you a frighten?

    So what terrifies you? Everything is to be discussed here, from general ideas to specific situations. Examine others to see what you can learn about another from their fears!

    I'm scared of losing my mind. Scared all this medicine to keep my head on straight is doing the opposite, or perhaps the medicine provides a thin layer of ice over the lake of insanity, and boy howdy spring is around the corner and I'm standing on the ice of ego that is slowly coming apart and the medicine just bought me more time until im just floating on the lake of madness, rocking on an ice floe that gets thinner and more fragile by the minute: half in and half out. Is the shore just an illusion of an addled mind? Or is the coup de grace of icy blackness a quicker, kinder out?

    I'm terrified of being reduced to a gibbering mass, left in the states care, pushed aside and forgotten by friends and family, to be disconnected and wait, in a safe room where I cant off myself for the shame of being a waste of other people's resources, with no way to contribute or die.
    Which is funny becasuse my ideal existence is self imposed isolation, but with a means to be productive.

    I worry that my whole life is just an extensive psyop, and that I've been controlled and manipulated by the new world order or whoever from day one. That a secret society of people bent on controlling the globe would have enough knowledge, practice, and foresight to control everyone, even allowing for the resistance as part of their plan. I worry that my willingness and desire to fight that same control is nothing not programmed in me. Or at least expected. Surely every animal that was used in neurotoxin tests, every lab rat injected, all thought if they rattle the bars of their cage, if they struggle and run til the very last, that they'll escape control, or at least make their captors regret imprisoning them and their kind til their last seconds, when in reality it's just the squeaks and cage rattling of a doomed animal: expected, common, easily dealt with. Is the cia controlling me? How do I prove it? How do I prove they're not? Is my fighting against this control something programmed into me? How deep does it go? Is the belief we can fight for freedom from control, to truly strike out and do what what we want free from manipulation, just an illusion? A kindness granted by the powers that be to save us from the terror of reality and the stress that knowing the whole truth might lay on us. Every time I try to think of something to prove that I'm not bbeing controlled I Come to the same problem: what if thst belief was implanted in me, or allowed to me, when in the end I'm just an animal in a cage slowly being sacrificed to the status quo.
    Only thing that would prove I'm not under control would be the total collapse of society
    It's so hard to tell what's real these days, I can't even trust myself.

    TL;DR, tell us about your fears! Examine others! We're just animals!
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  9. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by BRiCK HTS, are you the same lighter boy from all those years ago?

    The one and only. 😎

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  10. Watching his Dreamforce speech. It's kind of depressing to imagine that this fat guy rambling on about sales is actually Jeff Hunter.
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  11. QT Hapa Kids too.

    This is the problem with those who put their chop-sticks into the rice.

    The jedi judge looks like an A. Wyatt Man caricature.
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  12. Vizier Tuskegee Airman [spic of the devil]

    Just carpet bomb this place with nuclear bombs already. My body is ready to be baptised by 450,000 degrees flames.
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  13. I feel like I’m a little more humane than to agree with murdering billions of people. Just stop them breeding and let them die naturally. In a hundred years or so we’ll be good to go
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  14. Madman African Astronaut
    Ive done alot of cocaine to that song.
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  15. It should be clear God's light no longer shines upon us.
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  16. It's hard to doubt that God is real when you see miracles like this occur.

    God has given his children a mighty chariot for the heavens, exactly as he said he would in 2002.

    Praise him and his perfect mercy and perfect justice.
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  17. Originally posted by Totse 2001 My mom smoked for so long, the doctor at first said "let her keep smoking, she'll probably live longer from less stress"

    but then she got a clogged artery. tar causes plaque in the arteries. no way to die. it's painful you might live and stroke out instead, and be a drooling retard for the rest of your life.

    cigarettes are a shit deal. you're just making rich people rich. cigars , people didn't inhale them.. so cigars were safer. or pipe tobacco. take up that. get some flavoured tobacco and pipe away. or smoke pot.

    cigs are full of shit and chemicals they lace in the paper. making you addicted.

    Inhaling weed smoke isn't good either. Any kind of organic combustion results in carcinogens like polycyclic hydrocarbons and benzene. Even a campfire can cause cancer. People like to bring up the tumor stunting enzymes found in marihuwanas, but they've NEVER been shown to protect against carcinogens introduced to the body, or shown to stop cancer from forming in the first place. It's not magic. There are other plants/things you can take that stunt tumor growth too, like fish oil, green tea, thyme, cinnamon, jasmine, garlic, ginger, etc.

    Vape or eat your weed if you want to avoid the risk of developing cancer.
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  18. Originally posted by hydromorphone what the fuck are you even talking about? I have custody of my son, I've had custody of my son. The only thing I've been dealing with court related, and not even this month, is child support from his father- which, no surprise, isn't being paid- and he'd petitioned for custody, which my lawyer had said was really stupid- if anything he should have started with visitations, but even that, the last bit of shit, he hasn't even shown up for court so all his shit, as expected was denied. Why the fuck are you trying to start shit? What the fuck did I fucking do to you? You really are a passive aggressive little fuck wanting to spread bullshit here. Yeah, if 1337 said anything other than what I disclosed here, then yeah, he's fucking really being an asshole and trolling bullshit for reasons I can't explain. PM/email me screenshots if that's true. I haven't even talked to 1337 but briefly this last week, I'm going to call him today after I get done working/he's off work, and ask about this. If you're being honest, which I really have reason to believe you're not and just wanting to stir shit, then yeah, 1337 and I have a problem, because all that is bullshit.

    What have I done to you for you to want to cause contention here? I've left you alone, and save for when you've wanted to post shit that is definitely slanderous/of an attacking nature, I've treated you with respect, and courtesy. I have no desire to have anything to do with you, and it's funny, I think… I think maybe you're not over me or something, or you're upset you're not getting some fucked attention you seek or something because I no longer want anything to do with you, I've moved on, I no longer am going to keep kissing your ass about the past and keep living there as it seems you still are, and you no longer have any influence in my life. I also am not going to take your abusive, toxic bullshit and attacks laying down anymore. I think you are jealous I have a friendship with 1337, and someone I can pick up the phone and call, or text if I need someoe to talk to during this time in my life, which has been rather chaotic, but at least is better than it was, and is slowly getting better and better- maybe you're angry about that too, feeling I deserve all the shit I have going on, all the pain, and it bothers you my life is improving. I don't know, but it's painfully obvious that you really have a huge chip on your shoulder about everything, since you just can't cut your negative shit and attacks out and just act like a civil human being. I feel sorry for you in that regard- carrying around negativity, and living in the past with so much unresolved anger isn't healthy, or good mentally. You should probably see a therapist and psychiatrist to get help moving past that, if you currently aren't doing so regularly. Good luck with that.

    Calm down girl
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  19. bling bling Dark Matter
    tiger can weight 2oo or 8oo pound and still bones do not break
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