POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
Originally posted by Speedy Parker
You definitely asked for too little.
I'm having a sale to raise 4,000 for new engine, clutches and belt for my nice sled so I don't break down and ruin my friends day by having to pull my sled back home
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Naturally Camouflaged
[connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
Originally posted by Donald Trump
She doesn't realise 1) that it's just another hoax, and more importantly, 2) that Trumpism is just a symptom, not a cause. The causes that Trump harnessed in 2016 have been building for a long, long time, deindustrialisation, mass immigration, financialisation, corporatisation, declining real incomes, declining living standards, lack of decent and affordable accomodation, the massive cost of healthcare, the deliberate promotion of degeneracy in the media, the concentration of power in the 1%, the woke shit, and the massive democratic deficit between what people want and what they vote for and what they get.
But don't worry Techno. I'm sure this time it's all ogre for Trump and once it is the problems will all be solved. That's what the media told you.
All those things had been jested on within the first four seasons of south park.
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Stormy... we got 'im now. Grab 'em by the pussy... we got 'im now. Retard Imitation... we got 'im now. Tax Returns (x3)... we got 'im now. Russia, Russia, Russia... we got 'im now. Ukraine... we got 'im now. Pardons... we got 'im now. Failed Impeachment (x2)... we got 'im now. Jan 6th... we got 'im now.
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I kicked OP and his boyfriend HTS from a minecraft server for griefing.
He flipped the fuck out on voice chat. Like a big profanity laden tirade that made us all uncomfortable. He said he'd hack the server and pwn us all, so I put him on the ban list. That made it angrier because it defeated his hacking skills.
Then I thought - well maybe others wanna play with him and keep building even if I don't, so I downloaded the world so they could play elsewhere, with their old builds, without me. Which I thought was a nice gesture, but these faggy canadians still bitch at me.
This was days ago btw. Over an autistic block game. And he's still angry. And still posting about it.
So yeah that's why we both left I guess. Sick of minecraft, sick of you.
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Originally posted by stl1
If it had been the back of the neck, Floyd's nose would be stuck in the asphalt.
As the picture clearly shows, Floyd's head is turned to the side thereby resulting in Chauvin's knee being on the side of the neck, not the back of the neck.
put your hand on the back of your neck..now turn your head 45 degrees to the side...did your hand move with your head?
Dumbass, unless your vertebrae are fused together the head will move without your entire neck rotating...Jesus...
ETA: Big Ed excluded
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Originally posted by Donald Trump
And the fact that there is no evidence any of those things work simply doesn't bother anyone.
Just like how places with high vaccination rates, like Ireland, Israel and Singapore have as bad or worse transmission as places with low vaccination rates doesn't stop them blaming unvaccinated people for all their problems.
"Trust the science! No, we don't need evidence, logic, rationality or reason! There is no need for us to test our hypothesis or prove our positions! We have science!"
when the vaxxination hits 100% theyre going to blame you for not getting your boosters fast enough.
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Originally posted by stl1
"I believe if we had fully implemented the mask mandates, the reduction in indoor dining, the getting friends and family to understand the risk of gathering in private homes, and we had increased testing, that we probably could have decreased fatalities into the 30% less to 40% less range," Birx said.
And the fact that there is no evidence any of those things work simply doesn't bother anyone.
Just like how places with high vaccination rates, like Ireland, Israel and Singapore have as bad or worse transmission as places with low vaccination rates doesn't stop them blaming unvaccinated people for all their problems.
"Trust the science! No, we don't need evidence, logic, rationality or reason! There is no need for us to test our hypothesis or prove our positions! We have science!"
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