Sorry Techhie, but I'm with the opposition on this one. Not only did Biden gloat about it himself, but his own idiocy about admitting to bailing out his son are much more proof than anything the corporate media has been producing so far.
As for Trump ... The extreme-left insanity is worse. I for one think that Trump is bad, but hey, not that bad. He's a reality TV show star, elected for a President, and he still acts like it to some degree. Then the democratic side are busy raging about ... Straws and sharpies.
Trump may be boorish, pompous and egotistical. But he knows what he's doing. The alternatives ... Not so much. I also don't accept politi-fact as a credible source, as they uphold their political values above facts. They're all over the place when it comes to Trump, but they completely forget about many issues which their preferred political side faces. For instance, you won't hear them condemn and call out Antifa for what they really are: a terrorist group.
You won't hear them condemn the blatant racism and double standards that the DNC is guilty of. Now, not that I care about racism much, because I'm of the opinion that words, so long as they're not direct calls to terrorism, don't matter. Sticks and stones and such. But that's more than words. Democrats have been resigning because they're white. Because diversity is now more important than competence. Let that sink in. People resigned. Because of their race.
I may not like Trump, but I'd rather support the President than a bunch of double standard racists which is what the left has become as of late. And what bothers me most isn't even that they're racists. It's the double standards. Claiming moral superiority while pushing anti-white, anti-cis bigotry. I'm not even white myself. I've suffered hate due to it. My body still bears the scars. Those will remain until my death.
But even I can see the lunacy. US is slowly becoming the next South Africa, where killing a man because he's white is widely accepted and normalized, because according to left-wing bigots, anti-white racism isn't a thing.
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Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal
That some middle eastern terrorists took out the world trade center buildings with airplanes (never mind that WTC7 collapsed without a single plane hitting it)
Now I implore you to watch this video, because it will open your tiny mind to the truth, that it was an inside job perpetuated by the "deep state"/"illuminati".
The firefighters that were there that day recall hearing the sound of explosions. Actual engineers and architects know that it was a controlled demolition and are carrying out an investigation into the event, finally. People like you aren't only stupid, you are intentionally so.
There's bound to be a few rubes that honestly think 9/11 wasn't done by Bush even though it's been widely accepted for the last decade that it was absolutely an inside job.
I mean, do they even deny it anymore?
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Originally posted by Speedy Parker
So you trust what anyone can produce on a keyboard but a video that has been widely reported on in the mainstream and alternative media is bullshit because I posted it. I didn't realize I had hurt your butt so badly. Thanks for showing everyone how much it stings.
Dumb bitch would believe a CNN link but that's not going to happen.
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Originally posted by Skulltag
I don't mind. Not only do I not care about leaving a legacy for humanity to use, but I actually prefer to disappear without people noticing. As for drones .. As said, they'd have to find me first. I have quite a good idea how military drones work. If that's all they got to try and find me … Good luck.
They can see the heat signatures of humans and other animals using space based satellites
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Originally posted by Skulltag
Good luck on that. I'm just gonna continue working on my survival skills and move to Siberia whenever shit hits the fan. Not that I don't want to get into a fight or something, but I don't really care what happens to humanity in the first place so .. Eh.
Being a selfish dickhead has it's advantages ~
Look up Agenda 21/2030, you won't have the ability to isolate yourself in the woods, those will be specially designated zones and people like you will be forcefully relocated to the zones set for human living. You will be forced to live in a towering apartment building full of thousands of shitskins and you will eat bugs for dinner, and you will either enjoy it or kill yourself.
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You won't own your music - Spotify You won't own your video games - Game streaming You won't own your home - forced to live in designated living facilities You won't own a car - Self-driving vehicles and trains You won't own your children - the state will raise and look out for them You won't own your clothing - They'll make clothing so cheap it'll disintegrate after several months, so you just order more on amazon You won't have any privacy - Every single thing you do including your shits will be analyzed by A.I. powered smart appliances and scrutinized by the state Your behavior will be dictated by the state - Social credit score It will be impossible for you to engage in a heterosexual relationship because of state sponsored propaganda and various circumstances - At least you'll be able to rent a sex robot You won't be allowed to eat meat since it contributes to global warming - Instead you will eat bugs You won't be allowed to own your own thoughts or willpower - Brain-to-computer interface devices and a global consciousness/hivemind will be mandatory
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Originally posted by -SpectraL
Biden's son was involved in crimes over there and was going to be prosecuted, so his daddy intervened under his official status and threatened the Ukraine government he would withhold US cash from them (Biden had the Ukraine portfolio from Obama) if they didn't drop the prosecution. They were then forced to dropped the prosecution of Biden's son. And this corrupt clown is now trying to be the next President.
This shit is being investigated. Slow Joe bragged about it!!! Is that who you want to vote for OP? Got damn stupid everywhere.
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Originally posted by vindicktive vinny
fat people cant run, its only thrilling to hunt slow moving fatties when your a memtally challenged fatty yourself.
Fat people in good countries with freedom, can possess firearms.
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Originally posted by Speedy Parker
The last time you had a piece of ass is when you popped a finger through the toilet paper
Good one. An oldy from my youth but I haven't heard that since the 80s.. always makes me laugh because it's not just a punchline.. for some it's just a fact.
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Iran doesn't care, the Yemenis specifically targeted components that wouldn't grind production to a halt likely as a warning and to avoid getting the US upset about the world oil supply being crippled.
While the US does benefit in that their shale oil cannot turn a profit unless oil prices are significantly over $70 a barrel, I doubt this is some kind of black/false flag attack because the Yemenis have been bombing Saudi oil infrastructure for the last few months and have documented the weapons used and how the attacks were planned.
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The United States has briefly overtaken Saudi Arabia as the world largest crude exporter this year, only a few years after removing a ban on oil exports because of large needs at home as the world’s largest oil consumer. Analysts have repeatedly underestimated U.S. output growth gains with the country now producing around 15% of global supply. Besides the United States, the only countries which have significant spare capacity are Iran and Venezuela.
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I don't suppose it occurred to OP that there is an entire world order going on, and international geopolitics isn't just a bunch of retards slapping each other.
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