Originally posted by Technologist
Yes, yes, speculum, all the PPE that medical professionals have been wearing for years to protect themselves against disease, do not work.
Can you ever say anything that isn’t total BS?
You must be a terrible and dangerous medical worker if you think surgeons wear masks for virus protection. They don't. They wear them to prevent the patient's bodily fluids from getting into their noses and mouths, and to prevent the same from entering the patient. They don't wear them to prevent viruses at all. To prevent virus transmission, they would have to wear a HAZMAT suit.
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Originally posted by Obbe
Institutional racism (also known as systemic racism) is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organisation. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues.
Literally copying and pasting, like a catholic regurgitating the catechism or a soldier quoting regulations.
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POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
Originally posted by Speedy Parker
Most people grossly underestimate a .22 mag or .22 LR. They are every bit as lethal as a .357.
I woke from a nap against a tree one day while hunting for meat and shot an 8 point 200 yards away with my 22LR, one shot deer ran down hill towards my home leaving a spray trail of blood from the lung shot for about 100 yards to where he fell dead from lack of hydrolic fluid, i was aiming for his eye but hit him in the brisket destroying his lungs
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Originally posted by rabbitweed
Me, a reactionary who reads a bit:
"Let's have a conversation. To start off with, can you define what systemic racism is?"
Progressive brainlets:
ctrl-Vctrl-Vctrl-V "why can't you refute my argument?"
It's incredibly sad that:
1. people hold views they can't even define themselves, in their own words. They're just empty conduits for left-wing websites. "Here's what I believe, thankfully it's already been typed up word for word by a committee of strangers, saving me the trouble".
2. Despite the the above, they still somehow think that they can think. They haven't considered anything at all, they've just written whatever they hear most often around them straight to disk.
Remember back in the day, arguing with Christians?
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"Let's have a conversation. To start off with, can you define what systemic racism is?"
Progressive brainlets:
ctrl-Vctrl-Vctrl-V "why can't you refute my argument?"
It's incredibly sad that:
1. people hold views they can't even define themselves, in their own words. They're just empty conduits for left-wing websites. "Here's what I believe, thankfully it's already been typed up word for word by a committee of strangers, saving me the trouble".
2. Despite the the above, they still somehow think that they can think. They haven't considered anything at all, they've just written whatever they hear most often around them straight to disk.
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Originally posted by stl1
Thumper tries setting up a scenario where he is the judge and you aren't allowed to bring in expert witnesses.
Since you guys basically admit you don't have the intellectual capacity to evaluate the expert witness' testimony, how exactly do you know that it is honest?
Do you think it is a safe thing to trust people just because they are smarter than you?
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Originally posted by Speedy Parker
You babble every lame stream media talking point like it's evidence of something. I can only imagine what your ramblings were like during the Mueller hoax with all the lies cable news spewed for 2 plus years.
She lied for two and a half years straight, insisting Trump was carrying water for the Kremlin. Then 17 angry Democrats and Democrat Mueller himself said it wasn't true. She has no credibility left.
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Originally posted by rabbitweed
Do you know what a 'conversation' is? Hint: it's not you copy pasta'ing other peoples studies with no point of your own.
Make your point, in your own words (you know, like they taught us to do as children), then link to your study to support your point. You can even quote from it.
https://www.takimag.com/article/our-new-religion-of-race/ Racist hysteria is a religion now. Religions don't have conversations, they have sermons, dogma, and articles of faith. When those within a religion disagree odium theologicum and violent schizms are the result. The more irrational you are the greater your devotion - the less you want to know the stronger your faith.
You worship books, you worship texts, words are all that matter. Not evidence.
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Do you know what a 'conversation' is? Hint: it's not you copy pasta'ing other peoples studies with no point of your own.
Make your point, in your own words (you know, like they taught us to do as children), then link to your study to support your point. You can even quote from it.
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Originally posted by playingindirt
❤ hi sweetheart. it's nice to see you. 😁 💃
yeap. you're correct. and the democrats aren't doing anything or near enough about it. 😡
trump continues to undermine the importance of the press. our founders considered the press so important to freedom that they added protection for the press into the constitution. all of the constitution is important not just the parts trump likes.
when creditable reporters report something true about trump that he doesn't want people to know he screams fake news. and there's people who believe that *hit.
I spend too much time looking for factual information on trump and others but I've learned a lot. trump isn't the first rat fink president to screw every day folk over in this country.
both parties should demand that ALL politicians honor their oath of office. and prosecute ALL politicans who violate their oath of office starting at the top with trump.
Comparing the 'press' back then with what we have now makes little sense as it's unlikely they'd considered operation mocking bird or the creation simultaneously of our handlers in cia/Israel .
All it amounts to now is mind control
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Originally posted by rabbitweed
If you live in the western world - it affects you.
How? I don't know any black people, don't live near any black people. I don't have the figures but I'd guess that my town is 98% white British, the rest are eurotrash and skilled South-East Asian workers.
I don't know the first thing about how black people really feel and their feelings have no impact on my life.
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Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
Shut the fuck up loser. Nobody cares about your shitty fake totse ripoff website HURR FONA IS STEALING ACCOUNT NAMES. Why do you care it's not like those people will ever post on your forum. Even if this place went down and Lanny died I would never post on your shitty forum and I would do everything in my power to make sure nobody else does either because you're a fake bitch.
First of all beeree buddy is my account and yes fonaplats has the password. I let him use the account because he's my bestie and we are cool like that and share accounts. Second of all why the fuck do you care what him or I do. Your forum must be really shit if you harass innocent people like fonaplats and myself.
You have some kinda gay obsession with fonaplats and always copy his threads and call him a liar when you are the one that lies and rips things off. Literally nobody likes you online or in real life. No wonder you spend all your time banning people in tinychat and banning people from your dead gay forum and acting like a triggered faggot whenever you post here
I wonder why nobody wants to post on your shitty outdated forum. Keep being mad loser while fonaplats and I live actual cool lives and have girlfriends that aren't disgusting landwhales. Yeah shell might be twice his age and my girlfriend has a penis but we are still way cooler than you. You're just salty because you're in a relationship with some fat ugly bitch because that's the only person who could stand being around you.
And you're like fourty years old and don't even have kids because she probably isn't even fertile. Why don't you focus on your lame boring life of being a normie faggot instead of stalking fonaplats. It's pretty clear you are just jealous of our happiness.
Peace out nerd. Btw you also suck at Minecraft and never play despite having an account because you're too low IQ to be good at the game
gf has an penis 😂
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I know you like to think these things are true, and it's warm and fuzzy to imagine they are true. But deep down do you really think they are, or have you just been told it over and over again?
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