Originally posted by Sudo
I thought it was incredibly funny you dont know how to spell "conservative"
Like you identify as something you literally don't know how to spell after seeing it countless times. That definitely says a lot about your level of intellect
Its funny to hear you talk about intellect when you support some bitch and her offspring that arent even yours. Why dont you try telling her you lost your job and all your savings in the market and see if she sticks around
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POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
bricks/ rocks.. itl no wonder ur gonna vote for biden you cant read for shit so it just proves you don't have a clue whats going on out in the real world
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Originally posted by netstat
adhering to and defending an established social hierarchy
If you look at the most powerful people and institutions on this earth, not to mention the "tide of history", I think it's pretty clear which side is more influential, fashionable, trendy, and is on the side of power.
People like to pretend that there are two equal and opposing forces called "left" and "right", but it's more like a car speeding down the highway in one direction. The most a conservative can hope for is the occasional republican president who can put the brakes on, or stop for gas. Then, the journey resumes.
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Originally posted by larrylegend8383
Did this mf'er just put this much effort and pride into bragging about cutting the grass and shoveling snow as a teenager?
better than the work ethic of kids nowadays. modern kids think that 'internet influencer' is a thing.
this is why so many people are porn stars nowadays.
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Originally posted by Fat-Thrift
I'm happy for the Chinky Fever. My boss was recently complaining about Peter Pan syndrome, and how young men just won't grow the fuck, and be men, like with his generation.
Let me be clear, baby-boomers are absolute shit. They are the most entitled, dickless, flacid bunch of cunts who ever walked the Earth. I'm hope they all die.
How the fuck are the younger generation supposed to buy homes, get good jobs, and so on, when we have a bunch of old fucks who won't die, who are still in the work force, and who own FIVE HOMES! This guy literally owns five homes. He only lives in one. He doesn't rent the others out or anything, he just owns them.
It isn't just him either. Lots of boomers hold multiple homes. I'm okay with people doing whatever the fuck they want with their own money, but when you have a bunch of old people artificially decreasing the supply (the homes available on the market) and acting like they aren't actively fucking over the younger generation, it sorta gets me pissed.
I own my own house, but I also know that many people younger than me with jobs that don't pay as well are having a really hard fucking time making it in this world because of people like my boss. He won't retire, even though he can at any time and take his pension. He won't sell any of his homes. He hoards wealth.
I'm okay with people BEING wealthy. I'm not okay with people pathologically hoarding. He could buy a fucking Lamborghini and a Maserati, and a yacht, and his money would be doing good for the economy, and he would be helping stimulate the economy, and keeping people employed, and helping capitalism work and bring about good for everyone in the world.
He isn't doing those things. He is taking all of his money and dumping it into real estate and holding the economy hostage. His entire generation is doing it.
Fuck them.
The ONLY thing that keeps them alive is the fact that "we live in a society." Hysterically hyperbolic of me I now. My point is that, 100 years ago, he would have had no way to defend his property, and that if he tried to hold onto that much property, someone would come along and take it from him. The only reason he has not been shot in the face and had his shit stolen is because everyone in society has collectively decided to respect his claim on it.
What if we all just stopped respecting old peoples claims on shit?
They can barely operate a fucking thumb drive, but they run the universe? It makes no sense. I have to fucking teach him how to use a printer every other day because simple tasks defeat him.
His wife is also fat and ugly and has a lazy eye.
His 21 year old daughter is pretty cute tho.
pucker up, buttercup. everything you just posted was 100% you whining about being a failure and jealous that your boss is financially smarter than you are.
stop being such a bitch.
youre the type that makes a good rape victim or hooker.
most of the 20-somethings i know cant out-pace me physically, mentally, or financially...yet im old enough to be their grandparent. theres one 20y/o who literally takes breaks every 15 minutes because its too hot outside while the oldsters keep on keeping on.
you go ahead and keep whining and staying soft and juicy. your orifices are what youre going to need to get you through life in tribute to us geriatrics with all the money.
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Originally posted by A College Professor
He was a good kid growing up but he ent up running with the wrong crowd and got into a little trouble, still though he was a good boy at heart. He grew up in Beefa TX to a family of humble means they didn't have a whole lot. His dad lost his leg at the factory , and for what? , just so the Bronson family could be a nickle richer and get the load on out the door on schedule like clockwork no matter what it takes. Of course back then everyone wasn't sue happy like they are today so his pops would just rock back and fro in his birch rocker smoking his pipe glaring out the window. But he had a lot of love in his heart, he had just been through so much trauma that things were never really the same after the accident.
That's about the time Speedy J began experimenting with piss jugs and other underworld activities but thats neither here or there. He swore he would never let that happen to him so he literally pulled himself on the bootstraps so hard and with such energy that the stitching ripped out and he hit himself in the face and broke his nose. This was the one and only time since the accident that his father wasn't glaring, he burst into a mad laughter and said STOP HITTING YOU'RESELF STOP HITTING YOUR'ESELF!!! and he flung the screen door open and ran away from home and they never saw him again.
But in his formative years and westpoint a lot of the older gonts took him under they're wing and groomed him for leader ship , its possible he even trained alongside Aquino and some of the other top talent. This is where he learned to excel in water hockey and lacrosse. Then was his boring years he went to tokyo working for AMD and various other jobs just being a paperwork form guy.
Now he paid his dues and hes just trying to pass his wisdom onto these kids ruining they're lifes , and for what? For nothing and it makes him sick because he knows how it is. So tell me, do you feel lucky punk? Do ya?!
Pretty much this, I've spoken to him before several times and he's a solid guy. There's so many assclowns on here that don't like people who are real because they are super closeted aka being a shy little pusssaaaay
this is howiedoit fam
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He was a good kid growing up but he ent up running with the wrong crowd and got into a little trouble, still though he was a good boy at heart. He grew up in Beefa TX to a family of humble means they didn't have a whole lot. His dad lost his leg at the factory , and for what? , just so the Bronson family could be a nickle richer and get the load on out the door on schedule like clockwork no matter what it takes. Of course back then everyone wasn't sue happy like they are today so his pops would just rock back and fro in his birch rocker smoking his pipe glaring out the window. But he had a lot of love in his heart, he had just been through so much trauma that things were never really the same after the accident.
That's about the time Speedy J began experimenting with piss jugs and other underworld activities but thats neither here or there. He swore he would never let that happen to him so he literally pulled himself on the bootstraps so hard and with such energy that the stitching ripped out and he hit himself in the face and broke his nose. This was the one and only time since the accident that his father wasn't glaring, he burst into a mad laughter and said STOP HITTING YOU'RESELF STOP HITTING YOUR'ESELF!!! and he flung the screen door open and ran away from home and they never saw him again.
But in his formative years and westpoint a lot of the older gonts took him under they're wing and groomed him for leader ship , its possible he even trained alongside Aquino and some of the other top talent. This is where he learned to excel in water hockey and lacrosse. Then was his boring years he went to tokyo working for AMD and various other jobs just being a paperwork form guy.
Now he paid his dues and hes just trying to pass his wisdom onto these kids ruining they're lifes , and for what? For nothing and it makes him sick because he knows how it is. So tell me, do you feel lucky punk? Do ya?!
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Originally posted by Technologist
First you said this, and a question popped in my mind to ask you. I was gonna ask, “Do you think he would have been attacked if he didn’t have a gun?” Then I thought to myself if he went down to the protests alone, he might of been kinda asking for trouble. There’s my whole train of thought. Don’t jump me over it.
Yeah i dont think it matters either way. I think a gun was a symbol of resistance, and they dont take kindly to people resisting the shit theyre doing. People are attacked every day at these things, but it usually doesnt make the news because 2 people dont get killed at once (and the victims typically arent leftists).
Even if he had gone alone, if someone is stupid enough to assault a peaceful person with a rifle, theyve forfeited their right to life.
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Originally posted by Speedy Parker
According to Wikipedo;
While I was checking that out I ran across this pic of the Hot Wheels Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. I remember buying one of those as a stocking stuffier for my kid in the 90's.
I wondered which one of you 3rd grade special ed mental midgets was going to go there first. Congratulations, you were the quickest retard.
Theres always at least one
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Originally posted by larrylegend8383
Riiiight. Even though Trump is denying he ever called McCain a loser either…yet in 2015 retweeted a goddamn article about himself calling McCain a loser.
Not to mention he already publicly said he doesn't like people who got shot down.
But it's just the media lying lolz
You faggots are pathetic.
What the fuck are you on about?
John McCain was a liar and a loser - but that's not what anyone was talking about before you parachuted in with your retarded Captain Ameriga take.
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