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Posts by budder boy

  1. budder boy Yung Blood
    Back in the glory days of The Hive (totse was also active during this time) is when I first started using forums and studying fringe topics, I was only 13 years old at the time but basically totse/zoklet, the hive have been my life. Silkroad community almost was something great too before it got rattoxed.

    In the end the rats seem to always beat out the Bees.

    Colony Collapse Disorder.
  2. budder boy Yung Blood
    RDFRN didn't have it either and I raised the issue with the mods/admin frequently (they just ignored me lol)

    Nobody gives a fuck about a bunch of winged insects tinkering with hazardous chemicals (except the FBI) I guess.
  3. budder boy Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet We all know this, but his ego is far too large to accept the fact that he doesn't know what he's doing.

    If you add a Flasks and Beakers subforum to yours I'll offer the same deal I did Lanny and redirect some domains to your forum. No point in telling people to come to a forum nobody can post on right now, also TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE HERE.
  4. budder boy Yung Blood
    Open regs back up and i'll do all the heavy lifting with redirecting traffic here.

    All you would need to do is add a Flasks and Beakers subforum like Zoklet had. Lots of these people also posted on Zoklet because it at least had a somewhat serious subforum devoted to actual research.

    If you don't take this opportunity and help out the Hive it will be the biggest fucking mistake you ever make in your entire life. These are the greatest people on the internet, it would save

  5. budder boy Yung Blood
    Seriously I will spend my own money and register, science alliance and redirect it all here if you open regs back up. I will also give my word that I will stop posting.

    If The Hive is truly kill we need to step in and save it now. There are some dormant forums that have yet to react. The vespiary had twice the traffic this forum gets and it was all serious chemistry discussion only.
  6. budder boy Yung Blood
    I've read this forum every day since 2010 and it just vanished out of the blue. People are freaking out on scimad/reddit.

    Lanny you could be the savior of the legendary bees and wasps. They hated Zoklet for making some MDMA precursors get scheduled but this is a chance to make up for that and forge a new alliance.

  7. budder boy Yung Blood
    The Hive just got raided.

    Now lets watch as Lanny does nothing, keeps regs closed and blows the biggest fucking chance he ever had to merge the two greatest internet communities into one.

    I miss enso.
  8. budder boy Yung Blood
  9. budder boy Yung Blood
  10. budder boy Yung Blood
    I got some pics but I suspect it's not really her.

    I know the kit kat bar is shooped
  11. budder boy Yung Blood
    Originally posted by SBTlauien So where do junkies now go to buy their drugs?

    Time travel
  12. budder boy Yung Blood
    Chapter 1

    I'm writing this as my bastard child from a dude I met online desperately sucks life from my fat sweaty tits.. Kinda getting aroused.

    Meh, a real relationship might be for some, and I'm not the worst homemaker in the world. There are worse than me, and my posts don't accurately express who I am, and what sort of person I am in conversation IRL. I have friends that I literally talk with for hours on end even when they scream in my face to get the fuck off their property before they call the police, and we have a good time doing so, joking around, and just being there for one another. I'm not worried about my life in the least, fuck what y'all might think of me.
  13. budder boy Yung Blood
    Originally posted by NARCassist yeh good luck when hydro goes on the warpath tho. that girl cray cray.


    What's she gonna do? Write 20 paragraphs about PoC and autism bla bla my son §m£ÂgØL fat chick posting something something sex babies.

    She now only exists as content for my audience.
  14. budder boy Yung Blood
    Who the fuck are you
  15. budder boy Yung Blood
    I only registered maybe 10% of this list, I was too busy to sit down and make all these so I just made 20 at a time as I needed them.

    I'll let you folks in on a little secret.

    Account registration on mobile requires no captcha, just tap the button and it auto verifies. If you put the recaptcha captcha like the one u need to fill every time you post it would defeat my ability to mass create alts.

    Why the fuck would you use different craptchas anyways, just how fucking drunk are you.

    Hodgepodge ass jury rigged mickey mouse ass python cuck software. What a mess this forum is.

    Lanny is actually fucking retarded I could have stopped my spam months ago. Idiot
  16. budder boy Yung Blood
    2 years deep throating each others cocks you faggots
  17. budder boy Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Phoenix This is some pop-sci shit and odds of me being able to afford it or anything. >_<

    I dont care what it costs to make you happy. I can make all your dreams reality sweetheart.. Or I'll die trying.
  18. budder boy Yung Blood
    I'm gonna find all the wall of text autism posts that hydromorphone and malice shit out and compile it all into a book.

    I'll sell it on Amazon as my rambling memoirs of a crazy person.
  19. budder boy Yung Blood
    I think that ship sailed long ago
  20. budder boy Yung Blood
    Fuck transmission fags
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