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Posts That Were Thanked by Narc

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    You know what's retarded?

    Thinking you have a two party system.
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  2. Originally posted by Narc No no no, I'm nothing like him, thank you very much. I'm just playing the game with you. that twisted fucktard actually likes to fantasize that the shit he talks is his reality. If he actually had the balls it prolly would be his reality instead of just repeatingly posting it on an anon message board on the internet all the time. And there is a massive difference between my fantasies and that sick gay faggy twisted bullshit he bangs on about constantly. I am not into that weird shit in any way thanks.

    I dunno how you could have a problem differenciating between us, really come on.


    Oh I’m just fucking with you. It’s all good.
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  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Obbe.. see how it's in the most western part of Africa? also know that the great "Quake" had torn the world apart. some modern people would suggest this as being silly. yet we know that all of the continents look to be a large jigsaw puzzle. Africa seems to neatly sit between North America and the Mexican gulf to that of the curve of south America.

    oddly, just off the coast of Florida and the islands south of Florida, there is what looks to be a sunken ancient city.. roads of one. If the western side of africa still was attached to the Americas, then it would be only a hundred miles away from the Eye of Africa's location instead of 7 thousand miles away as it had dragged the continents to its current location.

    Yes well. I hate to break it to you but when Africa was still stuck to America was like a couple hundred million years ago. There were no people around then.
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  4. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    im actually kind of amazed infinityshock hasnt killed himself like malice

    how could you ever look at yourself and think "my life is actually worth living"
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  5. Originally posted by infinityshock you should try it some time

    I already have.

    The irony is that you don’t understand that dominant, confident men don’t actually give two fucks about being called names. They don’t go on rants about MOON PERSONs nor start droning on about what phrases mean, like you’ve done.

    They might see it as a challenge, but they certainly aren’t going into convulsive fits over it.
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  6. ITT we learn that Infinity would have a meltdown and beg for Mommy if a woman ever called him a bitch.
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  7. Originally posted by infinityshock 'bitch' is used as a designation of lack of masculinity and personality emulating a female dog in heat, ie desiring to get dicked without regard or concern for any other matters.

    a human female calling a human male a 'bitch' is indicative that the human female considers the human male the appropriate definition as stated above.

    the human female psychology is more apt to call a female a bitch than a male, unless the male is as described above.

    youve spent too much time around bitch-males and millenials. you need to find a real man.

    The fact that you took the time to explain the use of the phrase bitch, as if it’s not one of the most commonly used words, IS INDICATIVE that you are in fact a bitch and wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if a woman ever called you one.

    Everybody on this board knows you eat your own jizz and cry you raging faggot.

    Now stfu you shit stain or else I’ll force you to ride around your neighborhood on a unicycle with a dildo in your asshole while you scream I love big black nigger dick.
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  8. Originally posted by infinityshock i have never heard of or known a girl to call a male sex partner 'bitch' before sex as a verbal stimulation.

    it sounds like youre such a bitch with such a small cock shes simulating lesbian sex with you.

    scissor, much…?


    It’s used to evoke a reaction which would prove he’s not a bitch, you damn dumbass embarrassment of a man.

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  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Mewsik NOT for me. Probably because I’m not nor ever have been into drugs, I’m not a nerd by technical definition, all the race bashing and homosexuality and beastiality that so many seem to find humorous makes me log off. There isn’t much here to that says I should feel comfortable 100%.

    Get the fuck off my board you fucking normie scum.
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  10. Originally posted by gadzooks I thought ammonia/acetone was superior to either of the above and that NaHCO3 or Na2CO3 were only used because they are generally more available? I mean, everyone has baking soda in their fridge and/or cupboards. But ammonia, at least in this day and age, not so much.

    You can use acetone to purify but it won't convert it to free base
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  11. Originally posted by Red_Woman Is that really the reason? I smh very much doubt that. Also I'm not sure is fair to say that they haven't contributed anything to their "hosts" either. Though I do agree they are closed community and they do see non-jedis differently.

    On the other hand, I know what muslims have contributed to their host though; ZERO! On the contrary, they would love to change it with any means necessary. Yes, not all are the same depending which country you go and their history. How much weight does religion hold in those countries/people etc. There are many factors but, one thing I know for sure is that Islam is a cancer and fundamentally based on violence. Frankly, that worries me more.

    And the The Protocols of Zion is the real deal.

    I didn't read the thread, but this is literally the reason fox news has had top ratings for the last couple years

    Until we stop picking "the lesser of two evils" things will continue to spiral downward
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  12. CandyRein Black Hole
    Weakest sauce , ever
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  13. CandyRein Black Hole

    Hai hotstuff

    One of these days he’ll realize I’m never gonna be shook by his Google search engine


    On to important news, Good to see you 💋
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  14. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Pretty sure they want ur money a lot more than they want ur respect. Ur a job, & I'm sure they have a lot less respect for u for being a cuck who gives ur money u worked hours for to them for a few minutes of their time.
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  15. CandyRein Black Hole
    She’s got the facial expression of
    “ I never get fuqd”

    Same one you sport on your ugly mug you dare not post 🤭

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  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    That bitch looks like a box of cereal
    Nobody wanna be that spongebob body, iron board booty bitch

    She’s up your alley tho 😋
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  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    Morning, Poley🙂❤️

    He really is just like Anthony just like that black guy Anthony...

    I already told Fin this when I first got here and he started post stalking me .. use to be name calling
    He saw that wasn’t working so he moved to recycling memes...

    Originally posted by CandyRein *grabs collar*

    You listen to me you little piss stain, call me all the names you want ..I'm not leaving this site ..
    As long as my friends are here I'm gonna be here off and on when I'm not at work and you're gonna like it bitch!

    I'm gonna be here posting ribbs, Drake songs, astrology shit and when I'm bored at work .. you're gonna enjoy my humorous nursing memes !

    Originally posted by CandyRein

    I’m a woman of my word
    I’m not going anywhere 🙃

    And I can never be E-bullied away from my friends

    Enjoy your day 💞
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  18. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Mr shock, please stop acting like the most annoying redundant nigger that ever graced the internet.

    his name was Anthony, he was a redundant cocksucker, black as the day is long and you post just like he did,, I just thought you should know you remind me of that specific NIGGER every time you start following cute little star around.
    dis bitch has handled ur stupid redundant posts for months now and you have yet to influence her to leave nis or even slow her posting,, hell you havent even upset her yet so you may as well stop posting like ur nigger daddy Anthony and stop being so god damn niggerly
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  19. CandyRein Black Hole
    Bet my life you don’t get laid tonight



    *tips big*
    *heads home*

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  20. Originally posted by mmQ I mean at the end of the day everyone can bitch. It's easy. From as simple as "fuck I don't wanna be at work this fucking sucks" and you just kinda angrily go about day, pushing people away from you bevause why would people want to associate themselves with that. What I hear the most is people bitching in a variety of mediums and its just always verbatim.

    >I'm mad about this today fuck it's always the same shit
    >I'm mad at this group of people for so and so reasons and here are the reaskns
    >I fucking hate that this keeps happening and I blame someone or a group for it happening.

    But no solutions. Made at an ongoing situation at work? Step up and hamdle DAT. Address the issue, it's amazing what a mature respectful chat can do between two people with mutual frustrations.

    Mad about larger scale things? Realize what you can and can't do to try and find solutions. As the scale grows larger so does the ability to find resolution but both parties continuing on with angers isn't gonna bring any type of solution and typically just exasperated it. That's where group meetings, open and honest, disxussion, can actually do SOMETHING to at least catalyze a chance for the better for all parties.

    Too often than not people just want to be mad, for whatever reason, with no fucking idea of what they wish to see happen to remedy that. It's like at that stupid old AA saying "accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and courage to know the difference.

    There's really no benefit to hating shit if it just harbors in you and you never do anything about it except just keep talking about how much it hates you without ever being willing to hear outside perspective which you instantly dismiss because you personally want to keep keep harboring hate.

    Exactly. Complain complain but never a solution. They want to complain. Coming up with a solution or meeting half way or simply being understanding and kind about things, are much easier to do, I think but people want to make mountains out of mole hills. They despise one another over differing viewpoints. Viewpoints that they have no control over the outcome of anyway. They complain about the lives of others, the way others choose to live their lives which doesn't even effect them anyway. I don't get it
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