2017-05-29 at 12 PM UTC
Tips about Benzos
3. Crash hard at first. Walk on the brink of electric boogaloo. Going down from high dosages to moderate ones as fast as possible is way easier in my experience than taking the last few steps. Don't waste time getting into the single digit milligrams, just fucking go through it to the point where you can't take it anymore and don't take enough to actually feel benzed out then. Just take enough so you can stay in hell a little longer. It ain't that hard.
2017-05-29 at 11:54 AM UTC
Tips about Benzos
2. Don't mix them so you get full spectrum GABAa receptor rampage. Also don't do that for years, as well.
2017-05-29 at 11:52 AM UTC
Tips about Benzos
1. Don't take them high dose for years.
2017-05-29 at 11:51 AM UTC
Join date has changed
He lives on his bike, bro. He's like Ghengis Khan with a cane.
Ok, fuck it, I'm alright. I just have to realize that there are good things in my life and seriously get off Benzos.
I got woken up by a kiss by an amazing woman and it's the most beautiful, sunny day. Just came from the dentist and everything is fine.
I broke my couch yesterday and today one of my percolators in the morning because the dentist called while I was smoking a hit and I put it down in a way that broke the downstem kinda thing.
How is it possible that I feel like the bad outweighs the good. It is objectively and rationally false. Fuck a couch, nigga. Though, it's really nice white leather and still in good condition. The perc makes me super mad even though it was cheap and is easily replaced.
My girl wants to trip with me and she's a psychedelic virgin. Why do I feel bad?
Is it the 29 Autism?
2017-05-28 at 9:38 PM UTC
idk what to do
Strart slangin' my nigga.
Slang crack if you're on H or vice versa. Don't fuck it up by spending the money on short highs but save it up so you can get out of there. You don't need much. Once you have established a small scale network you can get yourself a nice little place in da ghetto. You won't get away from stress and tension or the drug addictions but at least you can listen to music that glorifies your lifestyle and not some emo shit on low volume so you won't bother your parents when they fuck.
2017-05-28 at 9:25 PM UTC
beta vs. Beta
You have a pretty bad memory, huh?
How affordable is housing in SF?
I just broke my fucking couch, nigger.
EDIT: I forgot the word "my". Early onset Alzheimer's ahoy!
Post last edited by RisiR † at 2017-05-28T21:23:18.827222+00:00
2017-05-28 at 8:37 PM UTC
beta vs. Beta
Do you think it's a worthwile question to ask yourself if rainbows are objectively real?
2017-05-28 at 8:18 PM UTC
You are probably related, you two mongs. Haha.