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Posts by fag

  1. fag Houston
    I support this girl.
  2. fag Houston
    Sin is an important philosophical concept and doesn't have anything to do with current laws. I have found two ways to understand the symbolism of the concept of sin, the first one is the most obvious, after adam and even ate the fruit of knowlege they became self aware and now had the free will required to sin. The second one is more about the fruit and the idea of original sin (why catholics baptize babies) To live you must consume life and it is inherently sinful to kill anything therefore sin is a necessity of life. This is why I laugh at vegetarians and vegans, they think animals matter more than plants. They are just showing their own egocentrism, just because an animal is more like you doesn't make it more valuable (and you are not as valuable as you think you are) If anything plants are much more important to the ecosystem then animals. But alas, to live is to sin, the real question is do you need to be forgiven for it?
  3. fag Houston
    I just enhancement my oil with my kidneys.
  4. fag Houston
    Someone should throw acid in those infidels faces.
  5. fag Houston
    Give me your neighbors email and bitcoin addresses. Yet another fucking retarded Bill Krozby thread, I fully support your neighbors and would literally give them money to harass you.
  6. fag Houston
    FAKE NEWS, chicks don't have penises.
  7. fag Houston
    My dick is literally a cockodile, it has scales and rips vaginas inside out. Every thread you make is absolutely retarded and you only want to sell hotdogs so you can use them as dildos.
  8. fag Houston
    Originally posted by mmQ Let tell me you tell this Falco, from the horse's mouth, straight and narrow like a straightened arrow, a little proverb my dear old private butcher used to recite to me each and every time I went to his corridors to gather product, without fail.

    He said, well.. what e said was simple yet you might say.. perplexing, and though I feel like I understand it now, hundreds of times listening to him speak his little saying it took me.

    The truth is, even though I heard him hundreds, thousands of times maybe, it was definitely the first time he looked into my eyes, really no emotion, and recited it, and then is when he'd purse his lips and form a grin not unlike the Grinch.

    It fucking scared me. It was remarkably sinister the first time he made that goddamn face and I burst out laughing from my nerves but it wasn't funny at all.

    When I heard it again, and then again, each routine the same, same speech, same wretched smirk, I did grow used to it and began to really try and unwrap the deeper and truer meanings of his words. All the same, a twinge of fear jolted through me every fucking time. His goddamn face. I honestly don't know why I didn't just let him go, the whole time was peculiar, my decisions, everything really.

    When I think about it now I get its honesty, and perspective, and most importantly the harsh reality behind his words, I think you would like them, or at least find them intriguing enough to muse over.

    Well what the hell did he say you fucking tease.

    nvm I see it now

    Post last edited by fag at 2017-08-17T21:33:55.524910+00:00
  9. fag Houston
    I got into a really good engineering school so no more manual labor for me. It was amazing, people I didn't even know were nice to me and that is such a stark difference to the cesspool of felons and deviants I usually have to interact with. I might not even be a nigga for much longer, I'm choosing life. After the QOTSA concert I'm choosing life anyways. I'm going to be a fucking engineer that makes 100k a year and has a wife and kids. Plus no more Bill Krozby which is truly a godsend.
  10. fag Houston
    I've heard bad stories about addiction to phenibut but I've taken 30 klonopin over the past 48 hours so IDK. I would just go to a doctor and tell them you have anxiety and they will probably prescibe you some benzos.
  11. fag Houston
    So I quit opiates today, it wasn't so bad considered I did about 8 mg of klonopin. I don't really have trouble with benzo's so I think I'm good. I got some beer and started drinking and I'm about to snort another klonopin. I really love opiates and the only reason I would quit would be because they aren't doing shit for me and I need a tolerance break. I almost bought some heroin today but got drunk and snorted klonopin instead. I feel fine but before the kpins and alchohol i was SOOOO fucking bored. Will I ever go straight, I got accepted to engineering school and it starts next week, will I be clean by then, I should have bought that heroin.
  12. fag Houston
    I think I'm going to go on austin craigslist tell how you brutally molested my child and are now on the run from the law.
  13. fag Houston
    Lighten up and take a joke Bill Krozbyzy boy. BTW your cat gets it twice if you post in here and I think your cat loves it, or its dying I can't tell.
  14. fag Houston
    But whats his dads email address?
  15. fag Houston
    I just moved to austin and found Bill Krozby by putting up "do you know this child molestor" posters all over town. Alot of fat ugly cunts responded and I have now kidnapped his cat. Everytime you post here a paintball with be shot up Bill Krozby's cats ass.
  16. fag Houston
    Anyone have a ps4 and want to play uncharted multiplayer or battlefield?
  17. fag Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock huff raid

    Classic and classy
  18. fag Houston
    Put a gram of meth in your ass.
  19. fag Houston
    I'm only a fag for unwilling straight men.
  20. fag Houston
    Fuck no, I already hate her.
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