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Posts by fag

  1. fag Houston
    Opiate master race
  2. fag Houston
    You take zyprexa? are you schizo?
  3. fag Houston
    I started school today and It's all well enough and most the classes are easy but I'm a little worried about the calculus class I'm in. I took college algebra 10 years ago in high school and I'm supposed to remember all that shit. It's easy enough to look up but how much harder is going to get? Should I just give up and get a pussy ass IT degree or go balls deep and be an engineer?

    I'm mostly talking to aldra, sophie and lanny. Did any of you go to school for computer engineering?
  4. fag Houston
    I'm going to sell some bitcoin and buy some whores.
  5. fag Houston
    So I said yes i'll buy 15 mg vicodons for a reasonable price. I get them and they are OO capsules straight out of the store with a light brown powder inside. WTF is this, I'm guessing its eighter a fentanyl mix or absolutly nothing at all. I took one but my tolerance is so high right now that even if it is anything I might not feel it. There was no dust on the outside of the capsules so somebody put some effort into making these but I just don't know what the hell they are. What do I do?

    Fags neighbor
  6. fag Houston
    There is only one god.
  7. fag Houston
    Oh shit, I don't mess with .gov
  8. fag Houston
    Whatever good white people have done throughout history has been singlehandly been undone by Bill Krozby.
  9. fag Houston
    Only on this forum would benching 250 seem like an exaggeration because nobody here can bench shit. I could bench 220 by the time I was seventeen.
  10. fag Houston
    Put a gram of meth up your ass and then shoot up not quite enough heroin to OD then do some rails of coke and throw some mushrooms in there for good measure, if you really wanted to experience terror before you died.
  11. fag Houston
    There was a real crazy one I heard about they did in the dark ages, They would tie a person between two small fishing boats, one on top of the other with the person in between. Then make some small cuts into the person and let them float on a lake and they would be eaten alive by maggots and bugs.
  12. fag Houston
    Decapitation has always interested me because I'm sure your still conscience for a little while after it happens.
  13. fag Houston
    Make a bomb and put it up your ass.
  14. fag Houston
    Sharpen a metal tube, plant it in some cement and jump off your house onto it.
  15. fag Houston
    The real question is how you should kill yourself. I say tie a bed of nails to your forehead and groin and jump off a 30 foot cliff.
  16. fag Houston
    Whats her email address?
  17. fag Houston
    If its good then its addicting.
  18. fag Houston
    Not at all, only in conversations about god is the term predestination used. If a god is all knowing then he has condemned you to hell or saved your soul before you even existed. The ideas of god and free will can't really coexist as far as I know, but that doesn't mean a lot of people don't try.
  19. fag Houston
    I've been benching 250 lbs for the past six months and I can't seem to get any bigger. The only one I have heard of is human growth hormone but I'm not competing in anything so I don't have any problem with using them and I'm not even sure they are illegal. So anyone got a stack that helps them get bigger or gives them more stamina? I just don't want to use anything that will shrink my balls or give me cancer.
  20. fag Houston
    Predestination doesn't exist unless god exists. In reality its probably a fair amount of biological and environmental determinism on top of some free will, it doesn't have to be either or.
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