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Posts by fag

  1. fag Houston
    Do it
  2. fag Houston
    Why the fuck would the creator of a DNM be in Thailand? That would be the dumbest place to possibly be.
  3. fag Houston
    I'll give you an assisted suicide for 5 btc. Seriously though, denounce feminism or I'm going to start harassing you.
  4. fag Houston
    Because they suck at manual labor and I don't want to pick up their slack. Not to mention, since women have entered the workforce the average pay has been cut in half, so now it takes two people to make the same amount of money as it used to take one.

    and stay out of the fucking military too because everytime you take a non combat position as you must do, it forces another man into a combat position, maybe since you get a vote without having to agree to be drafted you should just be thankful and quit bitching you GOD DAMN LEMON STEALING WHORES
  5. fag Houston
    somebody knows and I care
  6. fag Houston
    I don't really care about forbes but it is legitimate enough to prove my point that the wage gap is a consequence of women's choices and not the "patriarchy" or any other retarded shit. Women choose to make less money when they choose to have a family or just have a more balanced life where you aren't working 70 hours a week. When polled, most women said that they would not want to have their bosses job.
  7. fag Houston
    Is that the one where idiosyncratics PI got leaked or was that a differant one? One day it was just gone and I never knew what happened, does anyone know?
  8. fag Houston
    They have been trying to put me in prison since I was 14, of course I'm pissed off, just like any rational person would be.
  9. fag Houston

    That's fucking forbes, not a right wing nut job site.

    The fact that you can't empathize with a male child being abused is 100% proof that you are biased against men, how that went above you're head is a testament to your ignorance of your own bias.
  10. fag Houston
    27 is old enough to not be effected by all the sjw crap, the world changes quickly
  11. fag Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic This. In general people who are competent don't need to bitch about other people.

    No irony in that statement on this forum.
  12. fag Houston
    I doubt that women make less money than men. Look at the male suicide and incarceration rate while feminists laugh about it and then tell me I got cucked. You're just biased against men just like women and men have proven to be, you're a traitor and a little bitch who gets weak in the knees anytime a women comes around. My hatred of feminism stems from being abused by my mother and then being expected to revere her like she's a saint. Your arguments are oversimplified to the point of being idiotic and in reality you're really just trying to be an beta male instead of having honor and camaraderie because your daemon is underdeveloped and you worship your muse.
  13. fag Houston
    He's the hero we don't deserve.
  14. fag Houston
    I used to say fair enough to feminist because I didn't know anything about it and its intuitive to think "yeah women get shafted because they are weak" and now I"m making up for my ignorance by hating and trolling feminists. Plus I was nice to feminists and they were bitches to me. You're old enough to not be very effected by it but when you're my age its a ton of girls with a chip on their shoulder.
  15. fag Houston
    I hope you're not talking about dfg, I swear to god I will defend his honor with my life no matter how many goats he fucks.
  16. fag Houston
  17. fag Houston
    B======D ()
  18. fag Houston

    I'm going to continue spamming cp until we get a canary clause. That's a childs butthole.
  19. fag Houston
    Originally posted by RisiR † I think it's a good idea to fight genital mutiliation for example. Here in Germany women earn about 10-20% less then males in the same position and I can understand that they want to earn the same. They carry a economic risk for the employer by default, though. Pregnancies impact a business here in Germany so that's factored in and a lot of people don't understand that.

    I don't get the hatefulness that's associated with feminism.

    I highly doubt that, there is a myriad of factors involved in how much someone gets paid and men tend to work those in their favor while women take off time for family. It's about the choices people make and women and men make different choices. So basically that is feminist propaganda that only a bull dyke would propagate.
  20. fag Houston
    Everyone here has yolod themselves into a deranged mania.
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