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Posts by fag

  1. fag Houston
    Do they let single men adopt children? If they do I think I will start a kid farm where you farm and go to school and get them at the age where I can teach them to be guitar gods. Constant work and structure and becoming a professional musician.
  2. fag Houston
    The only way to lose a fight is to not fight.
  3. fag Houston
    I'm not circumcised and I would be pretty pissed if I was. I heard it severs nerve endings in the head of your dick.
  4. fag Houston
    I do a lot of odd jobs and a few years ago I was making pizza and serving it at a college. I hate cutting up green peppers because the insides look disgusting to me and they are a pain in the ass. So I cut up green peppers and hit it with the knife to get the rouge seeds out but like one didn't come out and I didn't really care. This bitch who wasn't even working at my station came up to me and ask me why I didn't take the seeds out, I told her I did and to leave me alone. The next day she comes over again and then asks me "why are you looking down my shirt?" There are a few problems with this, first of all she has no tits and is completely flat chested, secondly she is ugly and I wouldn't fuck her if she begged me to, thirdly, wear a shirt that covers you if you don't want people to look at your skin, and most of all I wasn't fucking looking down her shirt. I'm over a foot taller than her so I'm looking down anytime I'm looking at her and she is just being a bitch on purpose. So I just left that job because food service sucks anyways but now I wish that I had taken it to human resources, I let her screw me and it pisses me off but I do what it takes to stay out of prison which leads me to the other way I deal with bitches.

    I've been sexually assaulted (basically raped) when I was too young to know what to do as well as groped by women. I've also been given an std when a girl withheld that information from me. In situations like these I get mean pretty fucking quickly except for that first time. I usually find that an honest insult will have the most impact and when it comes down to it threats of violence have always worked for me even though I don't really want to beat up a girl. The most recent time I just wanted this girl to stop calling and texting me so I told her that she was a shitty mother (which was true) among other things and eventually ended up with me threatening to kill her and her baby, but the thing is, is that it worked, that bitch never called me again and that's all I wanted.

    So what is the right way to deal with bitches? As time goes on I become less and less of nice person and I feel like eventually I'm going to murder someone, I feel like I either walk away and regret it or escalate the shit out of the situation to where I could potentially go to prison. How do you deal with shit like this?
  5. fag Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Errr… what happens after you eat the last kid?

    You get a younger wife or eat the neighbors kids
  6. fag Houston
    shut up Bill Krozby, nobody gives a fuck about grammer
  7. fag Houston
    I want to fuck a girl with blackface on.
  8. fag Houston
    zoklet was weak and full of pedos
  9. fag Houston
    ha ha fuck you and fuck brandon
  10. fag Houston
  11. fag Houston
    I'm sorry harry potter.
  12. fag Houston
    I tried to move some bitcoin but had the fees set too low so now it won't confirm and I would rather just get it back then send it through at this point but I don't know how. Will it eventually just be sent back to my wallet?
  13. fag Houston
    I've also been sexually assaulted by women multiple times so they have lost their sheen to me and I don't see them through a romantic enhancement anymore, which all of you do.
  14. fag Houston
    Originally posted by blackbird I consider myself a feminist but think that the issue is deeper than just women not being equal, it’s inequality between genders. Men are expected to live up to some cultural expectation of masculinity and women are expected to live up to an exception of femininity. I don’t think people should be bound by their physical sex or what gender they’re assigned at birth in the way they should act or what they’re allowed to do. Not all men feel masculine and not all women feel feminine. If a person is capable of doing something their gender shouldn’t come into play.

    I can agree with this for the most part. If sexism exists it is against men and women and sexism does exist, I hate feminists because they only care about the female part and refuse to empathize with men.

    This website in general is extremely racist and I don't care, I think its funny to a certain extent. But the second I feel like bringing misogyny into the mix half the people get all whyte nighty without even bringing anything to the conversation even though its mostly a joke. In reality I'm fairly romantic and respect women.

    Risir, you live in a three story home with balconies and 30 000 dollar windows, you are not from the street, you're a pampered whyte boy acting hard.

    Lanny, you're just a faggot shitposting on your own forum, worship thy holy mother faggot.
  15. fag Houston
    You can live with alot of shame if you are rich.
  16. fag Houston
    The best way to eat pork chops is to put them in a croc pot with a russian imperial stout and some rice. No other preparation method compares and I stand by that with all my bitcoin.
  17. fag Houston
    It's only bad to eat if it makes you gag when you smell it. You can scrape off mold and be fine.
  18. fag Houston
    Go for the jugular
  19. fag Houston
    mash, get a haircut
  20. fag Houston
    Why don't you go jedi up some other forum.
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