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Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Yes, the cops would never fabricate evidence to take out what they've percieved to be a 'serious threat to children', so they can then pat themselves on the back for a job well done and parade it all over the media for hero worship points. Hell most would prolly do it thinking they were doing the world a great service and wouldn't consider whether their original suspicions were well founded or not. The exhilleration they gain from being the hero would blind them mentally. Not too disimilar to you psych, eh?
  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RisiR LOL. So you failed a suicide attempt?

    No lol, i was joking. How could i resist an answer like that, hahahah

    Im not one of those sad fucks.

    Look if life in your world really is so shitty and unbearable then move somewhere else, start a new life as a trans sexual rentboy or anything you want. Theres thousands of other places out there you can go. It really isnt that hard.
  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RisiR I'm too lazy to link you to the studies but that's just wrong.

    Since when are you a suicide expert?

    When i survived
  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Sorry, did you want me to bullshit you instead?
  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Its not a case of being non-empaphetic. Its just a case of having it right and ssaying it as it is.
  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Im not saying deppresives dont suicide. But those that are serious do, those that aren't go round screaming about they are going to do it.
  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RisiR Those exist, as well. Sure.

    Would you put me in that category if I killed myself today after a decade of depression and struggle?

    Yes. Deppresives are notorious for desperately craving attension, sympathy and human contact. The irony is that they would have all that had they not driven everyone away through being a total sadsack.
  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RisiR No. I say that because it's true and scientifically proven that most people who commit suicide drop hints or are actually vocal about it. I'm not talking about dudes who kill themselves because of a break up. I'm talkinging about the clinically depressed.

    Those were the ones that didn't get the attention they craved, thought they'd show everyone 'how serious they were', then went on to misjudge the attempt. Like the fucking loser retards they were.
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    People who say they're going to suicide are only attention seeking. People who are serious say nothing, so no one can stop them. They'll put enough planning into it, then just go out and do the job properly. Friends and relatives will usually be shockked at how out the blue it came.

    Conclusion: op is attention whoring faggot.
  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I'm a critik
  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie Bitches don't know 'bout my opsec.

    Have you always used the level of opsec that you use now? Everyone knows you're psychomanthis. Could they look back and find your identity from all your zoklet/totse postings? I bet they got all that on db somewhere. You know what they're like for db'ing everything. Plus they have pretty leet hackers who can track you. They tracked ross albricht easy enough.

    Also its easier to defend against technology today. But what tech will they have tommorow? Its impossible to gaurd against future tech that you know nothing of now.

    I'm pretty sure you're aware of these facts. So you're always taking a risk. Even if its only subconsiously.
  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Is a pyramid anything to do with triangulism?

    Just summing made me fink of pyramids for some strange reason.
  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Should i send the $100 straight to you now? You got pp, or is western union better?
  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL If he was right-handed and looked right, then he shouldn't be charged.

    So all i have to do is pretend to be left handed
  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie wuts dance moms

    Can i ask one thing psych?

    You come on this forum with your hentai pic, your pedo usertitle, bangin on about pedo shit all the time and declaring your desires towards under age girls. Now altho thats prolly not enough to get you prosecuted, its certainly likely to get you some attention from agencies that would be more than happy to fuck you inside out. Most people try to hide their criminal activity to some extent. Generally the more serious the crime, the more inclined they are to hide their activities. Yet you're flaunting it all over a public forum that gets more than its fair share of le attention. Why is it you think, that you do that?

    You say its not about the risk for you. So why you taking such a big one?

    Post last edited by NARCassist at 2017-03-10T01:05:22.176677+00:00
  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by puffy butts who made this a pedo thread

    Stop worrying sploo, you're too old.
  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie Did your uncle give you herpes? Is that why you're so sensitive about this subject?

    You should prolly run along now, dance moms is about to start on telly.
  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie "Everyone who doesn't agree with me is in denial and/or delusional".

    I get it bro.

    Look i'm trying to.tell you how you think here, stop resisting, and we'll get you out of this embarrasing obsession of yours and on to a much more healthier path.

    Have you ever considered joining the church of scientology?
  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie This is called poisoning the well and it's not an argument.

    I am sure many people, especially guys, know that feel that you wanted to bang your hot lady teacher when you were 12. If she invited you to, you probably would have said yes. This is called consent.

    You're pretty much fucking delusional if you think you can quantify the whole psycho-sexual experience of a substantial minority of people into: "They do it for the rush". Hey guess what's more taboo than fucking children? Killing children, now wouldn't i want to do that if it's all about "dat rush bro".

    It doesn't seem to matter much what i imagine since you've settled for your typical knee-jerk hurr durr all pedos are rapist scum line of thought anyway.

    i never used to understand gambling addicts, why would people get addictrd to throwing money away. But when you apply this logic to them it makes perfect sense. They are addicted to the exhilleration they get from taking a risk and winning. But you talk to them and all they go on about is how much money they make and their formulas and shit. In their head its all about making money. But the reality is that making money is just a means to an end.

    Also think about people who have sex in public places. The risk of getting caught adds a sense of danger to the act, making it exciting. Yet thees very little sexy about a damp alleyway or back seat of a car. But they'll figure it is.
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