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Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach

  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by scron No, its not when you are constipated and havent showered all week.

    ok, you should have mentioned not showerwerwerwering in the first place.

    10 my nigga's and 6 wagwan's my son.

    hail the great trianglist overlord!

  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind Some compatibilists insist that even if our thoughts and actions are the product of unconscious causes, they are still our thoughts and actions. That our unconscious neurophysiology is just as much "us" as our conscious thoughts are.

    But I think these compatibilists change the subject. They trade a psychological fact - the subjective experience of being a conscious agent - for a conceptual understanding of ourselves as persons. This is a bait and switch. The psychological truth is that people feel identical to a certain channel of information in their conscious minds. This is like saying we are made of stardust - which we are. But we don't feel like stardust.

    At this moment you are making countless unconscious "decisions" with organs other than your brain - but these are not events for which you feel responsible. Are "you" producing red blood cells at this moment? Your body is doing this, of course, but if it "decided" to do otherwise you would consider yourself to be the victim of these changes rather than their cause. To say that you are responsible for everything that goes on inside your skin because it is all "you" is to make a claim that bears absolutely no relationship to the feelings of agency and moral responsibility that have made the idea of freewill an enduring problem for philosophy.

    There are more bacteria in your body than human cells. Many of these organisms perform necessary functions - they are "you" in some wider sense. Do you feel identical to them? If they misbehave, are you morally responsible? This is the trouble with compatibilism. It solves the problem of "freewill" by ignoring it.

    How can we be "free" as conscious agents if everything that we consciously intend is caused by events in our brain that we do not intend and of which we are entirely unaware? We can't. To say that "my brain" decided to think or act in a particular way, consciously or not, and that this is the basis for my freedom is to ignore the very source of our belief in freewill: the feeling of conscious agency. People feel that they are the authors of their thoughts and actions, and this is the only reason why there seems to be a problem of freewill worth talking about.

    Post last edited by Open Your Mind at 2017-06-09T22:10:13.127849+00:00

    fucking damn plagiarists these days. i'll link to the source for you, seeing as you failed to in order to look like an inter-lectural an all that.,+they+are+still+our+thoughts+and+actions.+That+our+unconscious+neurophysiology+is+just+as+much+%22us%22+as+our+conscious+thoughts+are.&source=bl&ots=vEP6qOH0EQ&sig=zS8vAX0qPkIWQR_FnOXjWHYdFTg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwixwcS85LHUAhXH0RQKHWDDDLAQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=Some%20compatibilists%20insist%20that%20even%20if%20our%20thoughts%20and%20actions%20are%20the%20product%20of%20unconscious%20causes%2C%20they%20are%20still%20our%20thoughts%20and%20actions.%20That%20our%20unconscious%20neurophysiology%20is%20just%20as%20much%20%22us%22%20as%20our%20conscious%20thoughts%20are.&f=false

    pages 22/23 if anyone wants to check this thieving asshole. I knew this just sounded way too smarts for this kiddo.

    HahA fucking pwnd

  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by scron I like to play with my butt

    no, that's ok, playing with your butt is perfectly fine my son.

  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RisiR † Probably just streamed some porn to my neighbors TV by accident.

    We share Wifi and looks like all the devices are connected. I accidentally clicked on a little TV icon and it said connecting to Samsung - blablah - etc. I don't have a Samsung TV……

    It's 15:30 so yea.. I hope their kids have an appreciation for squirting schoolgirls.

  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by infinityshock I want to impregnate your asshole

    3 my nigga's + 3 wagwan's

    Originally posted by Dargo I killed a bitch

    if it was only a bitch then 3 my nigga's + 3 wagwan's

    Originally posted by SBTlauien I've been too good of a person in my life.

    you should be ashamed of yourself 13 my nigga's + 13 wagwan's

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I missed him

    10 my nigga's + 10 wagwan's for faggotry

    Originally posted by bling bling ia m evil person

    3 my nigga's + 3 wagwan's

    Originally posted by bling bling i peed in my butt 1 time

    30 my nigga's + 30 wagwan's

  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by scron One kid starting pissing in some bushes wdf I almost dialed 911.

    people these days. when I was a younger pissing in the bushes/against a wall etc was just normal everyday shit.

  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby No it was a whyte lady that blogs in portland that bitched about it, saying they stole it from the beaners.

    jesus fucking Christ, I don't possess enough hands for all the facepalms.

  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    so these beaner bitches are claiming they hold copyright over the burrito?

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Purify your soul in the nigga confessional. just confess your sins and as a penance you will receive a number of 'my nigga' and "wagwan's" that you must mutter to the trianglist lord.

  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Memeing_Electron kolokol gets executed but an AI reads all of kolokol's posts and continues to post daily on kolokol's behalf

    i wish i was a meme

    you can't be me man, nobody gets to be me but me.

  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    what's the difference between a wiener and a sausage? coz I think that Austin dude might have stolen the recipe.

  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by BOSS Are you black?

    lol, boss is alright Ha

  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 I would just stay in the slow lane though

    thats even more jammed up because everyone is trying to get off at the intersection but there has been an accident. the slow lane is literally at a stand still, will be for hours. at least in the fast lane you can average 5 mph.

  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach

    ok guys, while sophie is passed out thru blood loss, you can take this opportunity to say anything you like about him.


  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    when i was 23 a very good friend of mine was killed by a drunk 17 year old idiot.

  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Granted but you make no money from it

    I wish we executed people for driving slow in the fast lane

    granted, but you just hit traffic on the interstate, so you are now effectively 'driving slowly' yourself.

    i wish kolokol gets a nice quick execution so he doesn't have to suffer too much for his heinous crime.

  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i like multiverse theory. the theory that every option we approach causes a new universe/s to happen where each possible option continues. so if i go to the fridge and there is ham and cheese, a new universe continues where i chose to make a cheese sandwich, another where i chose ham and yet another where i got greedy and had ham and cheese, and yet another for where i decided to order pizza instead. then four instances of me are created where in each i have no realization of the fact that i actually made all the choices and this is just the universe where i made X choice. each one of us has already created infinite universes and somewhere there is a universe where i am absolutely fucking balling.

    i actually wonder if this 'power of positive thinking' malarky is just channeling your mind to go with the option every time where you end up in the universe where you have the most luck and success.

    i wonder how much the differing choices in each universe change you as a person tho. they must have an effect. if you went one way in a street and got home safely, but in the other universe where you went the other way where bill the cat was lurking and subjected you to some brutally violent male rape. surely that shit is going to affect the different you's. so would you both still be you?

  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Number13 I'm gonna cuck hitler also free dog afterwards

    Granted but you're freed from everything, thought, breathing, corporeal form and existence.

    I wish I always had just enough money to buy anything I want without ruining the economy

    granted, but that is impossible as long as value is involved so you now have super shoplifting powers. you can now steal anything you like and like magic you never get caught. but the guilt builds and builds inside you. you take more and more durgs to relieve the guilt until you OD in a hotel room with a transexual hooker. your bodies are photographed by the police and somehow get 'leaked' to the tabloid press where it is reported on the same page as a report that instances of theft have fallen by 740% this month. literally everyone makes the connection and you go down in history as the 'shemale fucking shoplifter'. this becomes your legacy on earth, its even put on your gravestone.

    i wish other people would just stop having such shit tastes in music.

    Originally posted by Dargo This is literally the simplest game ever. Stop ruining it dimwits.

    it gets boring quickly tho. especially when certain people don't even try and use some imagination in it.

  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Sophie I am in the free will camp. Also, if everything is determined why do we even punish criminals? They can't help it, it was destined to happen so it is unfair to punish them. Also, why should we ever aspire to anything? If we fail it was determined that we would, if we succeed same story. So why not just don't do anything at all? Because you can't go wrong in a deterministic Universe.

    agreed but then wasn't it already determined that the pigs would punish the criminals too. personally i agree with free will, this is just like fate and karma type shite.

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