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Thanked Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † He has a Malaysian girlfriend. She's a midget but she sorts his meds for him.

    and I only have to pay her in rice
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  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel Ariana Grande dumped him for the sober guy thats been to rehab Pete Davidson from saturday night live (really funny dude)

    She was fed up with his drug abuse and lifestyle which is bullshit, I hate girls like that.

    she wrote this on twitter.

    It just sucks he seems like such a positive dude going from this to crashing his car into a pole

    What has this become.. TMZ?

    But I do like Peet Davidson
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  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I suspect that Infinity might be right about not being "jedi" because he doesn't believe in G-d. he isn't religious.

    But I suspect he's like a Sephardic heeb!
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  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    wut the hell is MVP besides Most Valuable Player? :/
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  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Alex Jones should be sued for existing tbh

    But how will we get amusing memes like this if that were to occure

    (BTW.. Alex used to be kind of interesting and promising in exposing corruption only to go full throttle retard)

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  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    most serial killers are from the midwest

    the ones in California usually are politically motivated while the midwest is out of bordom or depression

    Ohio is one sick state
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  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † You fucking weird ass nigga. Will you ever stop?

    It's the brand that your people molded. I am a reflecting of you and this will sadly haunt you for the rest of your life and possibly into the next. Your Karma here is strong on this.

    How have you been RisiR?
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  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sancho Wellhung's wedding.🔥😍😍😍🔥🔥😍🔥🔥

    Make sure to like y'

    Slackjaw Whorific
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  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Codebeta You crack me up.👍

    Well you're half way their Infinity.. he's giving you a reach around with his brown nosen nose
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  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sancho Bout beating it


    I bet those events smell like ass everywhere you go
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  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ifitdontfitacquit Dad and Spectral are brothers in real life? You two remind me of the movie Stepbrothers with Will Ferrell and John C.Reilly. Just more of intelligent and raunchy version

    Shut up you fucking retarded bitch
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  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    this could take days to read everything done. it was probably planned out since the 1993 bombing of the WTC which got fucked up.

    So this time around they made sure it was done right. The Arabs paid for the highjackers and Bush's buddy Dick Cheney made sure the Enron would be removed completly (To bad they didn't have the cloud server of redundancy back then) and multiple leaders of Large Corporations were going to make it big.. including the Military Industrial Complex.

    Someone transfered and stole Millions of dollars at 6am that morning just 3 hours or so before the first plane hit.

    The Gold of 1.2 Billion in the safe vault below 5-6 was emptied out (A fema guy who is on the run for "killing his wife with suicide" had released much of the FEMA tapes showing the vault was empty)

    A Security Guard was able to stop one of the trucks from hauling it away (reminds you of Die Hard 3? Lots of hollywood films like to create predictable programming to lesson the shock)

    2.3 already stolen by the MIC had 2 record locations of evidence. 1 at Building 7 (lost forever) and 1 at the very place hit at the Pentagon

    Larry Silverstein nearly broke from spending nearly all of the last of his money buying Building 1 and 2 while already owning Marriot Building 3, takes out 25 seperate One Million dollar policies that were to end in October 2001.

    He's now 5.5 Billion richer with a double wammy paid out by the Insurance groups

    Larry Silverstein also stated in an Insrael Convention around 2007 that he already planned to knock down Building 7 and rebuild it in 2002. Building 7 was only 12 years old. WHY? a 47 floor building to be knocked down just over a decade old? weird and probably a first.

    Israeli Students having an Advant Garte art exibit where people would press up against a special window while a Helicopter took photos of them.. acting as if they were leaping from the window... it appears they are the same Students found at GW Bridge and pulled over by New Jersey side of Port Authority in which the truck they were in, had a plane flying towards the WTC on painted as a Mural on the side. they also got the personal phone numbers of ATF, FBI and other Government agents where they called or showed up at their houses trying to sell them Art. WTF??

    They were then released the following day (After the truck tested positive for C4 plastique and other explosive material) and flew back to Israel.

    Bush and Cheney requested that the Bin Laden family be left out of the report. 28 pages proving they paid for the highjacking. the family of 9/11 were asked, Do you want these documents to be released or settle out of court for millions each.. the families chose the money and the 28 pages redacted were then resealed

    10,000 volunteers have now been being treated for post related Asbestos and other chemical exposures. the Enviormental testing of the area said it was safe with masks. You are not safe from Asbestos with a simple medical mask. all of these people will die from Cancer in the next 20-30 years.

    Firefighters and Medical staff who lost their Jobs to illness and cancer related to 9/11 lost medical insurance and have since died .. only when Trump came in did they finally get the help assistance. a bit to late now. early treatment could of put off their deaths for another 10-20 years

    Several people including Guiliani and Former Mayor Willy Brown of San Francisco were WARNED "Do not go to work on 9/11"

    Silverstein just missed going to work that he always did because of whatever the fuck. I think he was in the other building having lunch and got out.

    basicly the only people showing up were mid level management and building staff.

    Fuck the middle class?

    Why can't we get together and be strong and deliver Old School Justice. we're all going to die in the next few decades from some hybrid flu because the Machines will replace middle class Jobs and the rich want to have the world as their own playground. Stop selling out, Mother Fuckers!
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  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist who gives a fuck what those poncing faggots do? why you watching some rich control freaks wedding for anyway, what are you a fucking girl or summing?


    No I was laughing at it. I'm an American and don't understand why you guys even still have a queen. it cost you tons in tax money

    I have to be honest, Harry's alright. At least he truly served in the war. and umm.. remember when everyone jumped on him for the swastika? it was just Halloween. fucking PC faggots

    You guys love Hitler.. I would think you would understand that move as being legitamly funny for triggering the Far Left

    Also it's like watching a rose day parade. Also, her mom had a nose ring and a lip ring. I WAS LIKE WTF-- TOTALLY CRAZY FOR A MIDDLE AGE LADY
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  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    HelloBadKitty is right

    Size down first.. do cardio

    then come back and build muscle later on. otherwise you'll just be a massive muscular person. as you get older, it's harder to maintain.
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  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Omg don't go. Don't leave me. I can chaaaaaange!

    OK, I'll stay this time.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL This is the 4th time you've said you were leaving. Man up and grow a spine or GTFO.

    When they tie you down and waterboard you.. you will talk all about the thread.
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  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock listen closely, you pharmaceutical-addled fuckpuppet, because im not explaining this to you again.

    your cited article is dated September 2015…and references an article from 1995.

    my information and sources predates even that.

    the only thing that was used on you was a dirty dildo that had been passed around several gay bars and the reason your so grumpy now is because of the extreme constipation caused by said dildo plugging up your colon, leaving you constipated.

    im giving out facts. youre giving out conspiracy nutjob fake news fueled by some sort of illicit drug overdose on your part…probably bath salts.

    scopolomine doesnt work the way you say it works via inhalation.

    youre an idiot

    You're a filthy dickbutt

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  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Boss_bebe74 Oh I was saying I was thinking about work.. not if anyone on here works.

    Hi btw😊

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  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jer3552 they kick and their mamas kick and head butt u and run u over… stitches….just rub on some antiseptic goop and the cut heals ust fine

    They're awake? do they cry a lot. don't you feel bad? can't you put them to sleep? i know you can't have bulls competing for mating but at least anesthetize them
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  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    and a much advanced GO FUCK YOURSELF ALDRA ;)
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  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    this is prolly my favorite Fleetwood Mac Song


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