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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock ass rapes lannyfag in the mouth and he likes it false

    False on what? be more specific you paranoid fuck!
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the pat-man its fucking spain lol they were fascist until the 70's they've never been able to do government right, remember how spastically all that catalonian shit went down.

    remember their Queen ran Spain during the days of Columbus and had an affair with Christopher Columbo himself.

    She called the shots, he bowed down to her needs. Spain women have always ruled their men :D

    Maybe that's why latino's are so feisty.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock ass rapes lannyfag in the mouth and he likes it (BBCs photographer sucks cock)

    for anyone who isnt crystal clear about the definition of equality and diversity, take note of the syntax used:

    anyone with a normally functioning brain realizes that 61.1% is not equality, its 'dominating' the 38.9%. if they wanted equality the numbers would be 50-50.

    equality/diversity is code word for anti-white straight male.

    those responsible for this: the kikes

    Yeah, I will admit I feel that at times.

    but I'll probably live by myself when I'm old. and not give much fucks about it. Though I hope for the best for my nephews.

    But remember.. the entire world wont hate white males. just work on your personality and people will love you for what you are.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by BummyMofo I ain't got no mothafuckin job, I just live w/my family and I don't do shit

    can't be the only one here tho, where the bummy niggas @?

    Well I have awesome news for you.. and bad news

    Good news. Northern California (mainly bay area) has more jobs then people to fill them

    Bad News: Rent is a bitch and you would be lucky to rent out a closet (literally a closet in a house) to set up as your own. there is a massive housing crisis in the bay area where houses have been rented or purchased before finished being built.

    So if you can stand living out of your car or get creative with a hedge (as I did a few nights.. hehe.. painter tarp and found a giant shrub south of market. then you should be able to find work.
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel That dude looks like he's about to get raped.

    Remember.. rape isn't funny unless it's willful manrape from large objects by best friends and roomates..

    Bowling Balls, Basketballs, Bats and human heads come to mind!
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt You ignore most of the content of my posts and respond to the least important aspects, in the process you conflate architects with architectural engineers (they're not the same thing), try to focus on an arbitrarily narrow criteria for defining the total number of relevant experts while glossing over the fact that your cited AE 9/11 group is made of people with diverse and often largely irrelevant credentials.

    In short, you're an idiot running on motivated reasoning, cherry picked and deliberately misconstrued 'evidence' and confirmation bias, and your low IQ is the main reason you still believe in childish conspiracy theories

    Oh trust me, I'm not cherry picking. explain to me how Building 7 can drop with a typical crimp in the middle (as building rigged with thermate often do) and drop very neatly and symetric into it's own footprint.

    Why would a building in which a guy who was on the 107 floor, managed to get below floor 71 and stated it was very cool and lights and the A/C was still on, and then made it out to tell his account .. how did that building (1) cave in on itself? there are videos showing the bulk of the center 47 collumns were mostly standing. so this thing collapsed in the outer rings by its' own weight without resistance slowing it down? only the top section of 3 (which the WTC 1 and 2 were built as 3 buildings stacked) had mysteriously taken out the lower two which had redundance structural load strengths which every floor lower to it was thicker and could hold up more weight than the floor above. but every floor built held at least 5 times the weight that existed.

    How could it collapse so freely as if someone was removing each floors trusses below? I did study this shit. I understand dynamics in 3D software where you can not move an object with an x,y,z axis point.

    the top started to fall sideways, had it fell off the side, I would of said.. OK makes sense. and no one would of question it. Silverstein could of even had both towers completely torn down and no one would of thought the wiser. but they took them down in a silly cartoon like fashion and then went for building 7 on top of it.

    there is no logic for the lower floors to have weakened. the top floors heat weakening the floors above, makes some sense (to a degree) but to heat up the 47 box columns every floor below to weaken to the point of collapse make 0 sense.

    any form of energy regardless of kinetics, weight drawn or recoil or gravitation pull or any other form of energy would of lost its momentum on the way down. it would seem as if this had perpetual energy forces such as a series of well detonated explosives or as far as I know (as silly as it may sound) some form of energy wave device above.
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Infinityshock is on the far left.. getting headbutt


  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock cock crammed up lannyfagniggers crapper i will stuff my cock so far up your asshole by the time your gag-reflex relaxes enough to let you breath again you'll already be in your fourth trimester of pregnancy.

    See what I am saying. Does this beta faggot troll look nice to you, OP?

    Nothing here is nice. amusing at times, but hardly nice. Unless someone is suffering a lot.. we generally stop this trollathon to let the person to take care of themselves.

    that's the nice part. humans can be dicks but nice in crisis mode.
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock cock crammed up lannyfagniggers crapper she also sucks cock like a turbo-charged hoover

    stop spamming us you beta fag
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt No point continuing this discussion when you only want to obfuscate your ignorance by arguing semantics

    it's not semantics, it's fucking specifics. stop trying to fancy your way out of being wrong
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt No point continuing this discussion when you only want to obfuscate your ignorance by arguing semantics

    Government Paid Troll

    no doubt
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    all of my emoticons are theresa may's stupid faces now

    Theresa Mary May is a British politician serving as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since 2016. She served as Home Secretary from 2010 to 2016

    I Did not Know This

  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt AE 9/11 truth is notorious for misrepresenting and misunderstanding the facts. It's a group of people who have engineering/architectural experience but not necessarily relevant expertise. You don't know this because you obviously don't have a scientific background and don't bother to research the extensive refutations of their claims. Like I said, you probably haven't even read the NIST report. All I've seen in this thread is you feeding your confirmation bias.

    Also, it's not nearly as difficult as you insinuate to get published. If they had any concrete evidence they would have been able to get an article in a reputable journal in 17 years.

    One search and you could find the numbers yourself. But yes, there are roughly 3 million engineers in the US.

    an Engineer is used in a broad spectrum of fields. Specifically Architectural engineers however are far less than the 3 million you claim.

    there are about 105,000 current licensed Architectural Engineers in the USA.

    Number of Licensed Architects (US)

    Licensed architects in each state are divided into two categories: resident and reciprocal, or non-resident, registrants. Based on current population levels, the chart below also calculates the per capita number of resident architects in each state. The following information is from the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards’ 2010 survey.
    State Resident Architects Reciprocal Registrations Total Population Per Capita # of Resident
    Architects per 100,000
    Alabama 901 1,853 2,754 4,833,722 19
    Alaska 257 365 622 735,132 35
    Arizona 2,164 3,897 6,061 6,626,624 33
    Arkansas 495 850 1,345 2,959,373 17
    California 16,191 3,708 19,899 38,332,521 42
    Colorado 3,256 3,225 6,481 5,268,367 62
    Connecticut 1,514 2,794 4,308 3,596,080 42
    Delaware 118 1,538 1,656 925,749 13
    D.C. 699 2,426 3,125 646,449 108
    Florida 4,491 4,427 8,918 19,552,860 23
    Georgia 2,404 2,952 5,356 9,992,167 24
    Hawaii 1,027 1,345 2,372 1,404,054 73
    Idaho 491 1,173 1,664 1,612,136 30
    Illinois 5,306 3,740 9,046 12,882,135 41
    Indiana 1,056 1,836 2,892 6,570,902 16
    Iowa 1,106 2,482 3,588 3,090,416 36
    Kansas 936 1,838 2,774 2,893,957 32
    Kentucky 718 1,641 2,359 4,395,295 16
    Louisiana 1,213 2,038 3,251 4,625,470 26
    Maine 425 1,094 1,519 1,328,302 32
    Maryland 1,995 3,745 5,740 5,928,814 34
    Massachusetts 3,715 2,912 6,627 6,692,824 56
    Michigan 2,570 3,132 5,702 9,895,622 26
    Minnesota 1,947 1,534 3,481 5,420,380 36
    Mississippi 364 1,512 1,876 2,991,207 12
    Missouri 2,055 3,015 5,070 6,044,171 34
    Montana 441 957 1,398 1,015,165 43
    Nebraska 546 1,234 1,780 1,868,516 29
    Nevada 530 2,240 2,770 2,790,136 19
    New Hampshire 311 1,487 1,798 1,323,459 23
    New Jersey 3,096 4,896 7,992 8,899,339 35
    New Mexico 712 1,493 2,205 2,085,287 34
    New York 9,707 6,808 16,515 19,651,127 49
    Noth Carolina 2,248 2,921 5,169 9,848,060 23
    North Dakota 154 856 1,010 723,393 21
    Ohio 2,650 3,929 6,579 11,570,808 23
    Oklahoma 763 1,281 2,044 3,850,568 20
    Oregon 1,654 1,284 2,938 3,930,065 42
    Pennsylvania 3,653 4,326 7,979 12,773,801 29
    Rhode Island 310 1,266 1,576 1,051,511 29
    South Carolina 1,066 2,698 3,764 4,774,839 22
    South Dakota 111 697 808 844,877 13
    Tennessee 1,514 2,206 3,720 6,495,978 23
    Texas 8,427 4,374 12,801 26,448,193 32
    Utah 827 1,697 2,524 2,900,872 29
    Vermont 289 729 1,018 626,630 46
    Virginia 2,790 4,221 7,011 8,260,405 34
    Washington 3,866 2,314 6,180 6,971,406 55
    West Virginia 100 1,037 1,137 1,854,304 5
    Wisconsin 1,727 3,361 5,088 5,742,713 30
    Wyoming 136 1,003 1,139 582,658 23
    Totals 105,042
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Call up pics of the Pentagon strike. You will see a round hole, and that's it. Both sides of the hole are relatively unscathed, and some pics show unbroken windows on both sides of the hole. The wingspan of that plane was over 175 feet, and the fuel is in the wings, so 175 feet of the wall would have been charred black from the explosion of the wings, but as we can plainly see from the pics, those nearby walls are virtually unscathed. Not scientifically possible, so we know for 100% fact no passenger plane hit the Pentagon.

    the very spot, that was hit was not reinforced. that makes it even more suspect than it being able to penetrate it as reinforced because it just happen to be where the plane hit? or purposely aimed for that area which also had the only other server of the missing 2.3 trillion in lost DoD funded gone missing. the other server was lost in Building WTC 7.

    this whole thing is clearly intentional for profit and not a simple Arab attack on America. but the Wahabi Royal Bin Ladens paid for it and then tried to blame it on the black sheep of their family, Osama.
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by EllariaSand

    Looks like another night of gripping Algonquin Round Table discussions ahead……

    looks like the players in my old acting class :|
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinks Yeah the people where I live are all nice do-gooders who wouldn’t hesitate to call the cops if they saw some shady shit wherever lol

    I won't say there weren't weirdos. there were plunty of them. but usually drug using hippies.

    But maybe I was just an ugly kid who didn't get touched. it happens lots now. more and more often. yet when I was a kid the pedo thing wasn't known to me.
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by coolbreeze mr.noodle

    boil water, add seasoning noodles, and ready to eat


    can't imagine how fucking nasty that would taste. I would become a vegitarian in a world where only cat meat was available. I might be forced to drink the brother of such over eating the cat meat if it came down to surviving a holocaust.
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt Which isn't even 0.1% of professional engineers in the USA alone


    are you saying out of 300 million people in the USA that 2.3 Million of them are architech and engineers? I think your figure is a bit a skewed to suggest that 1 in 130 humans in the USA alone is a professional architect and designer with an engineering degree.
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt Which isn't even 0.1% of professional engineers in the USA alone

    that doesn't mean they too deny it. they just don't want a part of it.
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt This is a cop out that conspiracy theorists use to explain the complete dearth of accurate scientific evidence on their side

    they give you in depth information. wtf are you babbling about. stop using silly catch-all to make a point. you want facts, go on their website and view scientific fact and computer annalists and comparing it to the silly NIST one done which was shown on PBS. the fucking thing was a joke.
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