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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic We've been conditioned to care if people cheat on us but it's useless. It's just some bullshit our cultures have forced on us because people wanted to control other people. It will be like forced marriage as time goes on, it will die out as people will realize it's fucking useless.

    but if everyone fucked everyone then it would be very likely you might have sex with a half sibling which would raise the retardation rate in the species.

    marriage was to make sure this wouldn't happen.
  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I used to have a thing about pissing through my screen window. like from the second floor.. then it got broken down from the urine and I pushed it into the alley between our building and the next one over and pissed out the window.

    One day the landlord said "a neighbor stated the strong sent of urine in the driveway (ally) was because they saw you urinating out the window. I said, Shut up you old Russian whore. I will fuck you in the garage next time your husband leaves and I will do it on the dryer.

    she was down for that but then evicted us. fucking bitch got the last laugh.. some young dick and kept half of our cleaning deposit.

    tru story, bruh!
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic i fuckin threw up in one

    I love Elliot Smith.. but he's another fucker who killed himself. fucking prick
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the pat-man beige are you a brown person or just old?

    Why not both?

  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The fires were going out and the smoke was turning black when they set the demolition packs off.

    I know, right. Starved flames turns black

    oil or rubber will do this too? but that shit burned off in minutes from the plane.

    there are people standing by the window where the plane hit. their clothes are on with little sign of torn or burned.
    perhaps this guy was like 10 during this event, had been groomed to be the next people to continue the beat down of disinfo and try to fancy foot their way around things. I really don't want to go back to repeating this shit over and over again. it's really annoying.
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Do your own homework. everything I type up will just be an endless attack

    this guy acts like he's an expert in demolition. clearly paid troll. I requested a research in the pre-warning and have learned a hell of a lot and Yes I worked in construction before. I'm in my 50s. Not demolition but I'v spoken to many experts in the field in Berkeley and other parts of the bay area.

    You have professional commercial pilots who stated the planes alone couldn't hold straight without the wings rocking back and forth in a commercial airliner at 500mph (let alone 600)

    at 1000 feet the plane has so much atmospheric drag the wings would tear off. the only reason a commercial jet is capable of going over 400mph is at cruising speed above 10,000 feet where the air is thin to create little drag. most fly at 30,000 feet where there is nearly no air at all.

    the guy who flew into the Pentagon was going nearly 600mph and banked a beautiful 270 degree turn and was just feet off the ground until he was midway into the field outside of the parking lot before skidding into the building. NO FUCKING WAY

    These planes were modified. The destruction (which looks like building 4) was just on the other side of 7? 7 got hit by H-beams that were projected like a canon in an arc like fashion up and over and down into 7 and other buildings nearby. And I said nearly in it's footprint. it didn't blow out into talcum powder where nearly 85 percent of the debris in WTC1 and 2 had just disappeared into fine talcum size particles. there should be a much higher stack of steal. they is only about 16 percent of it. and it was immediately sent to china. there were two.. it wasn't the 107 it was the 101 and one guy from floor 84 who was the fire warden of the building he worked in. He was on the 84 and made a phone call from the 44th floor. His name was Brian. there is another guy on the 101 floor. I have to look it up but he said the flames were barely licking the walls and they walked down the stair and when they got a few floors below, it was nice and cool, the lights were on and the AC was running. as if nothing hit the building at all. So tell me what the fuck crushed the other 70 something floor without resistance?
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The goats…they climb near vertical cliffs to get away from the filthy fuckers.

    aww.. he's trying to hide his head from rape
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dfg &Totse Dialup 7 nodes> Totse > Totse IRC > Zoklet > > > (Insert of bunch of other variations) > /r/totse > etc

    Originally posted by jon4686 Haha……interesting after a vice news article and a google search.

    Sad part: Bad ideas is set as public. Dont think Ill share so much over there…
    Dfg gave some false info to Vice.

    or they ran with what they felt made more sense to them. either way it's not exactly all there.
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson 10 print "hello"
    20 goto 10

    100k please.

    you have to be able to actually build front end or back end solve
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock ass rapes lannyfag in the mouth and he likes it ill give you money if you place your mouth on my penis and move your head back and forth a few times

    did you just break the law by solicitation me for gay sex?

    I'm leaving a message on FBI's tip hotline. You'll be sorry!
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ..or just move.

    here is the trick.. first if you ever are capable of coding and land a 100k a year job, you live in a car, shower at the gym and eat as cheaply as possible.. 5 years and you can buy a house outright in Austin Texas or say somewhere in Flagstaff Arizona or even the flats of California (Modesto or wherever)
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I'm OG Totse dialup and Web but not NIS

    I joined about a year or so after it opened (if 2016 is the real year it opened)

    I think maybe even months later.. like feb or march of 2017?

    that being said. No. I don't do drugs. caffeine is my drug of choice and Rx meds which druggies would like to have.

    But nothing illicit
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock ass rapes lannyfag in the mouth and he likes it stfu and post nude selfies, faggot


  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    One of his last Film (Movie) rolls before his last tv show was 11:14

    Not a great great film but worth watching. it actually ties in several stories pretty neatly
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein She's like the wind
    Through my tree
    She rides the night
    Next to me
    She leads me to moonlight
    Only to burn me with the Sun
    She's taken my heart
    But she doesn't know what she's done !

    Wow. I know his mother was a music and dancing instructor which got him the part of Dirty Dancing, But I didn't know he sang. He's got a pretty good voice.

    Plus he's an beta Male performer.
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock ass rapes lannyfag in the mouth and he likes it youre an unterbottom…you have no semblance of masculinity much less a view on how the world works

    I am very gentle and kind much of the time.

    but if someone corners me with threats.. I'm a lion out of the cage. don't under estimate me. I'm not a white boy who would pucker up to even the tallest guy (minority or not) if they came at me. that's probably one of my problems but i'v stood my ground enough times I don't have to prove myself. yet with a slight attitude change on the opposing side, I can also be a friend in need. it's the person choice on how they treat me first, whether on how I may react. and often if they're verbally assholes, I will remain a nice person which resolved the problem. sometimes people just want to vent.
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    if you live in the bay area.. taco bell is supposed to give out free taco vouchers because the Warriors Won last game
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    "..What are you doing at the moment"

    Getting ready to drive people around for money!

    then get a bean and cheese burrito from taco bell (maybe)

    drive some more. hope I don't fart up the car.
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