That faggot with the numbers and JWH or whatever in his username
bling bling
Post last edited by RisiR at 2016-11-23T08:07:16.303981+00:00
Post last edited by RisiR at 2016-11-24T12:50:59.905471+00:00
Post last edited by RisiR at 2016-11-24T15:55:00.332368+00:00
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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Originally posted by Enter
first you get the money
then you get the power
then you get the women
another bullshit empty platitude.
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Originally posted by Enter
I gotta get rich
This is the biggest lie of the 21st century. Sure have enough money to survive and do what you want but being focusing on being "rich" is a fools errand.
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2016-11-23 at 8:28 AM UTC
Being a people helper
Yo, she definitely got double dipped in that shnoz. Fuck, her head is 80% nose and the rest is a wig I want to punch.
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I don't understand how anybody can enjoy that shit
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1.7k per window? Lad they were laughing all the way home
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Originally posted by RisiR
I feel like I have to because people keep shitting on me for no reason. When it comes to fighting we are leaving this internet realm and crossover to the real world. I'm not mad, I just want to lay my hands on him. No biggie.
Nobody is shitting on you, you're cool. And neither of you are ever going to travel halfway across the world to fight each other so you may as well have a rap battle on TC
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I'm maybe the wrong person to judge this because if you talked like that to me without a screen I'd beat the shit out of you. Fo real.
I'm not a typical German. I'm from the streets. I'd fuck you up.
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I found an article that actually said there were multiple complaints about him this year and he previously in a seperate incident had swerved his bus into oncomming traffic sidswiping a kia or some shit.
Also his name is fucking Johnthony. What did they fucking expect?
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Originally posted by Lanny
That's kinda weirdly high production value for a window installation video. Maybe that's why these windows cost fifteen hundred a pop
I got 2 minutes into it before realising I was watching a video about fucking windows at 20 to 3am
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Where's Bling at? I'm guna need his help for this op
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I think you're mistaking jealousy for incredulousy that someone would pay 1.5k per window
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aldra, you pay like 400 bucks for a gram of Meth in your country so shut the fuck up.
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Originally posted by reject
Apparently Germany didn't quite get all the jedis back in the 40s
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Originally posted by thelittlestnigger
are you sure you dont have to take the 24andme?
That was actually funny.
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Originally posted by greenplastic
Really, it seems so simple, and is probably very prevalent amongst the userbase here because most of us live alternate lifestyles, but the vast majority of people out there are completely unable to think critically about anything. And it's becoming more and more that way every day. People are now used to buzzfeed and facebook feeding them their opinions. No one even bothers to try to read unbiased news anymore, they just believe whatever the fuck they are told to. Literally.
So being able to look at something and have a pretty accurate gauge of whether it's bullshit or not is rare, and very valuable. People are so easily manipulated, you could use it to your advantage in a million different ways. It's just up to you to come up with them.
Originally posted by greenplastic
literally nobody cares that you are a degenerate with slightly above average intelligence. a lot of us are the same way, and you don't see us making these self indulgent posts
I'm going to destroy you with ease, boy. Hahaha...
So, it's ok for you to toot your own special snowflake super critical thinking horn but when UM posts about having to deal with dumb shit he is boasting. Ok, gotcha.
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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Originally posted by Lanny
Yup, starving to death in the winter, being eaten by the myriad of lethal wildlife, killing eachother over tribal dickmesuring, and dying in your 30s because your medical practice consists of eating various barks sure would be great for all those poor native americans with a state granted monopoly on one of the most profitable industries in the country.
American genocide of the native americans was definitely morally wrong, but I think we've done about as much apologizing as is ever going to do anyone any good and I challenge you to point out what part of this country's policy regarding indian land constitutes confining anyone to a "neon zoo".
Calm down, homie. Either I can't read the comedic tone in your post or you took me serious before. The fuck's wrong with you? Fuck the Indians.
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On another note, your gears are polished wheels. Zero edge.
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2016-11-22 at 3:22 AM UTC
just ordered a bunch of shyt
I found a bag of TPain Sodium that soaked all the moisture out of the air in the baggy. It looked like clear shatter and broke into shards but lumped up and turned into a crystal looking gum ball with edges. Weird stuff.
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